
Flotation Gear for WS'ing

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Hey all you highly experienced and highly knowledgeable fellow WS pilots. (Note, that I'm not really either of those yet, hence the reason for this post.) What do you guys recommend. I've found many posts to something like this here on dizzy.com but for some reason the thought of that around my waist leads me to thinking that it would not do much good if I had to use it. My arm wings could still fill with water and put my head under... no? So my question is, what do ya'all recommend?

Bill K. ~a.k.a.~ one of those fat Americans that floats like a brick... :o:$:S

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what do ya'all recommend?

Dont land in the water?

But that cheap shit aside..
I seem to recall there having been some posts on floatation devices/wingsuits here a while ago. Maybe dive into the search function a bit....
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Maybe dive into the search function a bit....

I did, that's how I came up with the link that I did, and that's how come I came back in here to post because wearing something like that one around my waist scares the shit out of me... I'll keep looking...

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I cover this subject in depth(no pun intended) along with pictures of different devices in the 2nd edition of my book,Skyflying Wingsuits in Motion, which should be out middle of next year.

In the mean time, you can read through THIS thread to get an idea of how a flotation device can be worn with a wingsuit and some of the considerations to think about. From the sounds of it, you would probably be most comfortable with a vest or "horse collar" type of vest worn underneath your suit(see attachments). Others may prefer to wear it underneath the suit, which is what I am doing in the 2nd picture.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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Thanks Scott, I had read through that thread and was as confused as ever. Sounds like the horse callar like you posted here is exactly what I'm looking for. Any idea where the best prices on them are? Is that covered in your book too? :)

Thanks again,

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Prices vary and you can often find them on sale if you search around. If you're looking at getting one just for the PR boogie save your money, you won't need it unless you plan on doing the beach jump. The only time I recall being over the water was during the climb to altitude. Once on jump run, you would have to intentionally fly toward the sea over a good stretch of land to have to worry about landing in the water.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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There are small wrist mounted devices too. It gives you a beach ball sized float to hang on to. Fine for Norway as the boat will reach you fairly quick BUT for a larger body of water - i'd go with something zipped inside the suit. Assuming you are not planning to hum it you'd have time to unzip and prepare. Hook knife just in case.

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any thoughts, scott, as to what happens when that is [inadvertently] activated under your harness? Big bear hug? Suffocation?

The waist and horse collar style inflation vests can all be inflated/deflated manually as well as with a CO2 cartridge. In the case of an accidental inflation, the user would have to manually deflate it. As for it being under the harness, it might make things more snug than before but it is not to the point where you're gonna suffocate. You will however be more than likely unable to remove yourself from the suit and container until it is deflated. I mention the pros and cons of staying in or getting out of your gear in the link I provided above. If an inadvertent activation is feared, the user simply just has to remove the CO2 cartridge but must be prepared to manually inflate the device ie: blow it up using the manual inflation tube on the device itself. That may mean treading water for awhile as you remove it and as you inflate it by mouth. If you are a non swimmer or not very confident of your swimming abilities I would recommend a horse type collar as the waist and especially the wrist mount devices simply give you something to stay afloat with but do nothing to keep your head out/above of the water.

As always, whichever type of floatation device is choosen, be sure to put it and your gear on while on the ground and work out the details of how it will be put into operation BEFORE you're at the DZ. I'll say it because it may not be apparent to everyone, any device worn under the suit should not be activated until the suit has been unzipped and the device exposed as it may not inflate properly or it may cause your suit to rip as the CO2 cartridge fills the bladders up to their maximum almost immediately.

Additional flotation devices can be seen HERE
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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I like being on the safe side if there is any water nearby...

Yes but do you have one of THESE on underneath? I think you will sink like a frozen pony full of Stroopwaffles if you don't.:D
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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Yea..I have one of those...I could post a cool picture of myself and say Im wearing one thos those underneath?

Doesnt ad much..but I did post another cool picture of myself in the process:P

But on a more serious tone..
I have balls of steel...so any attempt to swim is useless anyway...
Though the saw-dust I have for a brain must compensate for something..;)

I'm an Athlete?

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Scott -

That's self-inflated, right? Not a CO2 cartridge, correct?

The reason I ask is that it's difficult (impossible?) to bring a C02 cartridge on a commercial flight. So I'd have to ship it down to PR in advance by mail...
Skwrl Productions - Wingsuit Photography

Northeast Bird School - Chief Logistics Guy and Video Dork

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