
RW jumpsuits, Bev and Tony

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I got to thinking when I was pricing a suit last night.

I was adding up the options for suit with a "low-price" company that's not in the U.S., and the bare-bones suit with the options I need (grippers and booties) came out to about $200 including shipping.

I priced the same suit using an order form at Bev, and it came out to be just over $300. They weren't exactly comparable, because Bev automatically includes some stuff that you don't have to pay for as a separate option.

I own a Tony suit and a Bev suit, and they're both beautifully made. I've never had a chance to look at an RW suit from another manufacturer up close. But, whenever I think of quality jumpsuits, I automatically think Bev or Tony. If I needed a serious suit, I don't think it would occur to me to go anywhere else.

In fact, the only reason I was looking at this other company is because I need an inexpensive backup summer suit.

Is that fair, though? Are Bev and Tony the only ones who make a quality product? Do I NEED cordura max-track booties for a casual belly suit that I'll use for coaching or fun jumping?
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Is that fair, though? Are Bev and Tony the only ones who make a quality product? Do I NEED cordura max-track booties for a casual belly suit that I'll use for coaching or fun jumping?

i would say that that is a false statment. there are many good suits out there. the flite suits are great. i have heard great things about the mirlin (sp??) suits also. as for freefly suits also, i like the kurupee, they seam to hold up quite well, along with the above mention brands for freefly suits also. some other good freefly suits are jumpbuble (sp??), and fire fly.

i can't say a whole lot about the other companies, i have never seen one up close.


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People like all types of suits: Merlin, michigan, and so on. I think that most of the suits are good. As for bootie needs I always like good ridgid booties. I use my RW suit for coaching because I steal the time to feel my body and work on body position and feel. THat means that I need my suit.

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My Merlin suit fell apart.
My other 3 teammates Merlin suits fell apart.

A 4way team with 4 Suits that fell apart?????
We do alot of tunnel, but my Michagan has more tunnel time on it than my Merlin does.

I don't have a problem with having a problem with suits considering how much abuse I put on them....But when my teammates zipper blew out the week before Natl's and mine blew out right after. And both suits had 50 jumps on them?
Then I had my suit sent back to Merlin,and she was going to charge me full price to fix what I saw as bad materials.
Shame too, because the suit flew well.

ALL of our knee seams are ripping, and one guys ass seam split.

On the other hand Mike Michagan has GREAT customer service...I know of several people that had problems, and he FLEW in his Cessna 150 to Zhills to look at the suits. Took them back and sent them back fixed, free in less than a week.

I am going with Michagan, or maybe Bev....But I am so impressed with Michagan's suits. Bev suits would have to be VERY good. But I have never had one, and I have an open mind.

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I have a Flite Suit. It is a quality made suit in my opinion. The only other suit I have owned is a Tony suit.

My first flite suit was awesome. I had several jumps on it and only received normal wear and tear which I utilized in ordering another suit from them. The second suit had some material issues but I Fed-Ex'd the suit to them and they repaired and returned it in under a week. They also put some extras on the suit for my trouble.

That is the kind of service you should expect from every vendor. If they do not give it to you then they do not care about customers or their business. Flite Suit has earned my business and will continue to recieve it.

If you are just looking for an extra suit though maybe you could find a decent used one. You never know. People are always changing or leaving the sport. Hope you find what you are looking for. Take care.


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My first RW suit was a Tony suit. I beat the hell out of it, but i still have it. I got a second Tony suit because my b/f had got a certificate for one at an auction, and all I had to pay for was the options. They are both good suits, but when I lost some weight and needed a new suit, I went with Zute Sute.

By far, my Zute Sute is the best made, best fitting, best flying jumpsuit I have. (and its cool looking too!) Her prices are comparable to Tony and Bev, and she has a huge selection of fabrics to choose from.

She makes a lot of suits for bigways and record jumps as well.

In the end it comes down to personal preference, I guess.


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hmmm.... i've put probably 700 jumps over the past 3.5 year son my bev freefly suit (freeflying, flatflying, packing, etc) and have not had an issue with it in terms of workmanship and quality of materials (the dealer talked me into a sucky color scheme, but it was my first suit, so what did i know?)

Mind you, that's only 700 jumps, but for a suit that didn't FEEL particularly sturdy ( i think i could go to war in my dakine suit) it has held up without an issue.

Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

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I have had my Bev suit for 6 years. It is finally ready to retire, more because of wieght I have put on as opposed to it not being repairable. It has put up with more abuse than Dean Martin's liver.
I would have a real hard time going with another RW suit.

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