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Everything posted by CarpeDiem3

  1. Opens tomorrow. Real life should be so much better than that stupid Lincoln Zombie Hunter movie that came out about a month ago...
  2. "Hey baby, marry me and I'll split the $65 million with you!"
  3. Goodness. You seem to have anger issues, and you're well armed! What a fantastic combination. And this is your justification for having guns, so you can shoot shit-dicks that disagree with you? By the way, what the heck is a shit-dick? I couldn't find that in my Merriam-Webster.
  4. Wow, another death threat. I find it highly ironic that so many gun owners want to kill me, simply over a little thing like a political disagreement. In my mind, that should disqualify you from gun ownership, as you obviously don't understand the grave responsibility and restraint that comes with the power of deadly force. And the moderators must be right wing gun nuts themselves for letting you get away with that kind of talk. Sheesh!
  5. The whole 2nd Amendment is based on fear. When it refers to "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State..." that's a fear that without guns the security of the nation will be in jeopardy. So it's been about fear from the get-go of the founding of this nation. We're beyond that now, and should get over it.
  6. Yeah, Hamas and Israel are having quite the party right now. Thanks to the widespread ownership of things like grenades, machineguns and missiles.
  7. So you think private citizens should be allowed to own nuclear bombs?
  8. James Madison Confesses: "I Was Drunk When I Wrote the Second Amendment" Seriously? Do you NRA dimwits really think this crazy shit was what I meant when I came up with the Second Amendment? Are you kidding me? Maybe we didn't have your technology in 1787, but clearly we Founders were a hell of a lot smarter than you are. (Well I was smart anyway. Washington wasn't really that bright. Hamilton was no genius. Adams? Don't get me started.) But never mind that. Frankly, I wish I'd never even written that boneheaded amendment. What was I thinking? In retrospect, perhaps it wasn't such a good idea to drink all that wine right before the convention. All I wanted to do was go home and sleep it off. In fact, I was so bombed, I made a spelling error in my first draft, when I wrote, "the right of the people to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed." Just think how much better that would have been -- you wouldn't have a constitutional right to own a gun, but you would have the right to pull up your sleeves. But Tommy Jefferson, who was a little OCD, corrected it. Now the damn thing has gotten all misconstrued. For starters, do you really think you need an assault weapon to protect your home against intruders? How often does that happen? You're in bed, you hear a noise (which is probably the cat), you grab your assault weapon out of your closet, you pad downstairs in your comfy slippers, you hear the noise again and then you pump 30 rounds into your drapes. Nice going, Dillinger. Here's an interesting development. I love this one. You morons allow people to carry concealed weapons. Oh please. So you can do what? Shoot somebody who double-dipped a cracker in the hummus? And how come, when one of your numerous deranged nutcases decides to shoot twenty people at a mall, nobody in the crowd ever seems to have a concealed weapon except him? And now you need an Uzi to kill a deer? This is what you call hunting, Davy Crockett? Are you kidding me? You can't eat a deer if it has six-hundred bullet holes in it, unless you don't mind cracking a crown. Nobody really likes venison anyway. It's gamey. And how many of you lamebrains have accidentally shot yourselves or an innocent bystander or your neighbor's Camry? Or all three at the same time? Clearly, being loaded is not a good state to be in when you're writing a constitution. In retrospect, I should have been more specific and worded it differently, giving American citizens "...the right to keep and bear harmless shitty weapons like muskets so you can maybe shoot something if it's not moving..." That's right folks, I was talking about muskets. One lousy bullet per shot. Half the time, the goddamn thing blew up in your face. Or the bullet got stuck in the chamber. Or it just fell out of the barrel. And even if you could fire the damn thing, it almost always missed the target by a mile. And, do you have any idea how long it took to load? Ten minutes! There was the powder and the flint and the wadding paper and the ramrod and all this other crap. Sometimes, you had to sit down to do it. You could have knitted a nice pair of socks instead. And if it rained or you dropped it in a lake, you were out of business. Okay, maybe I misjudged future technology. My bad. You folks seem to have a lot of ingenuity for developing weapons, but where's the cure for cancer? As for the part about forming militias to topple a lousy government? Guess what? You have a lousy government right now -- Congress, Supreme Court -- and I don't see any fireworks. Besides, that's kind of a long shot (no pun intended) isn't it? You've got a Glock. Whoopee. They've got the atomic bomb. Good luck with that. You want to topple the government? Try voting. I assume you still have that right. What? Not so much in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida? I know I speak on behalf of all the other signers of the Constitution when I say this to you NRA folks: "If that's a pistol in your pocket, chances are you'll accidentally shoot yourself in the nuts." Sincerely, James Madison
  9. Have all you right wing secessionists considered this: When you renounce your U.S. citizenship, you are no longer qualified to own guns! So, go right ahead and a renounce, then turn in your guns. Or we'll come get 'em for you.
