
Monkey Flip???

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Anybody heard of a Monkey Flp? Apparently it's a freefly move, but nobody knows what it is.

Up here in Canada, for a D licesence you need to demonsrate some pretty bitchin skills in two disciplines. In the prescribed freefly 2-way routine they call for a Monkey Flip, but it seems that nobody, not even the people that wrote the requirement, know what it is!!!!



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Not very likely is it as simple as a "sit flip." The dive is as follows:

2-way with interactive camera - exit move, spock, monkey flip, spock, eagle, transition, dock, end move to be completed in 40 seconds.

You don't have to do freefly, you have your choice of 2 of the following disciplines: FS, CRW, Freefly, Style, and Accuracy.

Like I said though, they all require some bitchin skill. The CRW for example is 8 rotations in a 4 stack in two and a half minutes from exit on 5 jumps. Accuracy is less than 5 cm on 10 jumps.

So, monkey flip anyone??


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From: http://www.koyn.com/CloudDancer/articles/2002/ffWFFC02.html

"A Monkey Flip the two freeflyers, one headup with a chest strap grip and the other head-down, make a frontlooping rotation about each other. To stop the loop rotation, the freeflyer arriving back to the headup position pushes on the chest strap of the head-down freeflyer."

Maybe that will help...:)
Edited to say: It looks from the article mentioned above that Brian Germain gave the seminar, so maybe he can answer...

I think when Jesus said "love your enemy" he probably meant don't kill them.

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Yup. I came up with that one with Robert Mahaffee for the Monterey X-Trials. It was a big hit, and may have won us the event.

We did it with two grips: One was the cheststrap, the other was on the top of his helmet.
I was the sitflyer.
I stopped the rotation by pushing forward on the chest grip and pulling his head toward me, which put him slightly on his back as he got back to head down.

It is a very stable maneuver when done correctly.

You can exit with both fliers head down, with the chest-strap grip. The flyer that will be transitioning to head down puts his hand on the head of the one who will remain head down. Then the transition is made in the soft air just after exit. Get the formation flying stable before initiating the rotation.

The way to get it rotating is to have the head down flyer sweep back to a "pencil" body position, and then bend at the waist. Simultaneously, the sit flyer widens his legs to increase the drag and holds on tight for the ride!

It's great fun, and much easier than it looks!!

If you are interested in more freefly thoughts, you will love my Book: Vertical Journey.
It's groovy, baby.
Instructional Videos:www.AdventureWisdom.com
Keynote Speaking:www.TranscendingFEAR.com
Canopies and Courses:www.BIGAIRSPORTZ.com

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Hey Pete in the latest Canpara there is a site address where you can check out the whole dive done by Dave Brown and Andreas Tize. The site is
http://homepage.mac.com/andreas_tize/d-license.mov, I hope this helps, the jump doesn't look half as crazy as looks in the PIMS. Later Chris

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