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Everything posted by fernjack455

  1. an aimed 22 can only do moderate damage. A stray one...no, not really. You'd have to be rather unlucky. A typical rifle round, otoh, can go through quite a few walls. Me personally, I'm still trying to find an article where a law abiding citizen started firing rounds at random into populated areas..... Just to clarify. An AK74 is a .22. Actually a 5.45 mm or .214. So is an M16. at 5.56mm or .218 Robt. Kennedy was killed by a .22 revolver. Don't have a dog in that fight. To infer a 22 is not deadly is simply not right.
  2. an aimed 22 can only do moderate damage. A stray one...no, not really. You'd have to be rather unlucky. A typical rifle round, otoh, can go through quite a few walls. Just to clarify. An AK74 is a .22. Actually a 5.45 mm or .214. So is an M16. at 5.56mm or .218 Robt. Kennedy was killed by a .22 revolver.
  3. That's because your example was stupid. The swastika was a good luck symbol for the Navajo Indians, long before there were nazis. THAT, JR, is the point. And the Nazi SS existed before the USMC snipers adopted their Nazi insignia. From Wiki...... The SS sig runes design was created in 1931 when Walter Heck, a Sturmführer in the SS, drew two reversed and inverted sig runes side by side and noticed the similarity to the initials of the SS. Heck sold the rights of the sig runes to the SS for 2.5 Reichsmarks, and the runes were quickly adopted as the insignia of the Schutzstaffel and became one of the most commonly used forms of SS unit insignia.
  4. "You raised a qustion that I've had for a long time. Do people who get Japanese characters tattooed on their bodies really know what they mean?" It's true. I know a tatoo artist who had a guy come in because his tat said "latrine" in Chinese. He rebuilt it as a crab.
  5. +1 Psychopathy, Sociopathy, and Antisocial Personality Disorder: Quick Facts (by Jennifer Copley, Last Updated 13 April 2011) What are the traits of psychopathic personality disorder? Psychopathic traits include: Glibness Superficial charm Narcissism Manipulativeness Deceptiveness Grandiosity Egocentricity Shallow, short-lived emotions Lack of guilt, remorse, shame, or empathy Refusal to accept responsibility Impulsivity Unreliability Lack of self-control Parasitic lifestyle (using others, scamming social services and other organizations, etc.) Low boredom threshold Excessive risk taking Promiscuity Cruelty to animals Substance abuse Many people have some of these traits without meeting the diagnostic criteria for psychopathic personality disorder. Of these traits, deliberate cruelty to animals is the strongest indicator of psychopathy, given the large number of studies linking cruelty to animals with a tendency to commit violent acts against people.
  6. Talking about how you learned about climatic changes causing the waxing and waning of ice ages in your Earth Science class in the 9th grade is OK in here. Talking about how climate is not. Just like how talking about banging is OK in here, but technical specs on something that goes bang! is not. Be more specific. *Banging* could mean driving by someones house at 3AM and letting go with a full mag from an AK.
  7. yes, you did. these occupy people seem to have direction, resources and funding. conspiracy? Jack
  8. http://dissenter.firedoglake.com/2012/01/29/city-of-oaklands-increasing-hostility-toward-occupy-movement/ Why not put up something important like the *jackboots* at work in Syria? He'd rather post news articles about a bunch of law breaking' lazy, dead-beat, low-life SOB's trying to leech off our society and steal a free ride at other's expense. SSDD... Chuck tell me what you really think. Jack
  9. paranoid...? No Moderater has ever asked me to do shit. Delusional too?
  10. "you own this thread..." Is an example of trolling? Your head is on backwards. You are the troll.
  11. Interesting. Curious about one thing, though--why does the article (and this thread) call them British whereas the attached document refers to them as Irish? you own this thread....
  12. http://dissenter.firedoglake.com/2012/01/29/city-of-oaklands-increasing-hostility-toward-occupy-movement/ Why not put up something important like the *jackboots* at work in Syria?
  13. Lay off the poor sod. He's on record that he's melancholic, depressed, abused street narcotics and hallucinogens, was suicidal, and has been in psycho therapy. Lets try to help that he's not in the incidents section. Jack
  14. the earth does wobble on it's axis, and the scientific community is ignoring that fact. Future research revenues to rediscover the already known hang in the balance. Jack
  15. Some rigs have an *instructor side* deployment on the left side. Should be easy to make a conversion. Ask a master rigger to be 100%. BS Jack
  16. Fortunately the greenies decide what is and isn't a PA, not anonymous "no name entered" posters. No thanks to having my identity stolen. Good luck.
  17. Sounds like an unpleasant place. Thanks, I'll go elsewhere.
  18. No, it was just good advice. Perhaps, but miserably executed...skitt's law indeed. btw, it could also be considered good advice when someone says, "Don't be such a fuckin' asshole." I had to search "Skitts law". The other guy really got under some peoples skin. What is the difference from a PA and the above posts that the moderaters let stand?
  19. Have to disagree. I read your comment about "cheating on taxes". The rules are clear. Both read like PA's.