  10. Stunning poll results, in a forum where partisanship is usually somewhat evenly split. It would seem that even many of the democrats are tired of Holder's antics. It's refreshing to see that they don't just blindly support him because he's Broncobama's man, and that they'll actually want him out because of his scandals.
  11. They say that twinkies will stay preserved for a year or more. Combine that fact with your news story, and I'm cleaning out the store shelves and stocking up my pantry. A year from now when you guys are desperate for a twinkie, I'll be selling mine, at a premium price. They're gold.
  12. I have never bought a firearm out of fear. It's a fun hobby just like you enjoy skydiving and some folks enjoy fishing or motorcycles or whatever. They are just cool little mechanical gadgets that bring joy to the user. You don't fuss about people practicing archery, but a firearms enthusiast is somehow different? Fear? I don't by guns because I fear the government- I buy guns because the government should fear its people. It fears me, but I have a feeling it likes kids like you who willingly drop their pants every time Uncle Sam wants some lovin'. Yes, I said kids- you gonna let somebody tell you what to do and how to think, just like mommy did? Grow the fuck up and be a man. A self-defense concealed carry gun is purchased due to the motive of fear of criminal attack. That's done not as a hobby, not for appreciation of mechanical gizmos, not to make the government fear you. It's because you fear being attacked by a criminal. You really should cease the insults. If this is representative of how gun owners view others, then you're not presenting a very nice picture. You don't have to carry a gun to be a man.
  13. In the investigation at the end of the movie, they said it was a jammed or broken jack screw, or something like that, which locked the elevator in place. The elevator wasn't missing - it was locked in the down position. And the dive shown was near vertical, so that implies the elevator was full-down. And then at some point, he lost first one engine, and then the other, so he became a glider, and had no thrust to work with to counteract the stuck elevator.
  14. What's a gun-o-phobe? Isn't fear what makes gun-nuts buy guns? Fear of the government? Fear of criminals? Fear of zombies? Fear of suicide deer bombers? There's enough guns in America for every man, woman and child to have one. How many more do you need?
  15. Saw the movie "Flight" with Denzel Washington. More about alcoholism than about airplanes. Darn it. Question. The aircraft malfunction was an elevator stuck in the down position, causing the plane to go into a nose dive from which they could not pull out. So the hotshot pilot Whip Whittaker rolls the plane upside down to get it out of the dive and level off. Here's my first problem. With the elevator still stuck down, while upside down that will make the plane go nose-up into a stall. But it didn't - it flew level. How is this possible? And then as the plane descends for a crash landing, just before reaching the ground he flips it back upright again for the field landing, but the plane flies level without going into the dive again. So how was that possible? If the elevator was still stuck, he shouldn't have been able to pull off those maneuvers. The only way he could have done those things would be if the elevator was no longer stuck, and then he wouldn't have had to fly and crash land like he did - he could have gone to an airport and landed normally. Someone explain this to me... Oh, and that red-headed girlfriend chick was smoking hot. So was the one he was in bed with in the beginning of the movie. Image: All the images I can find conveniently cut-off the elevator part of the plane to hide it.
  16. "Holder noncommittal on staying as Obama's attorney general" Quote: "Attorney General Eric Holder said on Thursday that he has yet to determine whether he will stay on as the chief U.S. law enforcement officer for President Barack Obama's second term..." Should Holder STAY, or should he GO?
  17. At least we're not watering the grass with gator-ade yet.
  18. Heck no. Once you've gone nuts, you can never be trusted again. She should not be allowed to have access to guns. Ever!
  19. Who better to have in charge of the war department than someone who is anti-war? Heck, he has spoken against war side-by-side with Jane Fonda. He's exactly who we need to keep us out of another war in the middle east, or elsewhere.
  20. If ever there was an industry deserving of a government subsidy to keep it operating, Twinkies is it. I mean, if you let Twinkies fail, then the domino effect takes over, and what's next? Oreos? Cheese puffs? By gosh, this could be bad!
  21. Well, with a little extra bump you could have had her straddling your face.