
Tandem Videos

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Uh gee dave good point there, come to think of it NOT ONCE in the last 11 yrs have I had my system crash or need to be upgraded. (not counting the putter folks who say I have to go PC/MAC) I can be done in 10 mins or less, while the putter folks are still fucking around trying to get it to work.:)
you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo

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Is that what Raeford does for all tandem customers?

no at Raeford, we have a liner board, dvd burner and mp3...not even a titler....my videos fully edited for the customer usally run about 7-10 minutes

Is this similar to your linear board?


No, our boards don't look anything like that.

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The panasonic is easy to use but difficult to get hold of. Ebay should be a good place to look.


That is exactly the board we use. We have three identical editing stations setup with those boards, DVD/VHS burner and MP3 players. We also have a separate burner (or two) for burning photo CD's.


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How can you capture a 5-7 minute video in 3 minutes?

The problem I have with using a computer is that I have so much control its way too easy to get distracted. I use the simple effects on the camera like overlap/wipe and fade and then use an audio board for editing.
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Simple... it's not a 5-7 minute video. If you build yourself templates, there is no point in redoing all the ground work (plane on the taxi way, windsock, welcome sign, etc). Obviously you shoot some to make it more personalized. I'm not a fan of big drawn out interviews. Unless of course you have a really funny student that can keep it interesting for more than a minute. So, you are very shot specific and you turn your camera off for the canopy ride, etc. Then, you are down to about 3 minutes of footage. Only takes 3 minutes to capture 3 minutes.

There are exceptions to this rule. If you are following the tandem under canopy... obviously you need to capture that, etc.

It's a matter of streamlining the process so you have a high quality video, cleanly edited, in the shortest amount of time.

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i did mine a Skydive dallas and it was almost exactly like that :)

Was it done by Kevlar (Fabio?) If so that would make sense because he used to fly video at SSM;):D

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