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Everything posted by LeeroyJenkins
So you concede that Don Jr was attempting to collude with the Russians on behalf of and with the knowledge of the Trump campaign? No Because it is no more a thing than Hillary doing it. Which she did when she paid fusion going through a lawyer. Now if she did nothing wrong then neither did Jr. This post just shows how little you know about election law. Which really isn't that surprising because it is intentionally complicated. Doing opposition research is completely legal. Hilary paid a law firm, that law firm then hired Fusion, fusion hired Steel, Steel talked to Russians. Clinton did it the legal way. Don Jr. met directly with a Russian, that's the illegal way. There is a difference. I agree that it is dumb, but that is how election law works. It's gray and fuzzy but it is like that for a reason. To make the distinction a little more clear and very simplified. On paper Clinton got information form americans, jr got information from Russians.
It is a generalization. I know plenty of educated people that are pretty one track mind also, they tend to work in echo chambers though. One of my coworkers is a trump supporter/Hilary hater, he is however quite liberal and wont admit it because democrat is a four letter word. It's pretty funny. At this point the thread might as well die. Rush is just a guy yelling at a wall saying its a window. It would be one thing if he was capable of formulating his own opinions but all he does is regurgitate whatever his master tweets.
I read quite a bit of stuff about the Ohr's. I'm not exactly sure why the right is freaking out about them. Rush, just so we are super clear. I am not saying Russia is the reason Trump won, again there are many very good reasons why he won. We do know that Russia interfered in our election. I want the investigation into the Russian meddling to be completed. If Muller finds that no one in Trumps Campaign conspired with Russians that's fine, if he finds any crimes by Hilary, that's fine, if he doesn't find any crimes directly related to the election that's fine to. What I'm curious about, why are you so adamant that Russia didn't help trump? What part of your world view is that conflicting with?
I edited it a few time in an attempt to not make it a personal attack against Rush himself. Sure a college degree doesn't mean you are politically savvy but in general it gives you are more well rounded view of things.
Oh your a lineman, that explains a lot. One of my best friends is a lineman and through him I know quite a few of them. Don’t get me wrong being a lineman is an important job. I was right about the right wing echo chamber. I was wrong on the state, that was just an assessment based on the dialect of English you use. I also did say that English trade could be attributed to education/profession and it seems like I nailed that one on the head. Also, you’re in the IBEW and far right on the political spectrum. Best thing is you probably don’t understand what so funny about that statement. How many times have you voted against you own interests just so minorities and democrats lose? When I say educated I mean a college degree, not trade school or working your way to journeyman. I say that because trained and educated are not the same thing. You could be an excellent lineman but know absolutely nothing about macroeconomics or sociology. There is a reason college graduates are more well rounded than those who attend trade schools. Being a rigger isn't hard either. Just takes a bit of time and effort. I looked up those emails you wrote about, I also frequent britbert/infowars to keep in the loop on what kind of things the far right is reading. I do know that no matter what, Muller should complete his investigation. They can argue in court if the investigation was brought illegally. For now let Muller drain the swamp, draining the swamp is something you wanted.. Unless drain the swamp was just a dog whistle for getting rid of democrats. You would rather trump worked directly with Russia than Hilary win. It’s fine, you have shown your colors. We know you would chose trump over America.
