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Everything posted by winsor

  1. Maybe it's the culture, not the implement. I'm sure the Tutsis weren't reassured that Hutus weren't given to using firearms. In this country, removing from consideration a very small number of subsets of the population, to include users of SSRIs, changes the statistics drastically. z.B.:
  2. I can understand why Putin is concerned about his weakening support. He garnered barely 113% of the vote in the recent election.
  3. Agreed wholeheartedly.
  4. Nothing a seasoned Exorcist couldn't sort out.
  5. They wouldn't let me vote in Canada. Discrimination at its worst.
  6. You can vote all you like, but if the only choices are a giant douche or a turd sandwich (apologies to South Park), it doesn’t do much good. Since the average IQ is ~100 on a good day, half of qualified voters are hard of thinking. Yes, I know both the right and left are pointing across the aisle saying “See? You people are idiots!” - and they’re both right. I wish the campaign slogan “We suck less!” was more of a joke than wishful thinking.
  7. Der, die oder das. Ganz einfach. Der Kitzler is clitoris (masculine). 'Man in the boat' perhaps?
  8. Gender is a grammatical construct. In German, die Tasche is feminine.
  9. Yeah, and the Mike Tyson joke about who's the 'husband' and who's the 'wife' applies.
  10. Divorce tends to be ugly. When someone is in denial about the split and reestablishes 'spousal rights' by force of arms, that is generally considered felonious and frowned upon. It is ironic that many of the people who laud the virtues of reabsorbing the Confederacy at bayonet point are all in favor of backing breakaway republics hither and yon (Kosovo et al.). Suffice it to say that I find slavery of any type to be repellent, and have a much better track record in working with people of any description than, say, Abraham Lincoln (read his actual writings on the subject). What is 'good' or 'bad' rather depends upon who you ask, so I make no such claims either way. I have found, however, that the study of history often provides a vastly different picture than is widely accepted. As Asimov pointed out, the sound of scientific discovery isn't 'Eureka!,' it's 'that's funny...' The same is often true with historical records. BSBD, Winsor
  11. For the same reason that I never went along with Jesus Freaks when they invited me to join their discussion with their invisible friend. When one's core premise is immediately and verifiably false, the conclusion may be dismissed out of hand.
  12. New Jersey's experience was pretty much identical. The road to hell and all that.
  13. That was an eviction. No Yankees were killed in the process, they were sent packing - under arms - after being kicked off of Confederate property.
  14. Hey, we freely joined then freely left the Union. What's the problem? If the Confederacy wasn't attacked, slavery couldn't have survived into the 20th century.
  15. Hey, I'm scared. Isn't that enough?
  16. Religion is pretty much the solution to any problem.
  17. You'll note that the 2nd Amendment was the primary sticking point for passing the 14th.
  18. A sociopath doesn't care about others and is very clear about it. A psychopath doesn't care about others but pretends to care when it suits their interests.
  19. Yeah, I picked up on that as well. Arguing with an idiot is the old 'wrestling with a pig's scenario, where you just get dirty and the pig enjoys it. Trump makes Charlie Sheen look good. At least Charlie had mind altering substances to account for some of his nonsense. We United Stations love a good train wreck.
  20. By reverting to my backwoods Southern accent I get people to underestimate me. The Jeff Foxworthy effect.
  21. Yeah, ad hominem circumstantial and abusive - that's the ticket!
  22. The problem with fundamentalism is the fundamentals.