cameye for handcam

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Anybody using one? Where do you mount it?

I know there's a spot for it on the waycool gloves, but I'm not sure where I'd put it on the riggerrob version. I'm thinking maybe I can sew up some kind of mount to wear it on my finger like a ring where I could hit the button with my thumb.

It would be really nice to be able to turn it on and off with one hand. As it is, I turn it on when I start getting into the pattern and then I get video of the back of my head for a couple minutes until landing.

How do you guys do it?

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I personally don't see a need for one, so I don't use one. If you are looking for one-hand operation for some reason though, I guess you could mount it just forward of the thumb hole on the inboard side of the glove. Still, I can't imagine why you would want or need to do that.


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I like to video the landings, but I just don't like taking my hands out of the toggles to turn it back on that close to the ground so I've been turning it on when I start setting up. The video of this part sucks. I usually end up flying a right hand pattern so my left is all the way up and the video is just the tops of our heads mostly and it kinda seems to drag on and on before the landing. I figured that with a cameye I could turn it on right before landing and not have to take my hands out of the toggles.

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Are you not editing your footage at all? If you are not then I could see this as being a problem, but we edit all of our videos on a linear board and simply fast forward past boring stuff while we have a captured pic stuck on the screen for a bit. Also, no need to take your hands out of the toggles to start recording again. Simply bring both hands (still in the toggles) in front of you and hit the button. Personally, I just leave it running for the entire descent and then edit out a couple of minutes of it on the board.


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All I can do with our editing stuff is add music and slowmo. I can fade between different audio inputs, but there's only one video input. Any transitions or anything like that has to come from the camera while I'm videoing. I'm used to shooting only what I want on the video.

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Right, but can't you grab a still on your board and then fade it over your running video? That's what I am talking about. Fade a still over the canopy flight after about a minute, then fast forward your camera till right before your landing, then fade back to your video. Can you not do that on your board?


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All I can do with our editing stuff is add music and slowmo. I can fade between different audio inputs, but there's only one video input. Any transitions or anything like that has to come from the camera while I'm videoing. I'm used to shooting only what I want on the video.


I just PAUSE the target VCR until I past the boring stuff, then resume recording.

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You are the second guy to ask about installing a Cam-Eye on a Handy-Mount.
The first guy could not figure out how to install a Cam-Eye where it would not be accidentally knocked by steering toggles.

Yes, it gets busy turning onto final approach: talking to the student, checking flags, watching out for other canopies, judging glide angle, planning my approach, etc. but I still prefer to hold my camera over the student's left shoulder to turn it on - reaching over with my right hand. Then I keep my left hand loose until 300 feet, at which point I grab the left steering toggle, but still keep my hand "loose" so I can hold the camera at a near "normal" angle.

I try to aim the camera so that the student's feet are at the bottom of the frame, with his head along the right edge of the frame and the target coming into view at the left (front) edge of the frame. With lots of arm muscle and advanced technique, you can hold the camera "normal" for the entire approach, landing and comments.

That reminds me to do more push-ups and chin-ups.

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You are the second guy to ask about installing a Cam-Eye on a Handy-Mount.
The first guy could not figure out how to install a Cam-Eye where it would not be accidentally knocked by steering toggles.

Yes, it gets busy turning onto final approach: talking to the student, checking flags, watching out for other canopies, judging glide angle, planning my approach, etc. but I still prefer to hold my camera over the student's left shoulder to turn it on - reaching over with my right hand. Then I keep my left hand loose until 300 feet, at which point I grab the left steering toggle, but still keep my hand "loose" so I can hold the camera at a near "normal" angle.

I try to aim the camera so that the student's feet are at the bottom of the frame, with his head along the right edge of the frame and the target coming into view at the left (front) edge of the frame. With lots of arm muscle and advanced technique, you can hold the camera "normal" for the entire approach, landing and comments.

That reminds me to do more push-ups and chin-ups.

Thanks for the tips. Sounds like it's going to take some practice to get decent landing video.

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[replyI just PAUSE the target VCR until I past the boring stuff, then resume recording.

When I tried to do that I hit pause on the vcr and the cd player at the same time so I could fast forward then tried to start them at the same time again. It came out like shit. I guess I'll have to fade the music out all the way before I do it.

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yea if you fade the music out you can polish up the crappy part of the video.

then when youre ready to get your landing just fade in another song. itf you do it well , it won't look bad at all.
I wish we had a board that Chuck is talking abou t all we have is video fade (A and B) and audio fade.

I guess If I hooked anpother camera up to the board I could stick my mem card in and grab soem still shots while I goofed around with the live footage...maybe I'll try that this weekend.

but It would be so much easier if the BOARD could grab a still frame so I could superimpose it
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Yes, it gets busy turning onto final approach: talking to the student, checking flags, watching out for other canopies, judging glide angle, planning my approach, etc. but I still prefer to hold my camera over the student's left shoulder to turn it on - reaching over with my right hand. Then I keep my left hand loose until 300 feet, at which point I grab the left steering toggle, but still keep my hand "loose" so I can hold the camera at a near "normal" angle. ***

This post as far as a bad situation, goes right back to the recent incident reports.
Keep your hand "loose" on landing?
Dammit, all injuries and fatalities are upon LANDING.
As an instructor, your job is to get that student home safe.
That is your responsibility.
Getting the camera shot should not even enter your mind at that point. Making an extra buck on a tandem jump, (shooting your OWN video from a handcam), shouldn't even be part of the skydive!!
Tandems can be risky enough to start with. Don't add in shit you don't need to.
Tony, put the student 1st, always.
My job is to get my student home safe. My 2nd job is to get them the video that they paid for.

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For people interested there is a CamEye called the HCR version available which is especially manufactured for Hand-Cam use. We have decided to mount these on the side of the palm between the thumb and forefinger, this requires the toggle to be held a little differently. The advantage is that the camera can be operated with one hand.
You can see it here>>http://waycool.com.au/html/products/cameye.htm#cehc

Stay Cool

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Ya ya ya, I know. Handcams are the devil and we're all going to die from them and they're going to ruin the sport. I've already heard. Let's start another thread for that. In fact there's already a handcam haters thread in the photography forum.


My job is to get my student home safe. My 2nd job is to get them the video that they paid for.

Mine too.

But thanks for caring, Sue;)

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