Minolta Maxxum 800si

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I just recieved a Maxxum 800si for Christmas and was ecstatic to find that it has a remote plug-in. I have been shooting video for years, but never stills. Does anyone have any experience with this model or have any suggestions on what wide-angle I should try? Any info would be appreciated. I'm still just sitting here sucking my thumb and staring at the damn thing.

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I would enjoy the heck out of it wit a 20 or 24 mm lens.

Out of deference to the folks who are trading it in, I would be careful about acquiring a lot of brand specific photo gear at this point, since Minolta is not the most popular "system" out there.

Your Maxxum is a GREAT body, but Minolta can be a bit pricey on lenses, and their lineup is not as complete as those of Canon and Nikon. Remember that when you buy a camera, you are buying into a whole system. Choose the system you want, then pick the gear you can afford from that system. You may well pick the Minolta system once all your research is done, but it would suck to have several grand in Maxxum mount lenses and flash units that you had to sell at a loss when you decide that the Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Leica, Contax, or some other system better meets your needs.



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Thanx, Brent, those are very good points. My research was very limited, however, because the body, three lenses, two flashes, a tripod, and several other very nice little gadgets were a Christmas present from my girlfriend's dad. The only investment to be made is film, an appropriate wide angle, and a remote switch.

At this point, I'm looking for a lens that is compatible with the variety of lenses that I use with my video camera. Unfortunately, I think it's going to take more than one lens to work anywhere from a .5 to a .3.

Eventually I guess I'll have to upgrade to digital just to fit in. After all, from the looks of this thread, every SMARTA$$ camera flyer has one!:)

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