
Sebastian will double prize money for FLCPA round 5

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i stood up that blindman if any one was wondering (shimmel)

i would say i could care less... but i really could care less..


i havent even tried one yet. and the water here is getting cold. so i will be playing on the water again next year.

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HEY - is anyone going to be passing thru Orlando Friday (12/3) around 11am, heading to the comp? I'm calling in favors to get a friend here from the airport and I bet once you know who it is, you'd be willing to be a bit more accomodating....

Think Pink Mafia.....

So, anyone heading to Sebastian Friday at 11ish, let us know..... ;)

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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From Chris:

We will have a 9 cell class at the next two FLCPA meets. Course dimensions will remain the same with same scoring system as intermediate and pro classes. The difference will be this. Entry gates will be 30 ft wide, but will not have a height requirement. Pilots will need to fly through the course at any height with no vertical extension penalties. In other words the entry gates extend to the sky. You must still fly through the gates though.
You can not enter the course from the side.
Yesterday is history
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Wow, I have been so bad at looking at the forums I missed this entire thread. Lately, I just go straight to the places & events and don't look anywhere else.

Yeah!! I'm glad to see everyone getting ready to come and yes *gulp* we are matching the prize money. Man, I think Sebastian is such a beautiful place to jump even after hurricane wreckage - but look at the crap I have to do to get you guys to come see us!

We are very excited to have the meet. We've got plenty of aircraft. PACKING will be tight! We are going to try to put a temporary cover over what remains of the old packing structure for this event. We've all been enjoying being cozy in the main hangar but I don't think we want to be that cozy for this weekend. (yes, we are replacing the packing shed. Permits are being processed & footings will be poured soon but not in time for next Friday).

For anyone else who isn't competing and is an animal lover we are also having a fund raiser for our local Humane Society that weekend. If anyone wants to participate (the competition does not couont for this) you give a $10.00 registration (donated direct to the H.S) and Skydive Sebastian will also donate $1.00 from every jump you do that weekend directly to the Humane Society.

So we have all kinds of stuff happening.... looks like party potential Saturday night...maybe??? :)

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Entry gates will be 30 ft wide, but will not have a height requirement.

To me, this totally defeats the object of a competition system. If you can't hit a gate you shouldn't score, period. If you can't hit a gate or accept missing a gate safely, you aren't ready to compete yet.

I am against the idea of yet other class with, yet again, no clear boundaries on what does and doesn't qualify you to compete in this category. These kind of things need to be well thought out, discussed and put up for review. Having a class, simply to get more competitors, whether qualified or not, is not the right way to go IMO.

A qualified pilot, under a 9 cell can score WELL in every category that currently exists in the intermediate, and even the advanced groups. Those who think you need to WIN each round to win the competition are mistaken. Scoring decently, and not getting any verticals in each round is a sure fire way to place in the top 5. So having a class just for 9 cells is entirely unnecessary. Also, if you're entering the 9 cell category and genuinely think you can win it, you should be in the Intermediate group anyway.

Performance Designs Factory Team

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Hey Ian

IMO you have sand in you mangina

but some legitimate points brought up there from my south african american friend, there should be a qualifying of sorts to let someone compete. purely for safety. just like we have to for PST but something to say someone can be safe on all attempts for the gates. and maybe remove the first gate requirement for a nine cell class as apposed to making jack in the bean stalk first gates~

my two fifty.. not an attack on chris or anyone else just my input. i am all for a nine cell class but i am concerned about the safety aspect.

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IMO you have sand in you mangina

Wanna lick it out :P


not an attack on chris or anyone else just my input.

Yeah, I hope my didn't come off as an attack either. This just seems to be a good forum to discuss competitors concerns and gather input. In the end it's Chris's baby for sure but we all want these to be safe events. I know he reads these forums periodically so maybe some points will get him thinking about how to address some potential issues, sooner rather than later.

In the end I still stand by my feelings that a 9 cell class is NOT NECESSARY, not do I believe it encourages the right kind of competition mindset. If anything it says to upcoming jumpers that you need a cross brace to be competitive, which is BS at best.

If the upcoming competitors think they won't be competing against sponsored pilots with different linesets, rds systems, etc in the other categories they're mistaken. What would they want then..another class for them? Where does the line get drawn? It's never going to be 100% equal, people are experimenting with stuff all the time that'll give them the additional edge, that's part of the competition, if you can't accept it then don't compete.


ps: Paul, where the hell were you for the Halloween festival?
Performance Designs Factory Team

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In the end I still stand by my feelings that a 9 cell class is NOT NECESSARY, not do I believe it encourages the right kind of competition mindset.

There are two types of mindsets in my experience. The first is the win at all cost, the second is the lets have fun while learning. Clearly the first is going to be the one thats already out there hitting gates and able to make a strong showing since they are only swooping and have'nt seen freefall in a long time. The second is the weekend jumper. They might make 20 jumps a month, pretty current... but not living everyweekend at the DZ. They want to learn more, rub elbows with the big guys and see just how well they are really doing.

Compare swooping to something like 4 way. The intermediate group is very similar to the Advanced group in 4 way. Most those guys are weekend warriors that are at the DZ 3-4 days a week and still have another job. They are good because they put in lots of time and it shows. The Advanced is equal to open. Full timers that are sponsored etc. Even on a bad day they can still out do about everyone in the 4 way advanced. Where is a learning group? Where can someone that is new to the scene and only has their skills dialed in about 50-60% go and compete for fun? There is no equal to the intermediate class in 4 way. I don't think anyone that is entering this class is looking to win the prize money, they are more interested in learning and watching the better jumpers so they can learn, move up and compete against them.

