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Everything posted by Marinus

  1. I basically agree, but it's very hard (and expensive) to get a good system to regulate that. It would be easier to tax the hell out of drugs, and use the money (which is essentially free money) to cover any medical costs. Also keep in mind that drug use usually shortens one's life, and that druggies might be cheaper in the end. A healthy individual like you will be costing money whilst sitting on his porch, yelling at kids to get the hell off the lawn, than the average smoker, who usually drops dead after a very cheap 20 seconds of massive heart failure, 7 years earlier.
  2. All drugs should be legalized, regulated and of course taxed. People will use it anyway, whether it's legal or not, and criminalizing means mainly that we as a society pay money to artificially drive up the price so criminals make more money.
  3. No, we aren't, since it looks a bit like the accusations of rape are used to serve as a means to get to the ultimate goal of putting Assange in an American prison.
  4. We know that a) Assange had sex with her, allegedly without consent. b) She was aware of that, at least at some point. There's absolutely no sign that she at one point objected to this. I have a hard time finding the rape in all of this. Still these allegations should be researched as rape is a serious crime. These allegations, however, shouldn't lead to an extradition to the US, followed by a show trial featuring far-fetched nonsense accusations of terrorism and espionage.
  5. The lady had consented to sex earlier. They had sex before the incident, and JA supposedly didn't ask for seconds, but went on adventure anyway. That's technically sex without consent, but not necessarily rape. And IIRC the sex wasn't the issue here, the fact that JA didn't use a condom was.
  6. You're portraying the situation in all its nuances. not.
  7. The first of us who really went somewhere else. RIP
  8. Only if you manage to ignore that definition of what rape is varies greatly between different cultures and times. In case of Sweden rape isn't rape. rape is gross rape, ordinary rape or minor rape.
  9. It's rather obvious that the Assange case smells to high heaven, and not exactly of rape. It might be difficult for butt-hurt Americans hell-bent on revenge on Assange and his " Foreign Terrorist Organization" (lolwut?) Wikileaks to be objective about it, but most other people have less trouble with that.
  10. Some liberals tried to eat you alive. I'm horribly liberal, still the more offensive the jokes get, the harder I laugh. This is usually also the case if I'm on the receiving end of the joke, btw.
  11. I think black supremacism is every bit as retarded and disgusting as white supremacism.
  12. I think the comparisons were flawed. apparently not in your country, no, and I don't have to look at the statistics to see how that's working out for you guys. In the end it's your problem, however I think it's a good idea for us to test 'Mericans before they're allowed on European roads.
  13. I should have put the word intriguing between quotation marks, because the pic is indeed about as intriguing as your question about gay-murdering OPEC countries. I thought you were able to figure out the sarcasm, but I was wrong. So the picture isn't intriguing, but it is funny. It's also offensive, but humour that isn't offensive in one way or another is usually boring. -If it doesn't hurt, it isn't funny-
  14. I'm Jesus and I approve this vehicle.
  15. Let's change that by adding some intriguing humour then....
  16. So if you have a bowel movement it feels hilarious? Other than that you don't come across as a walking laugh riot.
  17. For someone who claims to have an IQ of 130(?) you're rather easily intrigued. Other than that, your "intriguing" question is a monument of ignorance.
  18. You didn't cite a study, you regurgitated some garbage you found on the internet. This is a bit more like it (I hope your Dutch is as good as mine): this particular source speaks of 2500 prostituting minors. Mind you that this doesn't mean there's 2500 child prostitutes, this is all prostitutes younger than 18. The 15.000 number was an estimate made by one organization that hasn't any authority in these matters. It has been disputed by about everyone else since then. Oh, and don't be a fool and don't pretend you know my country better than I do, will ya?
  19. Well there's this expression "going Dutch" and else there's always roofies. But more seriously, I think we agree for the most part. Sex is often used as a trade commodity or a negotiation tool, so indeed, define prostitution.
  20. I scanned through the garbage you provided, because usually right wing sources like the ones you provided, will take a piss on the liberal cesspool that is the Netherlands. And it indeed did; the figure that most stood out is child prostitution, apparently it more than tripled to 15.000 in the five years after 1996. This is BS. While it's hard to get good figures on it, the number of minor prostitutes is estimated to be a couple of thousand (estimates range from 2000 to 4000 AFAICS. The organization ChildRight who provided the figure of 15.000 smells a bit fishy, btw, but of course the likes of you don't mind that, you want the highest number because those make fear mongering more effective. But a good job reinforcing the stereotypes again.
  21. for a shark loosing a tooth is like what breaking a nail is for us, so the shark is probably doing fine. Amulets etc. often do have a placebo effect on their owners.
  22. To me there's no such thing as "true Christianity" There's thousands of different brands, and some do use these kinds of techniques but that doesn't make them any less Christian in my eyes. Btw, I wasn't specifically referring to Christianity, an you might confuse hypnosis with something else. Hypnosis is nothing more than inducing certain state of mind that naturally occurs in humans anyway.
  23. Inducing a susceptible trance like (dare I say "hypnotic") state by in your religious flock by various means before pumping their heads full of bullshit is about the oldest trick in the book. I induce a similar state and also pump in BS but the type of BS that has a beneficial effect. Concrete example: I sort of brainwashed myself into thinking I want to take a deep breath whenever I crave a cigarette. Works like a chime despite the fact it's BS.
  24. Yes, it does. The functionality of (self-)hypnosis has been researched, so if you want to argue with science, be my guest and be a Christian. All theology is man-made and man-centred.