
The Incidents Forum, Emotions, and You.

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Please read this before answering the poll question.


It's fairly obvious now that the Incidents forum can bring out the worst, and occasionally the best in people - either way, in the case of a fataility it's usually cluttered with information that isn't useful as a learning tool.

Would it be too much to suggest that the moderators either:

* without hesitation remove or edit posts that do not serve to educate the skydiving community as to the cause of or how to prevent a given incident.


* after a thread has died down go through and do the same.


* have one of the more experienced in the bunch compile a report from the information in the thread and re-post that.

The end result of course is that we're left with a thread that is actually useful to those of us who are interested in learning from the mistakes of others. I've said it before and I'll say it again, this forum will quickly lose it's usefulness, or maybe effectiveness, if it's cluttered with irrelevant information.

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I'd vote for the real-time editing. Be brutal, like they're being right now in the ladies' room.
Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Wendy, I don't think its brutal, I think its fair. HH has stated on countless occassions that the forum should not be used to post condolences, oneliners etc. THe womens forum was set up so that you gals could have a chat without puerile (Boobies, beer, 'she said thong, snurff, snurrf' etc) comments interrupting the flow.

I don't think it should be the responsibility of the moderators to 'distill' the wisdom, it is down to us, the users to police this.

Now then I'm not being cold hearted, I fully undrestand that some people need to express their emotion, sense of loss etc, somewhere, but the talkback forum should be the place.

BTW I'm not voting on the poll, because I don't think they serve any useful purpose either....This ain't no democracy, or if it is, its an Iraqi democracy..;).


He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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>This ain't no democracy, or if it is, its an Iraqi democracy..

Actually, it's not even that. If this were an Iraqi-style democrazy, we'd get to vote in a poll every once in a while:

Should Sangiro continue as the Head Honcho?
_ Yes
_ No

And every time the poll would have 100% "Yes"-votes.B|

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I agree with how it's being handled now too. Brutal isn't bad in this case, it just means that the moderator has some big honkin's scissors with which to cut the posts.
Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I agree with you that it should be more tightly moderated. I know that HH and the moderators want to keep everything as open as possible but it's just sad to see the incident's forum turn into someone yelling, "what kind of bullshit statement is that?"

All posts should be absolutely directly related to the incident or else be deleted.

All threads should begin with all possible facts related to the incident, not, "hey, did anyone hear about" or "I heard from someone that". This is stated in the rules.

And then of course there's the human side. The incidents forum is VERY touchy so we should visualize that we're all in the same room, not sitting behind a computer. Let's picture this like it happened at our own DZs and we're talking to fellow jumpers.

And for God's sake, go to PM's. If something is offensive then send a PM, say you're offended and ask them to provide a little more information. We're a sarcastic bunch of people, sometimes all it takes is a clarification to save someone's quickly written post from turning into a fist fight at a funeral.

As for your poll. I don't think compiling the data would be worth the time. A lot of the back and forth that goes on are statements of personal philosophies that really help someone to think about a situation. I do agree that descructive criticism should be deleted.
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Yes the moderators need to be more brutal here in the incedents forum. It really gets on my nerves when someone writes "blue skies" and nothing else. It's only a few people who do it, but they do it ALL THE TIME!

I agree condolences are necessary, but it's just not the appropriate place.

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