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I have been talking to a couple of people at at dz in Louisiana and other places.. I do not see the problem. I have been practicing at another dz. I will pull high. Im sorry I posted that. Im taking it off. It offened some people.
The longer you wait ........the more sense you get.
The longer you wait ........the more sense you get.

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What ever DZ you are talking with clearly does'nt value thier jumpers if they are willing to let you jump a sub 100 canopy at sub 100 jumps. You are a danger to your self and everyone else in the air at the same time as you with that type of canopy. How many jumps do you have now? Exactly how many?
BTW.... you can probally expect to hear about this next time at the DZ, people read and never post. Don't be surprized if this gets back to your DZO somehow.
Now, as for your choice to post in this fourm area, there are some places on DZ.com that we don't care about like the talkback, anything goes there. In the rest, we are serious about everything because we have some highy talented and knowledgable people that only read those areas. We don't want to waste thier time so we keep the chit-chat to a minimum in here.
I want to touch the sky, I want to fly so high ~ Sonique

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Hun, it didn't offend anyone, we just want you around to jump with. I've see so many people life flighted out in the last 2 years I don't want you to be one of them. Also if you check the fatalities this year in parachutist, there were several fatalities by people with under 100 jumps who did low turns or cut away from spinning line twists to low on high performance canopies. Please before you order anything, really talk to Derek and let him see you fly, come out to SDH. You can jump your 135 in my Reflex. The worst that can happen is he tells you to stay on the 135 longer, but with that he will tell you what you need to learn, at the least he may say go ahead and get something a little small, and at the best he will say go ahead and get the 69, just get someone who knows canopies and how to fly them to watch you, not those guy out at spaceland who think it's funny to plow furrows with thier landings. Don't forget that the Louisiana guys have divot numbers, the didn't get them from landing well under thier canopies.

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You know what, Im going to practice at another DZ. I would not dare jump on a busy weekend at a highly populated DZ. Im not going to hurt anyone . You do not know me. I now have 100 or so jumps I got during my break at this cool DZ in LA. You and none of these othe people have any idea what my skills are. I would never make a mistake Im always careful . I never jump on a windy day .I need a small canopy. Im only like 95 pounds now!!!!!!!
The longer you wait ........the more sense you get.

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I would never make a mistake Im always careful .

Where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, the 15 people I used to jump with who can no longer skydive cuz they either hooked themselves in and died or busted themselves up so bad they're still trying to walk normally again.
pull and flare,

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Add .5 more to that list Lisa.... ME :)Although I should have a full recovery, I've been warned that the ankle will always be weak and any landing could do more damage to the foot and more nerve damage (worse that what was done). I'm still finding more spots that don't have any working pain receptors on my foot......
I want to touch the sky, I want to fly so high ~ Sonique

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I'd say this whole thing is a troll.....or somebody got access to somebody else's account and is just stirring the pot.. No decent instructor, DZO, or gear dealer would sell anybody a canopy like that without knowing, and hopefully verifying, their skill/experience first..
Try calling just about any gear dealer and ordering an Extreme, Velocity, etc.....and see if they allow you to order it without questioning your abilities..

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The only reason I'm even posting this instead of ignoring your trolls is that apparently skycat knows you, which proves to me that you are a real person who has actually jumped. What you are saying scares me.

1/13/02 - posted in the safety & training forum
What is better for someone who wants a really docile canopy a triathlon or sabre? Im about 100 pounds 150 or 135? I want something docile but that will also penatrate winds above 10 mphs.
1/14/02 - posted in safety & training forum
Im a very busy student. Sometimes I can only find time to jump once or twice a month. I have my A license and 60 jumps. Is this a good idea?
1/15/02 - posted in safety and training forum
This is freebird. I trained on a 170. Then they got in the 150 (all sabres). I am 100 pounds. I have jumped a 135 Triathlon and stood it up on my first jump. I also jumped a 135 sabre I did not stand that one up on my first jump. I think it was a no wind day. I jump the 150 sabre because I am still renting. When I order my canopy my main concern is a canopy being docile in the event of a mal. Will a triathlon spin more than a sabre in with a line over?
1/20/02 - swoop/canopy forum -
Im bored with the 135 Sabre not a challange to me anymore . Im going to get a 97 Stiletto or 89 Crossfire. !!!!!!!! IM 100 pounds. Im going to trade my 135 Sabre in for a 97 Stiletto or a Icarus 69 Extreme. I stand my landings up. Im ready for something sporty!!!!!!
1/21/02 -
I actually have more than 60 jumps now. I will practice at another dz before I land something new at a busy drop zone. It will be 8 to 10 weeks before I even get a new canopy. Im jumping the 150 again while I wait.
1/21/02 -
You know what, Im going to practice at another DZ. I would not dare jump on a busy weekend at a highly populated DZ. Im not going to hurt anyone . You do not know me. I now have 100 or so jumps I got during my break at this cool DZ in LA. You and none of these othe people have any idea what my skills are. I would never make a mistake Im always careful . I never jump on a windy day .I need a small canopy. Im only like 95 pounds now

So you did 40 "or so" jumps over the last week and a half but you are a busy student who can sometimes only jump once or twice a month, and you lost 5 pounds, and you went from being concerned about having a canopy that was docile and not prone to violent spinning malfunctions to wanting a canopy that has killed several low and high time jumpers from violent spinning mals (just read the last three months worth of incident reports in Parachutist), six days ago you said you couldn't stand up a Sabre 135 on a no wind day and now you have "excellent canopy control skills".
You came here asking questions. Sorry that the answers you're getting aren't what you want to hear, but that's life. If you don't like the answers you're getting, go ask them of someone who will tell you what you want - guaranteed there are jumpers out there who'll tell you you'll be just fine on whatever canopy type/size you ask about - unfortunately there are lots of unethical people in this sport. My answers to your questions are based on years of experience in this sport - I can give you a list of names of people I know/used to know who will NEVER JUMP AGAIN because they listened to someone who told them what they wanted to hear and bought something that was beyond their ability and it either killed them or injured them very badly when something went wrong. EVERYONE makes mistakes, especially during your first couple hundred jumps, and many of the people I used to be able to jump were very careful and said they'd always fly conservatively.
I said it before and I'll say it again - if you are really that bored with a 135 already, fly a Sabre2 or Safire or equivalent 120 for awhile (more than 40 "or so" jumps), then think about a 107. Don't go to a Stiletto/Crossfire/etc until you have at least a couple hundred jumps.
And please stop getting angry with those of us who are trying to talk some sense into you. If you don't like what we're saying, don't post here.
pull and flare,

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