Of course he is. I have to wonder what you're trying to accomplish here. Do you think you will somehow stimulate an untapped font of critical thinking among Trump supporters by asking questions? That suddenly they will say "hey, you're right! This DOES look suspicious. I'll now support Mueller's investigation." Of course they won't. To them you are the enemy; someone opposed to their leader. Tomorrow Trump could walk down Fifth Avenue and shoot someone in the face. And when Sarah was asked about it, she'd say "why are you focusing on something irrelevant, and not all the great things Trump has done?" Rush would say "He didn't do it! And even if he did, it's not that big a deal. Besides, Obama did it first." Other supporters would attack the "drive by media" for reporting on the murder and not on an illegal immigrant who raped a local storekeeper. For diehard Trump fans there's literally nothing he could do that would sway them, and nothing you can say to them that will change their minds. Trump himself has admitted this. For them, his dishonesty, corruption and criminality are features, not bugs. It often aligns with their values and experiences ("I was accused of sexual assault just like he was, and I did almost NOTHING!") But the overarching theme is that those traits anger liberals, which means that they are pluses to Trump supporters. And to people who enjoy trolling, they are gold. This is an open forum and you can post whatever you like, but you may find it frustrating if you hope to get some logical concessions out of the people you are talking to here. I didn’t realize Rush was so detached from reality. I know he’s older, likely from the south, and poorley educated. I understand the issues that come with that but I talk to a lot of trump supporters and I’m friends with quite a few. The majority of them just don’t know about this stuff. The live and work in an echo chamber. Before I graduated college I used to work with mental health patients. Many of them you can’t tell anything, they have to come up with it on their own. By asking them questions it causes them to think of the answer that you would have told them in the first place. The other thing asking questions does is show ones mental state. I’m not saying Rush has a mental illness, he displays a few symptoms but I mostly attribute that to his upbringing. The funny thing is, to most of the US I’m a moderate republican. Granted to the Bible Belt I’m probably a moderate Democrat, such is the life of a moderate. But to a trump supporter it’s eithe Trump or nothing. I know many of them can’t see the paralells with modern dictators and cult leaders but I digress. Anyway, I talk politics a lot with people that have way more knowledge and experience in it than myself. There are good reasons to support trump politically, not as a republican since he shits all over the party values (free trade, family values) but as a policy maker. Unfortunately all of that is being undercut by his administrations curuption. There is small whispers about what’s going to happen if trump runs in 2020 and loses, or worse wins and is then impeached. Will there be a peacfull transfer of power? Will the diehard trump fans just crawl back into their caves quietly? The republicans and trumpians know that this is it. If they don’t take back and hold the government the backlash from this administration is going to be so bad it may destroy the current political system.
I care about what other people did. It just doesn’t belong in a thread about Trump and Russia. Getting dirt on an opponent is in violation of the USC. Simply put it is illegal. I have not seen that yet, been busy today.
Others doing the same thing is irrelevant because others doing it doesn't make it write or wrong either way. It is deflection. That doesn't matter, below is very important. You are saying, to be clear, that Trump Jr. and Trump's campaign chairman meeting with a Russian lawyer to get dirt on Hilary Clinton has nothing to do with the allegation that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia??
What do you think the premis of my post is? This thread is about Trump and Russia. Talk about clinton elsewhere because it is irrelevant. (Also pick one ether collusion is illegal or it isn’t) I don’t think that. There are many good reasons why Trump won. The primary one being he empowered blue collar workers. I don’t know if you can differentiate which person you are replying too but I don’t scream about anything. I’ve contioniously asked you how you felt about things trump and co said or did. You again didn’t answer a simple question or reply in an informed way. Maybe I’m trying to hold you to a standard your are incapable of reaching. I’ll ask you a really easy question. Did Trump Jr. meet with a Russian lawyer in trump tower to get dirt on Clintion? Hint, the answer is below. President Trump wrote “8/5/18- Fake News reporting, a complete fabrication, that I am concerned about the meeting my wonderful son, Donald, had in Trump Tower. This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!“
Those of you with flysights, what kind of horizontal speeds are you regularly reaching on the Freak 2?
I ended up getting the new Vigil. I almost got the WS mode but the ditter and lack of modes is what killed it for me. I already have an audible, Flysight, and sena in my helmet, there really is no other place to put it. Additionally all is does is detect opening and then increases the firing speed for canopy flight. It really is unnecessary if you are flying a docile mane like the horizon, epicene, or specter. To the person who asked about changing all settings. Many people only own one rig. It is much easier to have pre set parameters when switching between jump type. Imagine having to change every element of your audible every time you switched jump types.
All you need to do to be more liked on this form is respond with informed arguments. Don't spin things, don't try to deflect, and don't just repeat Trumps talking points. It really shouldn't be that hard. But you cant do it, you can't defend Trump without mentioning Hilary or the democrats. You fail to understand that when discussing Trump-Russia collusion the possibly illegal actions of Clinton or any democrat are irrelevant. You want to talk about Hilary and her alleged crimes start a new thread for those. You want to talk about anything other than Trump and Russia do it in another thread. When you do it here you are distracting and deflecting from the topic at hand. You are incapable of answering even simple questions with a straight answer. I will include one below. Rush, do you think being a democrat is bad?
