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....I'm with ya' Kent.....my kid just turned 5 (and is about to lose his first tooth). I still watch him in total amazement.....kids are WONDERFUL. Just don't get too attached to that baby....cause soon they're laughing about farts and spitting and saying "Damnit!" just the way you do.....
Eve was framed!

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Congrats, Man! I have three- Liz at 17 and getting reaaady to graduate, Sarah at 14 and can't wait for her first jump, and Esau ( like in all the Grateful Dead tunes-) at 10- Unfortunatly all live in NY with Mom- (I live in IL-) But we all see each other all the time and they get a call from me EVERY sunday- for the past six years- Haven't missed one!
But this about you- PARENTHOOD IS THE BEST!!!! You will soon have the most wonderful child in the world, bar none!!! (except for mine-) And a woman is never more beautiful than when she is with child-- (My dad told me that- And it soooooo true!
All my best to Mom and Dad both!!
Life begins at 14,000' - Shut up and jump!

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....I'm with ya' Kent.....my kid just turned 5 (and is about to lose his first tooth). I still watch him in total amazement.....kids are WONDERFUL. Just don't get too attached to that baby....cause soon they're laughing about farts and spitting and saying "Damnit!" just the way you do.....
My boy was 3 in February. 6 months ago he started saying dammit after heard Grandpa say it. There he was playing with his Hot Wheels. He crashed a couple into each other, creased his brow and started saying "Dammit you Cars!!!"
The laughter was incapacitating...
"Sous ma tub, Dr. Suess ma tub" :S

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When Annabelle (my 6 year old) lost her first tooth, I was so excited about extracting it from the "tooth fairy" pillow and saving it forever as a memory of my little girl. Then she REALLY lost it. She had trouble going to sleep that night, crying about losing (misplacing) her first tooth. She had looked all over the house and couldn't find it. Well you know what, the tooth fairy left a dollar under her pillow anyway. I guess the tooth fairy found it. Isn't it silly, we (parents) are excited by the tiniest events in our children's lives. She's since lost two more, I keep telling she needs to improve her brushing technique. Geez, I love my little Annabelle!
(I really wish we could've found her first "lost" tooth...)

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