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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/2020 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    So one thing going on is the "guess your weight technique" used at the boardwalk and the "whose mother has a problem" scam used by charlatans with stage audiences. Words like shall, who, more?, why, and how are just tools to learn what to ask next. Thinking about why this post was made at all makes me guess that the ostensible Q (if you believe it's real, of course) cannot be in government at all. There is not even the pretense of a scintilla of inside knowledge. The writer is simply polling the Q-Hive to know how to stay relevant. So, Ron, if your belief in Q was predicated on his/her being "inside" the government you now have evidence that you've been duped.
  2. 1 point
    Quick update: battery has been replaced with other, more reliable and I was able to test it today. Long story short - the unit didn't work as well as I'd expected: it was perfectly fine during the climb, showing both ground speed and distance, but during the jump when altitude drops quickly it just stops processing all the readings. Under the canopy it works again, but the moment you do any kind of dive it stops reading again for a second. Well, it wasn't designed for skydiving after all, so nothing to complain about. At least I was able to measure my ground speed under the canopy, so it could be used for some basic canopy piloting drills, but nothing more than that. P.S. Turns out the plane travels in circles roughly 70 km at ~190km/h to climb to a 4k
  3. 1 point
    Hot Yoga, if yoga at all. Ride a bike for cardio. Otherwise just lay on your belly with your insteps on the couch and press down and arch with your head up arms bent at 90 degrees while watching watching whatever raunch you desire. Ignore all books and DZ.com for advice (except mine). Listen to your instructors advice and follow it. After every jump think of the positive things first and the things you want to improve second.
  4. 1 point
    As a 53 year old instructor who jumps regularly and consistently who is also in above average physical condition my first recommendation is stop doing 15 minutes of tunnel time the day prior to your skydive. 15 minutes in the tunnel if you are tight is only making you tighter the following day. Even experienced athletic young skydivers find this to be true unless they are tunnel rats.
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