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Everything posted by thedude911

  1. Good call, he's been sending this exact response to me and just seemed really "off" and not making any sense when I responded to it.
  2. This has happened to me. Thankfully it was my left shoulder and I could still pull my main. I got hit hard at about 6k on an RW jump which resulted in my left shoulder having an anterior dislocation (popped out the front). I pinned it to my side with my right arm and got the hell away from everyone as best I could. Pulled in a track (obviously can't put left arm forward now) which slammed it even harder, managed to pull it up with my right arm and grab the left toggle. Made right turns all the way down in agony until the left hand landing pattern, had enough strength to get the toggles down to about my shoulders and PLF'd the rest of the way just fine. Thankfully I was under a Pilot 150 at a 1.2 wingloading so it wasn't a super quick landing. Just had surgery on it 5 weeks ago, it tore my labrum which is cartilage on the front part of the socket that holds it in place. Those injuries have a full complete recovery within 6 months and from there you can return to full un restricted activities, even 5 weeks into recovery it already feels MUCH more sturdy than beforehand. Whatever you do, PT like crazy and start weight lifting. Get it as strong as possible while getting flexibility back or you'll likely have problems skydiving for quite some time. EDIT: Forgot to add, buy one of these also This thing helps me tremendously.
  3. There hasn't been an official GoPro release of specs yet, but the leaked details say it's very likely. At this point they'd be stupid not to use it if they want any reasonable upgrade from the 3 and 3+
  4. No idea, but if everything aligns with the leaked specs and details coming out then probably a few months, maybe around christmas? Personally I think the 3+ was just a quick money grab before the next lineup coming out. GoPro hasn't really had a history of hyping up new products far in advance to release, 3+ was a perfect example. It just kind of appeared one day...
  5. Better off waiting until the Hero 4 comes out. This Hero 3+ is just like an iPhone 5S compared to an iPhone 5, only a slight upgrade. Hero 4 will be running 4k 30fps, 1080p 120fps, 720p 240fps, 12MP stills and 700MP overmulti-exposure HDR, Wi-Fi and electronic image stabilisation. Using the better A9 chip which is 32nm thick instead of the current A7 chip in Hero 3's which is 45nm thick. That means a decent drop in power consumption and less heat buildup.
  6. What I see happening eventually is a centralized system in which logged jumps are kept by the USPA. What I mean is, all USPA certified dropzones (or any DZ for that matter) have to keep electronic records of manifested jumps for everyone which is sent and stored in a centralized database. From there, say a simple website, you as a jumper could sign into the site using your USPA member # and view your jump log, adding comments and such as to what exactly you did, freefall times, speeds, etc etc...and have someone on the load sign off for you with a digital signature. Kind of like if you fill out financial forms or something online you can digitally sign...same concept.
  7. 5.56 was also developed to give more of a chance to wound rather than straight up kill someone, a more "humane round" by NATO standards. Reason being, it takes more man power to treat and remove wounded soldiers from the battlefield thus decreasing an enemy's combat effectiveness. Personally, I think 7.62 is deadlier all around, this guy's argument is pretty stupid. It doesn't have the range of 5.56 but it sure as shit has way more stopping power and can punch through thicker material. 5.56 isn't exactly too devastating as he put it either. Granted I haven't been in a warzone. It took me 4 rounds of 5.56 M193 FMJ just to kill a fucking rabid raccoon a few months ago behind my house, the first three were body shots, but still...
  8. You all might find this interesting. In other words, from 2007-2011 firearm homicides decreased 15% despite millions of additional guns with no limits on magazine size or military features (besides in states where those are already controlled).
  9. Depending on how much you are owed, small claims court. If you have any documents pertaining to your employment terms there, jump logs, etc then you already have an advantage. It's worth the effort to get your money and run a scum bag out of the community. Alternate solution, kick his ass.
  10. I don't ever post here, but this is starting to piss me off. First of all, just because people own a gun doesn't make them nut cases. Some people are just god damn nuts with or without a gun. Did any of you also know 22 children were slashed by a man with a knife in China the same day the shootings occurred in Newton? Media at it's finest. "GUN GUN GUN, TO HELL WITH THE BORING STORY" Second of all, the state of Connecticut has some of the most strict gun laws in the country, guess what that did to stop a criminal psychopath? Not a damn thing. They do teach math, it's great. But here's the problem with that logic. Take away all REGISTERED guns, now all legal gun owners no longer have a gun, possibly for self defense. Meanwhile, unregistered firearms or registered ones that were sold to other people through private sale are still out there potentially in criminals hands (unregistered is a serious offense). Therefore the loser in this situation is the law abiding citizen. The Aurora theater shooter actually went to the one location he knew banned the carry of licensed concealed firearms, because no one would be able to fight back. If a criminal wants a gun, they will find a way to get one. It's ancient technology, they've been around for hundreds of years worldwide, they're everywhere. This guy even made an AK-47 out of a DAMN SHOVEL. Guns for me are an insurance policy, hunting tool and sport shooter. I'd rather have one and not need it for self defense, than not have one but be thrown in a situation where I need it.