Bill has refused to remove someone who has admitted that he only posts to draw responses - the dictionary definition of a troll. This is what happens. To be fair, Bill created a poll/post to get opinions on the matter. At the time I voted that keeping diversity was worth the price of a little trolling. I’m genuinely interested in the views of Trump supporters and without them the value of this thread would be diminished. That said deliberately being obtuse, people responding to and trying to get rational answers from someone who clearly has no interest simply create noise. Personally I think we are due a couple of timeouts if people aren’t going to self police. Yes a good few of the posts make you want to bang your head against the wall as it would be less painful, but if people can resist taking the bait, we can hope that behaviour dies down. I’m interested enough in American politics to follow the odd mainstream news report that hits international media, and to follow on Speakers Corner. I’m not passionate about it though and considering Trump is almost universally seen as an incompetent fool outside of the USA, I actually really enjoy hearing views of people who support him, which is what some of speakers corner provides I typed up a few nice posts for Rush, he is just incapable of intelligent conversation.
I stopped reading your post at this point. I hope you enjoy your alternate world. Those came from trump tweets. Trump literally tweeted it. I don’t watch cable news. I don’t even have cable. Alternate world? You don't believe that America in general is anti-intalectual? I asked you for your opinion on something. You don’t even need to use talking points or alternative facts. It’s your opinion, or are you incapable of that and your waiting for trump to tell you what to say? I know you probably won’t answer. I’m way out of your league. Sticking your fingers in your ears and acreaming lalalalalalala is probably the easiest thing for you to do.
Dude, I fully understand why Trump got elected. I also understand what is going on in politics today. If you forgot or just chose to ignore it, I have a masters degree in public policy analysis, also a mechanical engineer, and a military intelligence vet. I'm also a moderate republican. I just have ethics and morals. I support the Idea of trump, lets just find an outsider that doesn't lie/contradict himself in the same breath. That isn't corrupt, sexist, racist, narcissistic, demagogue, ect. Lets get an outsider that understands they don't know everything so they put subject matter experts in cabinet positions instead of people that helped them get elected. Unfortunately we have the biggest group of dumb Americans that think intellectualism is bad. So they elect someone they can relate to and they praise and follow him like he is a cult leader. You consider yourself a patriot? The Unites States is essentially down to two branches of government. The house is protecting Trump instead of keeping him in check. If trumps second supreme court pick is approved we may be down to one branch of government and the mere possibility of that happening should terrify a patriot. Hell the fact the house is protecting the president should be enough to terrify a patriot. I have two pretty long comments, it would be nice if you could address both of them in individual posts in a professional way.
Rush, do better! He admited to a meeting between Representative of his campaign and a Russian with ties to the kremlin with the intent of getting dirt on Clinton. Those were his words. He said that. That’s not my interpretation. He also said clinton colluded with Russia and it needed to be investigated. You have said the same thing. That means you want it investigated because you believe it is illegal. No one else besides trump and his campaign matter in this thread. It doesn’t matter what any democrat did. We are talking about the trump campaign and Russia. You may be able to distrract the others but that doesn’t work on me. Let’s try this again. Please answer without mentioning a Democrat. How do you feel about trump admitting that the meeting in trump tower was to get dirt On clinton from a Russian? How do you feel about that? I’m asking for your opinion on the matter.
Look, Rush dodged my question again. I guess it’s too complicated for him.
It’s what Rush infers from it.
