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Everything posted by Shotgun

  1. I agree. So blame the prosecution. But I can't see any reason to call this witness ugly names.
  2. That's a bit harsh and uncalled for, given what little information we know about this woman.
  3. Maybe it's like one of those "Kick Me!" signs you secretly put on someone's back? Someone stuck it on there, and the poor smart-car-driving-Obama-worshipper hasn't noticed it yet?
  4. Hey, we can't be having businesses that have money involved.
  5. Actually, there was at least one other person - a former co-worker who gave a pretty detailed description of Z's (alleged) racist behavior. But it does seem that there are a lot more people saying he is not racist.
  6. Well, after all these years, I still have a crush on Joe, so I say asset. But that's just me . . . (Hey, don't judge! )
  7. It might be past the statute of limitations date for being able to press charges on that. But yeah, as it is, it has nothing to do with this case. Strange thing to be released, except I guess it went along with her accusations of Zimmerman's racial prejudice. It comes across as a dirty move by the prosecution.
  8. Are there really so many people who strictly follow the Republican or Democratic party line on all issues? I certainly don't. But I tend to lean a little left, so I usually end up voting Democrat or some party other than Republican. However, if there was a Republican who "doesn't follow the party line" in a way that I agree with (issues that are important to me), I might vote for them. And I don't think I'm the only one who is close to the middle and possibly swayable.
  9. You've got me thinking..... "Denial" and "status quo" were the first two terms that came to my mind, but those have already been mentioned. I think in psychological terms, it might have to do with something along the lines of denial and/or fear of change or fear of confrontation, but I don't know a clinical term for that. So.... What is the situation?
  10. No!!! She had a relationship with Jack Donaghy on 30 Rock. She can't be gay!!!
  11. Carries too much baggage from the 43rd Aministration. I think there are a lot of people who would either ignore this or see her experience as balancing it out. And, as much as I hate to say this, I think Rice would help take votes away from women and minorities that Obama has mostly secured. Quade, she's a woman.
  12. Hmm.... Actually, Ron Paul would be a pretty interesting choice. I think he definitely has a better chance if he chooses someone who is not your typical conservative dude. Or Palin.
  13. I'm pretty sure if the person was shot in the back and obviously on his way out the door, there would be more questions asked. I believe people should have the right to defend themselves, particularly in their own homes. And it's generally not a good idea to get drunk and (uninvited) enter someone else's property, even if you're just a goofy college girl stealing potato chips; the homeowner might feel threatened and he may feel the need to defend himself. Of course, I grew up and lived 30 years in Texas, and pretty much everyone I know owns guns. But as far as I know, none of them have ever had to shoot someone in self-defense. I even had some crazy woman wander in to my apartment one day, and I helped her out; it didn't even cross my mind to shoot her or anything like that. Do you have an issue with castle laws?
  14. That's what I thought. I can't imagine that Romney spent even one second considering her for a running mate.
  15. fun fact - that's a sample size of one located a long long time ago Yeah, I'm just a little bit younger than Bill. And at my school, shop and home ec. were both electives open to either sex.
  16. The dispatcher's advice came after it was established that Zimmerman was pursuing Martin. So we don't know if he continued pursuing against the dispatcher's advice. According, to Zimmerman, he did not. But whatever happened, and whatever does happen, I bet he wishes he would have just stayed in his vehicle that night and waited for law enforcement to show up.
  17. I think Rice would be the one most likely to help him win the election.
  18. A cop who pulls people over for doing 1MPH over the speed limit is likely the type of cop who will pull someone over for any tiny infraction. Plus, they are able to pull more than one person over at a time. So, if I wanted to drive drunk, I'd probably avoid an area with a cop who was known for stopping people for any little reason. Now if the area had a lot of drunk driving fatalities, yet this cop never had any DUI stops/arrests (but a whole bunch of 1MPH-over tickets), I could see that being an issue. (Maybe that's what you meant in the first place? But it didn't read that way.)
  19. Perhaps. If this is the one single issue taken into account when choosing a candidate. It's possible to vote for someone because his values, considering all issues, are closest to yours. Actually, that's probably the norm. (If anyone has ever voted for a "perfect" candidate, I'd be curious to hear about it.) If he has a major issue that you disagree with (such as this one), let him know about it.
  21. And if the guy wasn't carrying an ID, he should have said so, but I didn't hear him say that in the video.
  22. How do you know this? There is a reason for pedestrian/traffic laws. I very nearly hit a jaywalker recently (jogged right through a red light), and I can easily see how she could have caused a wreck. After slamming on my brakes, I just barely missed hitting her. And I would have been pretty upset about that, even if it was her own stupid fault. Unless there is something of higher priority for them to take care of at that moment, it makes sense to enforce these laws (at least with a warning) even if a particular instance doesn't cause cars to swerve or brake forcefully. It might inform the jaywalker of the law and prevent a future incident that nearly or actually causes a collision.
  23. What if the jaywalker doesn't have an ID on him? (That didn't seem to be the issue in this case; I'm just curious.)
  24. "If I had a son, he'd look like Zikomo Peurifoy."
  25. I don't know, but watching that video...... makes me grateful that I am not a cop. I almost got arrested for jaywalking once. Well, not actually for jaywalking, but for being a complete asshat to the officer after he stopped me for jaywalking.