
"The Parachute and its Pilot" Book

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The 3rd Edition is now shipping. Thanks for your patience everyone. I got 1050 of them, so they should last a while. (perhaps not!)

How long would it take to get to Oz?

We are shipping airmail to all points outside the USA, so it should be only about a week.
Instructional Videos:www.AdventureWisdom.com
Keynote Speaking:www.TranscendingFEAR.com
Canopies and Courses:www.BIGAIRSPORTZ.com

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Mail Brian.

I got my copy (fresh third edition) a week ago here in Canada. Only got to read like half way through it yet, but it is truly the best book on parachutes and their aerodynamic behaviour i have read so far. I'm eager to get to the psychological part, if that keeps to the standard set in the "technical" part, it will be great.
The mind is like a parachute - it only works once it's open.
From the edge you just see more.
... Not every Swooper hooks & not every Hooker swoops ...

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I got my 3rd Edition a couple days ago... Brian... you have completely outdone yourself... this is the perfect companion to your first book.

Actually... I shouldn't have to even type this note... nothing you do is less than wonderful!

Thank you for your continued support of our sport.


"A Mind is a terrible thing to taste."

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I got mine a few weeks ago, and I have added 50% to my swoop distance since, simply by being truly aware, for the very first time, of how my wing flies.

(This wasn't a good thing on my 1,000th though...)

An excellent technical reference, and I'm just starting on the psycho-babble now...(j/k!)

My one and only gripe...although I understand the message you're trying to convey, the language is sometimes a trifle too flowery for me...witness:

The Ultimate Swoop is one of the ways in which humanity can reach upward toward Heaven, and manifest a perfect form in a world of chaos. It is the "Flow" of an Optimal Experience. It is, in essence, happiness.

Just a bit too much for me...but otherwise, an excellent book so far. :)
Swoopert, CS-Aiiiiiii!

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Yeah, it sometimes is a bit flowery, but i find it to be a much more enjoyable read thanks to that. I haven't found the opposite extreme (dry aerodynamics formula talk) lazy dudes like me like to read over yet, so i'm fine with the flowery extreme.

Other than that, i got to jump 9 times this weekend (finally once again), and my flying seemed completely different and more aware. Like it suddenly all started coming together. I also brought the book out to the DZ for people to have a look at it, and i'll probably set up a bigger order sometime SOON. :)
I only recently discovered that maintaining a good flow in all my skydiving (and a lot else for that matter) gives much better results and keeps me waaay more relaxed. I'm one really happy dude right now!

~~{{ VIBES }}~~
The mind is like a parachute - it only works once it's open.
From the edge you just see more.
... Not every Swooper hooks & not every Hooker swoops ...

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I just finished the first half of the book and I absolutely love it - it kept me from going to sleep until early morning;) The aerodynamics part is not overloaded with math that most of the readers will probably bypass, but at the same time is well explained in a text and, most importantly, well illustrated. The style combining some serious theory with authors personal comments and stories reminds the classical series of Richard Feynman’s lectures on physics. It was fortunate and at the same time embarrassing for me to take Scott Miller's canopy control class and read this book in a period of one week just to realize that after 500 jumps I have not learned a lot about the wing over my head. Thanks Brian for pointing in a right direction.

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Just bought my copy (2nd edition) off the shelf at Square1 in Perris last week. I'm reading through it now while I'm still grounded with an injury and hoping to get back this fall. I think it's very well written and has just the kind of information I was looking for. It explains a lot of concepts I had never even really thought of, or at least articulated. F'rinstance, the importance of keeping tension on the suspension lines. Well, "duh" you might say, but as obvious as it may sound, how often does anyone ever talk about it ? And how many serious injuries are caused by related problems with line tension or the lack of it ? This is a marvelous reference that will stay on my bookshelf for years to come.

Suggestions for improvements: use some photos and hire a proofreader for heaven's sake!

Keep up the good work and thanks much!

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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I think you will be happy to hear that the 3rd Edition has been edited. I haven't had complaints about it.

As for the issue of line-tension, it is at the heart of parachute control and stability. Line tension is the energetic connection between you and your wing. If you want your motion to be closely correlated with that of the wing, better stay connected to it!

Instructional Videos:www.AdventureWisdom.com
Keynote Speaking:www.TranscendingFEAR.com
Canopies and Courses:www.BIGAIRSPORTZ.com

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Just got it...just read it. Very informative and helpful. Lots of good info and things to try. Best explanation of an entry point for a swoop I've ever seen. Diagrams coupled with verbiage lay it out nicely.

Personal failing probably, but I wanted more discussion about the actions from plane out to full stop. Took a course with Scott Miller and with what he put out coupled with Brian's book, I feel pretty good, but I would have liked to compare and contrast the two.

Still a great book and glad I bought it. Mahalo, Brian.
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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