Marc seems to have some sort of learning and communication disability. Except in crowds, or internet forums, people like him are sort of harmless. Take away his bull horn and he's back to being a frustrated nobody. He'll never be dissuaded from a single wrong opinion because he is finally on a winning team and that justifies everything. Like Marc, I'd bet that most of the droids at Trump rallies couldn't organize a three person marble game if two of us showed up and also brought the marbles. I believe the best defense against people like Marc is to disperse them: when alone they are mostly silent. Here he has an audience. He can tell Professors they are poor thinkers and then run away with a flag like it's touch football. Surely all can now agree that it is obvious Marc will never give an inch much less a straight answer. So why bother? That’s where you're wrong, people like Rush are the people that got Trump elected. They feel embodied by him because Trump is one of them. I can almost guarantee Rush would rather have Trump admit to openly working with Putin to get elected because that means Hilary and democrats lost. Democrat is a four letter word to thes people. Even calling them these people is part of the problem. They have felt left behind for too long. They finally come out of there holes and latched on to trump. The America they knew when they were younder is gone. Trump promised to bring it back. They are loud, they are ignorant, and worst is they vote while uninformed. The public education system failed them, the news failed them, and they likely work in fields that are echochambers. This does apply to all trump supporters, but it does apply the the most hardcore trump supporters.
Rush, why are you incabable of answering my questions or addressing my comments to you. It’s clear you are intentionally dodging them. I’ll post it again below. What batshit are you spouting now? I’m talking about President Trumps statements over the last week. He admitted to collusion. He said collusion was a crime. Happen in different statements but he stated both. he admitted to a meeting. You extend that out to be collusion. That's your choice and it's wrong. you also would like to say that the content of that meeting is different than it was. By the way, do you think Adam shift should be investigated? I mean we have him on tape asking the questions that prove he would collude, if that was a crime, with the Russians to get dirt on Trump. What say you? He admited to a meeting between Representative of his campaign and a Russian with ties to the kremlin with the intent of getting dirt on Clinton. Those were his words. He said that. That’s not my interpretation. He also said clinton colluded with Russia and it needed to be investigated. You have said the same thing. That means you want it investigated because you believe it is illegal. No one else besides trump and his campaign matter in this thread. It doesn’t matter what any democrat did. We are talking about the trump campaign and Russia. You may be able to distrract the others but that doesn’t work on me. Let’s try this again. Please answer without mentioning a Democrat. How do you feel about trump admitting that the meeting in trump tower was to get dirt On clinton from a Russian? How do you feel about that? I’m asking for your opinion on the matter.
What batshit are you spouting now? I’m talking about President Trumps statements over the last week. He admitted to collusion. He said collusion was a crime. Happen in different statements but he stated both. he admitted to a meeting. You extend that out to be collusion. That's your choice and it's wrong. you also would like to say that the content of that meeting is different than it was. By the way, do you think Adam shift should be investigated? I mean we have him on tape asking the questions that prove he would collude, if that was a crime, with the Russians to get dirt on Trump. What say you? He admited to a meeting between Representative of his campaign and a Russian with ties to the kremlin with the intent of getting dirt on Clinton. Those were his words. He said that. That’s not my interpretation. He also said clinton colluded with Russia and it needed to be investigated. You have said the same thing. That means you want it investigated because you believe it is illegal. No one else besides trump and his campaign matter in this thread. It doesn’t matter what any democrat did. We are talking about the trump campaign and Russia. You may be able to distrract the others but that doesn’t work on me. Let’s try this again. Please answer without mentioning a Democrat. How do you feel about trump admitting that the meeting in trump tower was to get dirt On clinton from a Russian? How do you feel about that? I’m asking for your opinion on the matter.
What batshit are you spouting now? I’m talking about President Trumps statements over the last week. He admitted to collusion. He said collusion was a crime. Happen in different statements but he stated both.
Didn't indicate any criminal behavior whatsoever, and contradicts your "alternative facts". sorry sir. But in his testimony he stated that Hillary sent and received marked classified documents. That's a hundred and Thirty-One felonies He did say some of them were marked. It was not all 131 documents. If you felt like looking it up you would see. I've never seen anyone get charged for sending classified information on the wrong network and I've pulled many hard drives out of computers. (This is what you do when you get classified stuff on a lower classification computer)I've seen people get written up on occasion. That being said I've never seen a Military Officer or anyone higher get in legal trouble for it. All of the people you find that have been charged regarding leaking classifies information in due to malice. However Don't let Rush spin and distract. back on topic Rush, how do you feel about trump admitting to his campaign colluding with the Russians? Also, how do you feel about trump saying that collusion is illegal?
You will want to have 2 altimeters. when you get linetwists you generally cant see your chest mount.
Rush, you skipped me again.