
ciao ciao from unclecharlie109

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Trying to keep the politics out of the forum seems pretty reasonable to me.

It is a noble mission unless the suppression is one sided and some people believe it is. I imagine we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg and most of the hyjinx is happening via PMs behind the scenes. I'm sorry we are loosing any cast members.

Collect 'em all be loyal to none and here for the fun! Glen.

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It is a noble mission unless the suppression is one sided...

It's a noble mission regardless.

But anyway, you may have noticed that I'm helping moderate this forum for the next little while, as SkyMonkeyONE is off doing real work, and so online a limited amount.

If you want to give me the rundown on what you don't like here, send me a PM or email.

I can't promise I'll make you happy, but I can promise I'll try to be as fair as possible.

Just as an aside: I see a huge difference between having a personal opinion about various gear, and showing a bias in moderation. These are two different things that ought not be confused. Everyone has personal opinions about, well, pretty much everything.
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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Everyone has personal opinions about, well, pretty much everything.

My opinion is that when summer starts and everybody gets to jump off/out of stuff the good vibes will be flowing freely. I've only met unclecharlie in person once and that was at Neil's funeral. The fact that he flew out specially from Italy was pretty damn cool. That and the fact that he is almost as well coiffurred as Glamour Boy. :P

Sometimes you birdpeople remind me of penguins. :)

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If you want to give me the rundown on what you don't like here, send me a PM or email.

No punch lists, no negative complaints by me. I'm pretty much outside the loop here. Where I belong.

This forum is an ongoing discussion by many players ( some qualified and some NOT ) with twice as many opinions. The Majority see it one way and some others see it different hence I liberally use the word opinion instead of refering to it as hard and fast legislation or rocket science. BUT I know there is heated discussion behind the scenes based on tidbits that get floated my way on all kinds of related topics, none of the bulk though.

I know some people take their slice of contribution in the expansion of wingsuit knowledge and excepted practices for the growth of our small niche in a dangerous sport "way too serious"! And themselves equally so " way too seriously"! The reality is there are precious few contributers on that level.

Please don't let this infer that I am anti- establishment. I have my own small personal establishment to manage and absolutly no time whatsoever to be anti anything else or pro anything else.

I "smell" the fear of advances and growth outside of what some consider the current excepted practices and beliefs.

I know there is bias (* human nature, isn't it?) and disatisfaction ( refer back to *)BUT it still pains me to loose a cast member that has an opinion and something to contribute to this here wingsuit forum because said cast member is not happy because their opinion is that of the minority and they were made to feel exactly thus. Das all.

Disclaimer: BTW I have no Idea what the issues were in the this case and can only speculate. BUT if i had to guess.......

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