I wish I could be there but I'll be in Deland. I see the 9 cell group as an excellent introduction to compitition group. Something that can get those people involved that are already out doing hooks and swooping but might not otherwise thought about competing since they would be whooped all over. By not forcing them to worry about the first gate (but note the rest count) it greatly increases their safety margin while providing a great introduction. I've seen a lot of people pound into the pond at WFFC on their first attempt at it since they got so worried about trying to hit the gates they ended up in the corner and splashed big time.

I see a 9 cell group as a great way to keep people from moving into a crossbrace before they are ready for it since you can say "Take your Nitro out and compete against other 9 cellers and see how you can do. If you can't beat or compete with them at that level what makes you think you can play with them at a higher level?" ;)


If anything it says to upcoming jumpers that you need a cross brace to be competitive, which is BS at best.

Give up your Velo and jump a Stiletto then for the rest of the comps ;):P
Yesterday is history
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Clearly the first is going to be the one thats already out there hitting gates and able to make a strong showing since they are only swooping and have'nt seen freefall in a long time. The second is the weekend jumper. They might make 20 jumps a month, pretty current... but not living everyweekend at the DZ. They want to learn more, rub elbows with the big guys and see just how well they are really doing.

I still jump weekends only, I train on a Freefly team and haven't done more than 30 hop n pops outside of the Swoop meets all season. I compete in the intermediate class (probably will soon get moved up) to have fun and learn. My first competition ever, was a Red Bull Swoop meet where I had to go up against (no seperate categories) the PD Factory Team, Team Chaos, Danny Koon, Chris Erwin, Nate Gilbert, etc to where 25 of the 32 slots were considered "pro swoopers". I still competed, got my ass kicked, LEARNED A BUNCH and was never treated like a newbie at all. I accepted that part of learning was going up against the big dogs, getting beaten, and learning as much as I could from them.


There is no equal to the intermediate class in 4 way.

Yes there is, it's the intermediate in the FLCPA. If you're deemed too good for the category, you're moved up to help keep the playing field level.


might not otherwise thought about competing since they would be whooped all over.

That'll happen in any category. It's too close a game to think you're going to walk in and school everyone. If you think you are then you're good enough to compete with everyone else and if you you're too scared about losing then competition swooping isn't for you. Any time an ego governs something, it's not a good thing. Play to win for sure, but realize that winning isn't everything and isn't going to happen every time. The field is VERY tough.


Take your Nitro out and compete against other 9 cellers and see how you can do.

Tyler Lawson WON an event on his Nitron.


Give up your Velo and jump a Stiletto then for the rest of the comps

If PD will send me a Katana to get current on, I'll do the first round of the FLCPA next year on one for you - all you need to do is make sure you come to the event and compete with me :)
Performance Designs Factory Team

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You guys make good points but maybe it is just a way to help people THINK about "competition". Putting a label on it and making people pay is another whole ball game. Don't be so harsh............oh hell..............say what you want - that's why we have the forums.

So Ian.....does all this chit caht mean you are coming to play with us next weekend? Can't wait to see everyone

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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Don't be so harsh

Hey Dee - sorry babe, not trying to be harsh and certainly don't mean to come off that way. I just want people to think, and I mean REALLY THINK, about why they feel there should be another category.

As for next weekend, that's all weather dependent. At this stage there's a good chance I'll be seeing ya ;)

Hope you had a good turkey day!

Performance Designs Factory Team

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Skyvan was flying ALLLLL WEEEEEEKEND long. Blue skies, a bit of wind but AWESOME JUMPS!

I made another plug for this weekend in Events....stop over there and get it rolling. Sebastian is going to be the place to be this weekend FOR SO MANY REASONS.

See ya Friday around noonish.....

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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Sorry all, but I've decided to miss this meet. I just can't justify the cost of changing the plane ticket (I'm already losing $200 on a non refundable tunnel camp that was scheduled for January 15th - same as the finals have now been set to >:(). Hopefully next year the dates will be determined further in advance.

Performance Designs Factory Team

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Hmm, honestly I kind of like the idea of a 'beginner' class. I think the '9-cell' should be a misnomer, but the concept should be solidified as a flat-out beginner class. I'm not too versed in the aspects of competition swooping so there may be reasons as to why this wasn't done in the first place. But I think it'd be a nifty thing to draw in more newbie competitors and have them feel less intimidation.




Don't be so harsh

Hey Dee - sorry babe, not trying to be harsh and certainly don't mean to come off that way. I just want people to think, and I mean REALLY THINK, about why they feel there should be another category.

As for next weekend, that's all weather dependent. At this stage there's a good chance I'll be seeing ya ;)

Hope you had a good turkey day!


You be the king and I'll overthrow your government. --KRS-ONE

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I can see both sides. But, as someone who doesn't feel nearly ready to compete with the pro swoopers, I think it would be kinda nice to be initiated in a beginner class. If I were to compete, it would not be in expectations of winning, but more as an effort to get some feedback and maybe some tips. I absolutely understand about the safety aspect and I think that having some sort of qualifier may be a good idea to keep it a safe competition if that is whats usually done, although I have no idea what a qualifying round would involve.??

Will the 9-cell class be no fees / no prizes, or fees / prizes? Is this event Saturday only or Sat & Sun? What time does it start? Will there be time for some warm-up jumping before the actual competition? Has the order been determined? Obviously the course will have to be modified for the 30ft wide gates the beginner class will have with compare to the others, so will they be first or last?

Just my thoughts, see you guys this weekend either way.

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Sorry all, but I've decided to miss this meet.

hey Ian

that is really too bad. i was looking forward to whooping your ass personally. how about you come down anyway and i will give you some of the prize money for your troubles?? you will be missed

love you long time boetie ;)

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