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Everything posted by bigway

  1. he has changed it back and stopped the bidding. maybe it has been found to be stolen as he has taken off the seria number and extra photos....anyone know what happened? .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  2. have good stuff, it is a brilliant movie. i am a big fan of joe jennings, i met him when he was filming some tv show and he was sound to talk to. had pleanty of time for the students. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  3. ah!!!! bastard i just found it and paid $45 for it and you show it to me for $35. cheers everone
  4. yeah i come from new zealand and wendys dvd is everywhere back home. thanks though. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  5. i am trying to find it on the net. are you sure that is how you spell it? i can not find it anywhere and 'soulflyers' i can not find in english. can you let me know where i could find it? .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  6. Hey, i am about to buy a mate a DVD for his birthday. Can you guys give me some good titles. I have no clue what good dvd's are out there at the moment, i want something real mad with lots of freeflying as well as BASE. Something original and not like the others. Something along the lines of The clouds edge. I already have adrenaline rush on order but that is for myself. Cheers guys. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  7. can i have one? .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  8. holy shit, there are some dumb fucks out there. without even knowing what is inside this and considering that there was never a main or a reserve advertised....could just be sheets in there, the rig is now got people bidding at $1,175.00. holy sh@t. I am sure i could find one hell of a cool system in the classifieds here for that price. And there is still 5 days left on this auction. They do not even know what size the harness is, what year it is, the main, the reserve? Who would be this stupid? i see nothing there that even makes me think the rig would be worth that price. I wish i could see the expresion on the winners face when they see they have a maveric with a 1000 jumps on it and a reserve that has been used to many times, and the container be far too big. Some people in our sport just do not have a clue. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  9. if you cant find them i am sure someone will show you that they work one day. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  10. Nearly eighty people a day die in the U.S. from gun-related suicides, homicides and unintentional injuries.----now fuck that for a joke, you guys and your guns support this, you are helping kill your own do not need to worry about terrorists. how many U.S. citizens die from a terrorist attack each year. The gun supporters are their own worst enemy. It is guns that are killing you.----every single day!!! Overview - Comparison with Other Countries Whenever the U.S. murder rate is compared with that of other countries, as it often is, the figures reveal a far greater frequency of gun-related deaths in the U.S. than elsewhere. In 1996, for instance, 30 people were killed with handguns in Great Britain, 106 in Canada and 211 in Germany. In the U.S., 9,390 died this way. In Japan,15. The U.S. stands alone among the world's nations in the degree to which it grants citizens access to guns. It also has the world's highest rate of violent crime. "On the gun issue, foreigners just do not get it. They just cannot understand how America let things come to this," a Los Angeles Times editorial calling for gun control begins. "They hear the news of cold-blooded murders of German and British tourists in Florida...and they just cannot believe it." Americans attitudes toward gun control baffle citizens of other nations. In Canada, where residents "feel a special kinship with the United States and find much to admire in their southern neighbor, most are America's refusal to seriously restrict possession of handguns," a Boston Globe story noted in 1994. It's tough to get a handgun license in Canada. They're issued only to members of police-approved target shooting clubs, collectors and some security guards. The result: Canadians own one million handguns and five million rifles and shotguns. By comparison, Americans own an estimated 192 million firearms, including more than 65 million handguns according to an estimate by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms in 1994. In Japan, gun owners must pass a rigorous screening process to own a gun. Handguns are primarily restricted to police. Hunters are permitted to possess a rifle or shotgun only after navigating a complicated licensing procedure. These restrictions mean that Japan averages less than 30 gun murders a year, compared with nearly 11,000 in the U.S. In Great Britain, an already strict set of laws was further tightened in June of 1997 following the 1996 massacre of 16 children and their teacher at a primary school in Dunblane, Scotland. The British government responded to the slaughter by banning all handguns in civillian possession. Many of the victims of American gun violence have been children as well. A recent study by the Centers for Disease Control shows that American children are nearly 12 times more likely to die from a gun injury than children in 25 other industrialized countries combined. They are 11 times more likely to use a gun to commit suicide and nine times more likely to die from an unintentional shooting. go on, i know you gun lovers will find a way to arguee this, you can start now .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  11. i agree with this comment...still....i would rather face a knife up close anyday. Maybe i am one sided though as i spent alot of my youth in martial arts. i would rather try and take a knife of someone than take a gun when they have their finger on the trigger. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  12. Peaceful-jeffery is going to go to town with what i said to him. i think this time though his post might actually take up a whole page. Will this be a first? I am not a big fan of the english pub culture as i feel alot of life runs around a pub, but what i am a big fan of is that this country is very safe in general. I got mugged at a bank machine close to this backpackers hostel i was staying at. It was in russell square, yes a very bad place to be at 3 in the morning. i was only in the country 4 days when this happened. This huge black fella stood behind me as i was taking money out. I tried to take more out thatn i knew i had though because i could not get a balance from my new zealand card. It declined, so i turned around and said to this guy, do you want to try first, he said no i am with him, dont know where he was pointing. So i took some money out and it gave me my card first and then counted the money and was about to spit it out when this guy pushes me aside and stands in front of the machine and waits for the money waving his hands in the air and yelling at me. i am standing there and honestly thinking ' this is how someone is going to mug me?' what a joke. No weapons at all. none i could see. So i went to town on him, first tried to push him out of the way to get my cash and got my cash, he then tried to take it from me again and we kicked off, brilliant punch up for just arriving in the country but the police were their before this guy had a chance to hurt me too much. Moral of the story, someone in the worst part of london tried to rob me without any weapons, we had a scrap and police were there in minutes because of cctv cameras. Did not need a gun or a knife, did not want a gun and never wished i had one. PJ needs to grow some balls and stop hiding behind his gun. Ask your father to give you some boxing lessons. you are a man, only cowards hide behind guns!! with alot of these comments you PJ have said i can not understand what sort of fucked up government would let you own a gun!! .