
SONY PC 105 and MACS

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The below link shows that the Sony DCR-PC105 is not compatible with FCE or iMovie. I realise that lists do not always include all the possibilites, has anyone here been able to use the PC105 on a Mac with iMove or FCE ?



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I've yet to see a Sony FireWire camera that didn't work with either iMovie or Final Cut (Pro or Express).

If it's Sony and has FireWire, I'll bet you a bag of doughnuts it works.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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My dad has a pc-105 and ive tried everything I can think of to get it working with iMovie and it just wont. It recognises that there is a camera connected but after that cannot do anything with it. Just got FCP and having problems with that too.
Ive tried other sony cameras (PC9) and that works but the pc105 wont.

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My dad has a pc-105 and ive tried everything I can think of to get it working with iMovie and it just wont. It recognises that there is a camera connected but after that cannot do anything with it. Just got FCP and having problems with that too.
Ive tried other sony cameras (PC9) and that works but the pc105 wont.

Looks like quade owes you a bag of doughnuts. :P


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Well, now this is a fine and pleasant misery !:)
I am curious now if there is a difference between using the G4 Powerbook as opposed to G5 desktop?

I had planned on getting a Powerbook at the end of June, perhaps what I should do is take my 105 to the Apple store, about a two and a half hour drive away and give it a spin on their equipment.

Rumor mill has it that at the end of June, Apple will be announcing new G5 Powerbooks and an all dual processor line of G5 desktops.

Thanks to all for your help.


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That's just loopy.

My -guess- is that something is wrong with that particular machine and software.

Have you contacted anyone at Apple or tried to find the answers to questions on the user forums over there? Running software updates? All the "normal" trouble shooting stuff?

Clean install?

G4 / G5 -shouldn't- matter.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Just another question for you...what version of iMovie are you using? I had problems with iMovie 3 with a camera that worked flawlessly with iMovie 1.0 and 2.0 and now works well with 4.0. If you have iMovie 3 run, don't walk and pick up the latest iLife suite. iMovie 3.0 was a horrible piece of software thank god it is gone.

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Have you had a look here....

There is a Mac forum discussing stuff like this, and its UK based. Try a post there maybe someone can help.
Good luck, sorry I can't be more help, but I'm a windoze kinda guy.

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www.apple.com ---> Support --> Discussions --> iMovie
You can search the entire category for Sony PC 105 (or any part of that)... If incompatibility was a serious, widespread issue, there may be a lot of results. When I searched for it, there weren't a lot of results.
This is a great place to start looking when you have a problem or question...
Also www.macintouch.com...

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Go to your finder in the computer upper left, connect your computer to internet then go to software update upper left botton cascade menu then select the softwares you want to upgrade, I suggest do it one at a time, in this case iMOVIE, there is also i tunes, garage band etc

I'm yet to use my powerbook with a pc105 but i use pc101 and no problems, I have a friend with a pc 105 I'll try it the next time.

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