
Noob Question part two: In your early jumping days, what were you glad you focussed on?

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A lot of good stuff said here allready.

I'm still a new jumper, one of the things I try to focus on are EPs.

Not just when gearing up, but also when I'm doing groceries and thinking about how I'll be at my DZ the next weekend. I just do a dry EP in the mall, when waiting for the elevator, when showering, whatever.

Another thing I do (especially when a load isn't full, so when there's some space in the plane) while climbing to exit altitude is the following:

At 1000 FT I look and reach for my reserve ripcord, checking if it's still secure. And pulling my left hand all the way down, practicing a pull.
At 2500 (my cutaway alt) I check my cutaway handle and reserve handle in that order, physically touching them and pulling my arms out again, the way you would do on a cutaway.
At 3500 (my opening al) I touch my pilot chute.

Obviously I do a final check, prior to exit as well, but the above is just an extra to drill...

Also, when doing these 'practice pulls' do it in a convincing matter, streching your arms all the way out. When doing it only 'so-so' there is the risk that you'll do it 'so-so' as well when you perform an actual EP.

Most importantly: don't get in over your head, ask an experienced jumper or jumpmaster if you have ANY questions. Rather be a slow learner, and long in the sport then the other way around. Enjoy your jumping!:)

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I was really glad I listened to everyone who wanted to give advice to me but took everything with a grain of salt. There are a lot of different ways to do everything in this sport & listening to someone else explain the exact same thing often makes it click for you or gives you new incite on something you thought you knew. I still do this too.

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I started with small RW groups. When I was at a dz that had them, I joined Load Organizers and asked a lot of questions.

I hang out after sunset load talking to instructors and other experienced skydivers. I listen to their stories and ask them to explain why they did what they did (and often what they should have done instead ;)). Staying afterwards not only increased my knowledge, but built friendships with some of the most amazing people I know.

"I fly because it releases my mind from the tyranny of petty things." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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