
Belly reserve?

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I claim last emergency use of a non-pilot chute twill ...10/25/1975 jump 37 .. first 30 sec delay.... almost streamer on a 28' (the sleeve was 'involved') .. hand over front, pull, hand under .. lift it about an inch and BOOM ... then cut away the crap (shot and 1/2s) ....
turned out everyone was very concerned because that reserve was supposed to be for rigger practice.. how it got near a student no one would admit... but they did clear me for 'self-supervision' ....

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I claim last emergency use of a non-pilot chute twill ...10/25/1975 jump 37 ..

Gotcha by a month. Jump #51 Nov 23, 1975. Cutaway from streamer cheapo with double shots. No pilot chute in mine either but there was no way I was gonna dump a reserve into that mess overhead. People on the ground were turning their heads so they wouldn't see me go in when I finally got it out.

Remember when people on the ground would watch and yell "PULL!" if you were sucking it down?


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I'd been looking for a chest mount reserve for a few years. I don't know where the hell they all are.:S I can't believe they got trashed. Finally stratostar clued me in on a pop top container on ebay. Got it for $20. Need's new ripcord (still trying to get it sent Jerry) but came with snaps, risers and crossconnector. No PC or Cap but I have an extra cap laying around. Need to decide if I have a PC I want to use. And I have a couple of canopies I could put it still would like to find a strong lopo.

I have another pop top at home that belongs to someone else who never picked it up two years ago. He used it for his PC and gets it packed every 5 years or so. But it has a 24' flat remanufacturered by John Sherman in 1974 by cutting mods in it.:S Told him if he didn't jump it I wouldn't charge him. Never picked it up.

I have a cotton 24' military container and a 28' nylon military container but didn't much want to use them.

I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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I'd been looking for a chest mount reserve for a few years. I don't know where the hell they all are.

I have about eight with no canopy right now and another 20 or so complete that I use regularly. This stuff is out there but it is getting harder and harder to find. I am looking for containers to fit PC size canopies. I have another dozen or so canopies without anything to stick them in. At one point I was almost getting them delivered by the truck load, now I am lucky if I can get one every couple of months. I am sure I couldn't have tapped the supplies dry :S lol

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>>Gotcha by a month. Jump #51 Nov 23, 1975. Cutaway from streamer cheapo with double shots.

where the hell were you jumping a twill in late 75 ?
I was in Nova Scotia, and they weren't terribly modern at the time but they had deemed twills to only be safe enough for packing practice a couple years before that (which makes how I ended up jumping with one even more mysterious)

just curious ...

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where the hell were you jumping a twill in late 75 ?)

just curious ...

Beaver Valley Skydivers just NW of Pittsburgh, PA. It was a really great club. I had my own cheapo and had not been taught how to cutaway because I wasn't jumping a "high performance" canopy like a PC yet. There were a couple twill reserves on the shelf for students and borrowing


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Believe it or not, at the Simcoe Ontario dz I believe they still had a few twill reserves up until the early 80's. I remember the rigger telling me he kept putting his packing paddle through them whenever he could but the dzo wanted to keep using them.
If some old guy can do it then obviously it can't be very extreme. Otherwise he'd already be dead.
Bruce McConkey 'I thought we were gonna die, and I couldn't think of anyone

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I don't recall ever seeing a twill reserve. I started in 73.

We had one member of our club that blew a bunch of holes in his reserve, going terminal. I wonder if that could have been twill. (Around 73.)

That same guy survived a mid-air collision and he was later killed in another plane crash. He just ran out of luck. His name was Jim Ledbetter.

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