
Oh no is the RAGE a Crossfire 2????????

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i may buy one of those and not the crossfire

Have you jumped any of the canopies you've been talking about? If not, you really should. You can listen to everyone's opinion, but until you put a jump on a canopy you never know.
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rage of flight concepts looks like a crossfire 2

any opinions on this.

the rage looks like a nice canopy anyone have any experince on it.

i may buy one of those and not the crossfire

i have owned and/or jumped a rage 185, 170, 150, 120 and i curently own a crossfire 2 119. their both great for flying video, hence their gonna open and open soft. every rage ive jumped i would do a 270-360 turn on opening. the cf2 it one of the best opening canopies i have owned (other than my colbalt). i didn't like the flare on the rage, sometimes it seemed non existent, and have seen several ppl break bones because of it. if your still at Ft. Bragg go to the sport parachute center and talk to the rigger there. his name is gregg. hes a rage dealer and should still have demos there. he also put a number of jumps on the crossfire & colbalt, so hes the one to talk to.
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i dont mean to complain i love input but i am trying to figure this out.

i have demo - crossfire 2 169 and 149

crossfire 1 - 159, 149, 139, 129,

vision - 150, 140

jedi -136

cobalt 135,

nitron 150 - 135

i have jumped smaller canpoies but i am not looking into that size range i am sticking to 150 - 130 range.

i thought the katana and mamba were too twitchy for me.

all those canopies i was sold on a crossfire 1 or 2

then i found out about the rage canopy and i want to know how it compares.

i jump these canopies but i cant fill out a complete report on them like some of you can.

thats why i ask my question hopefully that gives some of you a basis tounderstand my questions.

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J.D. ,
I would really like to know the people you are talking about that broke all those bones on the Rage . I have never heard a single person say they didn't have enough flare and if anything were surprised about the amount of flare it had . The Rage is not a Crossfire 2 or 1 for that matter . If you look at the ribs you will see a difference that is very noticeable . The Rage will fly bigger than an equal size Crossfire . The manufacturers measure differently and a Rage 110 would measure up like a 119 Crossfire . Both parachutes are good chutes nad you will enjoy either one you pick . Everyone wants something different out of their chutes . Find what you like and stick with it . And as for the 270-360 out openings well I'll keep my opinion to myself since I haven't heard of this problem either . Joe Bennett

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hell i have 270 openings all the time on this typhoon i am jumping i let it do itsthing like a vision they seem to spin on opening hard.

i understand the rage is a different canopy but it looks pretty close to the crossfire 2 and i like that about it

if it flys bigger great and if it has flare down to your toes great.

i just want to know how they compare.

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I have never heard a single person say they didn't have enough flare and if anything were surprised about the amount of flare it had

Well chalk me up as #1 then. I recently used a new FC Rage 150 for doing some military camera work and made roughly 100 jumps on it over the course of about a week 1/2 at about a 1.3 wing loading. One of the first things I noticed was the lack of bottom end flare power and high front riser pressure when doing 360s. I really had to get on it and make it pick up enough speed so it felt like it had some flare at the bottom end. Normal straight in landings required a bit of a run out as the canopy just didn't seem to plane out or come to a stop very well. Where I would normally expect the canopy to glide for a few moments before setting my feet down I found myself with nothing left in the flare and that "just jumped off the back of a pickup truck" type of landing and this was at about 50% brakes.Once I figured the quirks of the canopy out I was able to compensate for this and made sure to pick up some speed(deep double fronts) prior to landing. For someone who just wants to fly straight in and not even do front riser approaches it might prove to be a frustrating canopy to try and land. The only times I felt like it had enough flare when coming straight in was when the winds were high on the ground, then landing was not an issue. I think the openings are nice enough for camera use but if I had a choice I'd take a Katana, a Stiletto or even a Firebolt.

I agree that it does fly bigger than what it is listed as. It definately isn't in the same league as a CF. If anything I'd say it reminds me more of a Hornet than any other canopy out there. It flys nice and is a rather docile canopy which may prove good for a beginner to itermediate canopy pilot but the lack of bottom end and the landings may prove to be disappointing. Of course, this is just my opinion of the canopy I flew and I encourage everyone to test jump a canopy themselves before coming to any decissions as each persons perceptions of what is fast or what has a lot of lift, etc varies from person to person.YMMV
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J.D. ,
I would really like to know the people you are talking about that broke all those bones on the Rage . I have never heard a single person say they didn't have enough flare and if anything were surprised about the amount of flare it had . The Rage is not a Crossfire 2 or 1 for that matter . If you look at the ribs you will see a difference that is very noticeable . The Rage will fly bigger than an equal size Crossfire . The manufacturers measure differently and a Rage 110 would measure up like a 119 Crossfire . Both parachutes are good chutes nad you will enjoy either one you pick . Everyone wants something different out of their chutes . Find what you like and stick with it . And as for the 270-360 out openings well I'll keep my opinion to myself since I haven't heard of this problem either . Joe Bennett

um lets see... i can name one off the bat (chris) who broke both his legs on a rage 120. yes he was doing a high proformance landing, and yes the winds may have played a part. 2.) i put quite a few jumps on the rage myself and didn't like the flare. (and i injured myself too.) i was not bad mouthing the canopy whatsoever. as a matter of fact i think i said the openings were great for videographers. as for the 270-360 openings quite possibly it was my packing and/or body position, but i havent had one on the other two yet, so i guess well see. {also hint hint thats why i suggested he go see a dealer/rigger with almost 30+ years of experence and talk to him if he was still in the area.}
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There are quite a few of those canopies flying around NC and GA. They were designed to compete directly against Crossfires and Cobalts. Yes, the nose looks a lot like a Crossfire, but no, it's not a "copy." The only two I jumped were like a 110 sized one and a prototype tandem-sized one that was at Skydive Monroe. I didn't experience any of the "360 on opening" stuff mentioned early in this thread. I have got the feeling that the person with the single most amount of experience on the canopy (Joe Bennet) might have the best idea about the overall performance of it. I didn't have any problem landing the small one I jumped, but then I understand how to land a parachute; any parachute.

Note to others: be very leary of advice given by people who have padded their logbook over 2000 jumps in their profile in the past six months.

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I jump several types of canopies in a day.

I jump a RIOT (cross braced Rage essentially) mostly and have jumped a Rage in the 140 and 130 size. Total jumps on the Rages is around 100 and the Riot around 250~ now.

I have only had off heading openings 2 times; 1 was a precision pack (that I must have not been to precise with), and 1 was a flat pack for test reasons. The precision pack did a 180 and came out on its own as I started to deal with it, the flat pack did a 90 to the right and I flew side ways for a second or two but it cleared on its own too.

I am not a swooper by definition and only really do 90's to 180's to final. I have landed both canopies in all sorts of wind conditions and agree with Chuck about their landing.

Fly one in the size you want and make your own decision. I recently saw a guy on a Rage 140 doing real well with it and landing it fine, but when a "skygod" asked him what it was and he said Rage the SG said to "can that shit and get a PD".

There are other canopy makers out there who make just as good a product and just don't have the "name" yet.

You make the decision it is your money, but more importantly your body and "Fun factor".

Be safe and have fun!

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