
Round reserves?

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Opinions on round reserves? They were good for my Grandad, but what about me? I just think my life isnt worth the extra $800 for a new reserve(then again this rig looks so old the rotted seams might break off next time i put it on)
Some weirdo(probably peder)
"Chronic leaves.....no seeds" Dr. Dre

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Ya would not catch me with a round reserve!
If your under a reserve your probably gonna be low. I know you can stear rounds these days, but its not quite the same as having a square.
My life is worth the extra doh. Pay the etra.

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Medical expenses will quickly exceed any money you save purchasing a round reserve.
The problem is that civilian skydiving schools have forgotten how to teach parachute landing falls for round parachutes. It took the Canadian Army 2 weeks to drill PLFs into me. Few civilian schools spend 20 minutes on the subject!
If you have not drilled PLF technique into muscle memory with hundreds of practice rolls, you are garranteed to injure yourself landing a round reserve.
Round canopies are antique technology that fell out of fashion in the 1980s.
Take it from a POPS who learned on round parachutes back in the 1970s, traded in his last round reserve in 1985 and made his last jump on a military round parachute in 1986: round parachutes are antiques.
Don't risk your money or your bones on an antique.

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as someone who had one round reserve ride 16 years ago in the army then took skydiving again last year and had one ride with club set while on student status .
Let's put it this way " unless I have unlimited sand desert under me I"ll never ever jump round reserve again "
Yes you can steer one but the only result is turnning on on you'r vertical axiss (flying side way then backward )
invest in square please


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I had a couple malfunctions on my PC, back in the 70's. The first one I stood up under a 24 foot round reserve. A while later I was using a friends round reserve when I had another malfunction. I was oscillating terribly all the way down and sprained both ankles in a rock pile. There was very little control to this canopy ride. Very little forward drive into the wind. I watched Fred Sands of Lost Prairie, go through some power lines under his round reserve. He only touched one line and survived. These are the kinds of things that can happen jumping outdated stuff. I think investing in a round reserve today would be a very poor decision.

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If my choice is to jump with a round reserve or not jump, I'll jump with a round, I wouldn't buy a round reserve unless it came in a nice rig, but after all folks it's a 'Reserve' to save your life, not a choice of rides. I guess I,m defending rounds because I jump a 26' lopo, and I'm not too scared of them cause I've got over a hundred jumps on rounds.If your on a budget, $400 buys a used square reserve or a lot of jumps. That being said, I am checking out the used reserve adds, and will get one sometime. My only reserve ride was on an army team rig with a safety flyer. By the way , the US Army only took one week to teach us to do PLF's.

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I would say get the square unless there is someone that can teach you how to handle emergenys under a round like a Mae West and inversions. If you've got no idea what this stuff is, ask around to some old jumpers and find out what to do if it happens to your reserve. Line twists are a new ball game under a round too.
I'm not sure what to put here right now.....

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