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  13. this is the whole point we do not want them and do not need them. Your mentality is fucked up .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  14. You need to worry about your own country, you sound like you have problems in your head. All you are doing in this thread is abusing everything about England and this is not wanted. If you want to bash England come over here and do it. Do not sit behind a computer abusing the rights and wishes of the British public. You dont seem to get it through your thick skull that this country does not feel the need to be armed. Your country has proved to us that guns are The worst thing in the world. Look at your country and realise how Guns have made your country a very unsafe place. Our cops do not carry guns because we do not feel afraid like you do. Get a clue or go to war where your mentality will be welcomed. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  15. Yeah, whatever. Britain is not armed!!! There are game bird hunters and clay shooters and the odd gangsta with a gun but the general public of the united kingdom is not at all armed. For starters it is illegal to own a pistol. The british public do not want a pistol because it is not needed here. For an american to sit here and say that britian is armed, this american wants to belive this because he is a gun lover. i think it is well known in this forum that the only people here who think britain is armed is the americans. The english and scottish here know damn well that we are not walking around with guns in our bags and pockets. I am also willing to say that as a landlord of arough pub that has gypsys causing alot of trouble that there is knowone here that carries a gun, the only people that have a gun are game hunters and clay shooters. if the americans want to sit here and say that we are armed like they are, these people need to realise that they do not know shit about this country. you can say this all you want but the simple fact is England is NOTHING like the states, a complete different culture and the English general public are very proud of this. Jeffery you need to stop saying all this bullshit about britain being armed and start showing the figures. i would love to know why you think there are 4 million guns in this country. The general public of Britain is NOT armed and for an american to sit there saying this well, it is all in his gun loving outspoken aroggant mind. Get a clue, just because you are a gun lover does not say that we need to be armed or that we are armed. This country has balls, the people of this country do not pull out guns to solve their problems, they stand there and defend themselves and sort out their problems like men should, if a knife gets pulled they will run or take it head on. If someone pulls a knife this does not mean you are dead, if someone pulls a gun, it means you probably are. This country is not affraid of guns because it is very rare that someone in the street has a gun. if there were more guns their would be more murders and more street killings and school shootings and gun detectors in our schools and kids to scared to walk home and people afraid of walking the streets at night and we would become everything that is bad about america in the long run. Now if jeffery wants to sit here telling us this is a good thing, He should realise that he has a twisted mind that is not wanted in this country. I am pretty sure you lived in this country and hated it, i see why you hated it and it would be because we did not let you carry a gun. Now because hate this countries way of life do not sit here telling us that our country is armed or that we need to be. just know that your country is known for school killings and thousands of mureders and innocent killings and drive-by shootings every year. This is not welcome in England and neither is your pathetic reasons of why we need guns. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  16. Now there is a honest person .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  17. uh, ah, mm, no, i was..... at home....ah.... watching TV .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  18. well i am hoping that he was on a long drive and needed to take a number 2. but with all these things today well he could have just been into that. Whatever though, the donkey one......never fuck with a donkey .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  19. good stuff, at last! if they do not give you the serial number i would then write to ebay and have them notified that it is suspect gear. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  20. dreams are free mate .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  21. bigway

    the GRUDGE!

    Uhhhhh, is fat albert not like the comical stories of Bill Cosbys child hood? you would hope he has some part in it...but it probably will suck. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  22. bigway

    the GRUDGE!

    is this a follow up to the ring? just changing the subject here but i have been told they are making a fat albert movie. I hope it aint no childs movie. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  23. bigway

    the GRUDGE!

    i have found this real good high definition torrent to make a bootleg of this movie....just a shame i do not belive in downloading movies. Thye just seem to pop up on the dsektop every now and then. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  24. you hit the nail on the head there. i Have been travelling different countries for years and the first thing you need to do before you go to another country is realise that you MUST follow their laws, or do not go there. I am thinking that in italy you only repack every 6 you can look at this as a return investment if you are staying there a while instead of the U.S silly rule of repacking every 3 months. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .
  25. yeah, we dont need it to prove anything, i do remember the kiwis thrashing you this year. .Karnage Krew Gear Store .