
When to start flying with a camera?

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"With that said, there is more to gaining experience than strictly jump numbers.

If you were to do a poll of when some highly experienced camera flyers started jumping cameras you may be quite surprised as to the result. I started jumping a camera at 74 jumps and Mini-DV did not exist back then. The cameras were HUGE and very heavy for the most part and the gear was very different. "

These statements above are key.
I started jumping camera when I had 150 jumps, with an old 8mm camera that was big and heavy. I was jumping a PD230 loaded under .9 (not a Triathalon 135 loaded at 1.11, which IMHO is aggressive for someone with 42 jumps...but that is another story)

In addition to the recommendations of USPA, and after talking with experienced camera flyers, one should be extremely comfortable with their level of flying. One should be able to fly to, and fly away from anything, quickly and without thinking.
If you have to think about flying, don't strap on a camera.

jeff D-16906

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If you have to think about flying, don't strap on a camera.

jeff D-16906

That is the best statement I have heard regarding when to start.

Dude, once you are flying camera there are a million and other factors that you start worrying about, that wether you like it or not, some will at some point in your skydiving carrier, will take over your brain while you are in freefly, so flying has to be a given by this time or you will find yourself in trouble.

You might just find your selft spining towards the ground under a mal while rotating on your axes (sun went by 6 times in eight seconds under a 1.3 loading) and still having to keep one hand on the lines to keep the line twist from entangling to your gear, while using the other to chop and being altitude aware at the time, is something that you don't want to do be exposed to before you are ready.

And only you, and not a number or jumps or a licence will know when you are ready.

It is not a horse race, there is no rush enjoy every step and learn from every decision.


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To say nothing of 'if you start flying camera too soon', you'll get 'stuck' in that discipline without the real ability to fly with anyone else when you just want to have plain ol' fun!

Developing your RW, vRW, CReW, etc skills should be the primary focus -first-. Then, when you want to lay your camera helmet down you can STILL enjoy doing more than just solos!


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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I'll also agree with the statement "If you have to think about flying, don't strap on a camera"

In preparing for a recent video seminar at our dropzone, I looked back in my logbook for my first video jump. My logbook entry is a perfect example that jumping camera adds complexity to each jump.


Jump: 72
Shot Video for 4 way. Camera turned off - no video. :(

In retrospect, I feel like I got into it way to early. If you aren't able to fly yourself well in lots of situations, you won't be a good camera flyer. If you can't deal with all the added saftey aspects of flying camera, then you won't be a safe camera flyer.

Even as I close on 1000 jumps, I find that (for example) if I jump without a camera I fly 100 times better. Even though I have gotten used to dealing with the added burden of flying camera, it still consumes some of my 'clock cycles' in my brain, that could be used for other things.

I also know that the 'lure' of video is strong. Seeing other folks at the dz all laughing/gawking over video from their jump is definitely a "I want to join in too" type thing. In the long run, you will always be better served by waiting and building your flying/safety skills.

just my .02

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To say nothing of 'if you start flying camera too soon', you'll get 'stuck' in that discipline without the real ability to fly with anyone else when you just want to have plain ol' fun!

This is exactly whats happened to me, flying the camera has locked me into RW since I'm not comfortable enough with my vRW skills to properly fly a camera slot. My vRW skills have basically stagnated since I strapped on a camera.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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