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Everything posted by Mayhem

  1. No, no. You can't let anyone adds to the excitement. Just know your surroundings well enough to give the "search party" sometime to get to you. Nothin' like a quicky with the opportunity to get caught. Note: Key word is opportunity. ------------------------------------------------------------ What have you done to make your life better?
  2. Ah man that sucks. Well, try it at another DZ...I'm sure they won't mind . ------------------------------------------------------------ What have you done to make your life better?
  3. So how many others have landed off DZ with their girlfriends, boyfriends, significant others, or just F*** buddies, to screw in a field, or where ever? Just curious. Yeah, yeah, I know curiousity killed the cat, but what most of us do kills a lot of kittens. ------------------------------------------------------------ What have you done to make your life better?
  4. Depends, why the strike? And how bad I need/want whatever is inside. ------------------------------------------------------------ What have you done to make your life better?
  5. I got a Camoflage shirt that says "I'm here about the Hummer!" ------------------------------------------------------------ What have you done to make your life better?
  6. Yellow tail...Shiraz. Cheap but good. From down under mate. ------------------------------------------------------------ What have you done to make your life better?
  7. I'm 24 as well, and yes, yes you are missing out on some great times...and possibly some bad, but it's important that everyone has atleast one "I was so drunk once..." story. It's a part of life really, ignore the hangovers they go away. ------------------------------------------------------------ What have you done to make your life better?
  8. Mayhem


    Okay as nice as boobies are and I love seeing them...I knew I recognized yours. You have a video and pics on NSFW But your name is Angie - Finger freak. Why change it to Liz? Stick with what works for ya. ------------------------------------------------------------ What have you done to make your life better?
  9. Hatebreed and Dry Kill Logic should be in everyones collection...well...almost everyones. ------------------------------------------------------------ What have you done to make your life better?
  10. So did he actually shot himself? Or did he aim away on the "BANG"? ------------------------------------------------------------ What have you done to make your life better?
  11. Skills are a little weak...but he is dangerous ------------------------------------------------------------ What have you done to make your life better?
  12. Yeah that makes since, but I'm saying if they don't get on the plane, and they are harnessed. ------------------------------------------------------------ What have you done to make your life better?
  13. Like I said before, yes I had fun at the boogie, and yes I know people were willing to buy tickets. The manifesters were doing their job…fine, no problem, I understand that. But they were rude about it and there was no need to be. And when it was mentioned to the manager, even he had to ask “why?” on the no refunds. I suppose they charge tandems the whole price of a jump after they get in the harness, even if they chicken out and don’t get on the plane. It’s like getting shity service at a nice restaurant, sure the meal may have been great, but you’re gonna remember the poor customer service over everything else and it will taint you image of the place. It’s more of principle thing. ------------------------------------------------------------ What have you done to make your life better?
  14. Don't get me wrong I had fun at the boogie. The problem is that I was there the first day and bought tickets before the first load even went up (who wants to buy a ticket everytime they jump?). At no time did anyone say anything, or have anything posted, about not being able to refund tickets. They didn't bring that up until later in the day when it was already to late. And as far as I'm concerned I can't afford to swallow a few 19 dollar ticket...yes I could sell to someone else at a rebate price, but I work hard for my money and saved for this trip. Why should I get bent over fucked out of my money when I'm there supporting them and their boogie. The manifesters also stated that it was the DZ's policy not to refund and always had been, not Gravity Gear. ------------------------------------------------------------ What have you done to make your life better?
  15. Ok so here is my rant. The Byron Boogie was awesome...up until the the bitch manifest ladies would not refund any tickets. It didn't matter who or when they bought the tickets, the answer was still NO! Even for those who didn't live any where near the area. I have NEVER heard of a DZ that didn't refund tickets unless it was to the "home" jumpers. ------------------------------------------------------------ What have you done to make your life better?
  16. Yeah I was wondering that myself...anyone know??? ------------------------------------------------------------ What have you done to make your life better?
  17. Don't really care...but this is pretty hot. ------------------------------------------------------------ What have you done to make your life better?
  18. Here is sexy ------------------------------------------------------------ What have you done to make your life better?
  19. Do condiments count as food? I can make a meal out of the them and beer. ------------------------------------------------------------ What have you done to make your life better?
  20. GAY!!! Not funny...I really wanted to see some hot bitches in leather.
  21. Your awesome. I sent you an email. Thanks for the help. ------------------------------------------------------------ What have you done to make your life better?
  22. Alive - POD The Fun Lovin' Criminals- Fun Lovin' Criminals (obviously) ------------------------------------------------------------ What have you done to make your life better?
  23. I checked Square1, but I couldn't find the Nvertigo. Only found the Nvertigo-X. Anyone know of a place I could find more used equipment? ------------------------------------------------------------ What have you done to make your life better?
  24. Anyone know were I can buy an "Nvertigo" helmet. Sky Systems does not sell them anymore, they only carry the "X" now. I'm pretty sure I'll have to buy used, but if anyone knows of a place that still has them in stock...I'd appreciate it. Peace ------------------------------------------------------------ What have you done to make your life better?
  25. Mayhem

    A "thinker"...

    from Homer Jay Simpson, when he was high as a kite. "Could God microwave a burrito so hot, he himself could not eat it?" ------------------------------------------------------------ What have you done to make your life better?