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Everything posted by blackwidow

  1. I am getting a dv camcorder for Skydiving am looking at both the Sony microMV IP7 and the Sony miniDV pc-101. I am leaning toward the pc-101. Any imput on either, or any other type or brand of camera for helmet mounting? Thank you in advance, BJ
  2. Not yet, but have a flight to Hawaii tomorrow a.m., and back in a week on the red-eye. Wish me luck... BJ
  3. Good point... I tried homebrew for a while. Sometimes good, sometimes, not so good. BJ
  4. I didn't, I only put Bud on to show that no one likes it. I am mistaken... BJ
  5. It seems that every first deserves beer in Skydiving... So what kind are you gonna give or want to get? BJ - "Dance like no one is watching, work like you don't need the money, and love like you'll never be hurt."
  6. I was a world champion in a different sport than Skydiving. But that doesn't even compare to why my wife is famous... She can tie a cherry stem into a knot with her tongue.
  7. If you are going to complain about length, don't read this. Nice guys do not finish last, not if they know when to say when. The right mix of treating good people good, and pissing on assholes might just be better than just plain being a nice guy. I also assume this is about some girl. I don't know why a lot of women are wired this way, but there is such a thing as too "nice", however I believe there is not such a thing as too "romantic", or to "exciting", or to "spontaneous", etc. All good qualities that are just "nice" with a different sound. I have learned that like a person needs to earn trust, a relationship also has to earn the right for niceness, if that makes any sense. I tend to think of things econimically, and when people date, they are measuring the value of themselves versus the value of the other person (looks, intelligence, skills, etc.). If you are too nice, they are like a person buying a car where the car salesperson can't be firm on a price, they think they have room to barter; and barter = treat you like shit, and go elsewhere. I think women should be treated with respect and honesty. But I also think that the tone of respect and honesty changes over time, i.e. don't let your emotional guard down until the person it is for is even worth it. I am more happily married than I would have ever thought was possible. But I will tell you that we played our share of games six years ago. I tried being the nice guy early on when we first dated, and all I got was the "you'd make a good friend" ploy, and "being a friend" sucks! So, at least for a little while, I stopped being "nice". Sorry about the rambling. Rent "Office Space", the movie; trust me. Park in your bosses parking space, keep your damned stapler, and get the girl. F$#k, as long as we have rigs on our backs and planes to jump out of, things are looking up. My 2 cents, BJ
  8. ...oh, sorry. Tried a search, but didn't find it. But not surprised since I had a hard time even knowing what to search for.
  9. PLFXpert, I lived in Florida for a while when I used to wakeboard, but we are living in Colorado right now... Brannan
  10. Hi everyone, Read this first then check out the link below! This is pretty cool. Apparently the owners of this house had been seeing images and hearing voices for quite a while. They did some research and found that a woman once lived in the house who lost her husband during the Civil War. The townsfolk say that she used to sit at the table and look across the field in anticipation of her husband returning home. Unfortunately he never came.... so legend has it that she still waits! They snapped this photo of what they claim to be her. This one is wild and a little spooky once you find the ghost in the picture. It took me a few seconds to find it, but when you do, it just stands out. To save you some time, concentrate around the table and look toward the window. It's best to maximize the screen and for an added twist turn up the volume - supposedly they captured some kind of low, unintelligible murmur. I'm not sure if that's a "murmur", but it's definitely bizarre. Be patient, and you will definitely see it. (cut & paste if you need to) Let me know what you think... Brannan
  11. My Wife Monica and I on Honeymoon. We both started jumping 3 months ago, great sport for a married couple... "Altitude is my friend" - me
  12. I can give you some ideas about software if you don't feel like learning the strict code right off of the bat and do not need any database driven web pages. Check out , , , , , , , , , to see some pages built in different types of software. How soon do you need to learn to build this site? What is your budget to buy software and books? What kind of an internet connection are you working from? Do you know anything yet about hosting or domains? Let me know if you have any questions or need some help on a direction to start. Black Widow
  13. Have any of you used SkyVenture or other tunnels? What do you think? Is it worth the travel?
  14. I know the sizing chart says ZP-139. But there are two guys at my drop zone jumping OJ containers (Odyssey) and fit Spectre 150s fine. I just wanted to make sure that the Sabre2 pack was not significantly different from the spectre and that they have not recently changed the container of the OJ??? Thank you...
  15. What is the largest main Sabre2 that I could fit into a Javelin Odyssey OJ, and what reserve do you recommend?