
Anyone know the make of this rig? Found in a Swedish forest

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Looks like a love child of an early Racer and a Wonderhog.
Maybe home made?
That's all I got.
“The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him.

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec quotes (Polish writer, poet and satirist 1906-1966)

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It's an old Anderson Rig, built by Steve Anderson. That's his name on the card.

Steve was from Montana I believe. He jumped in Z-hills in the late 70's and early 80's. I was told he was killed in a non-skydiving accident many years ago.

As far as I know, the rigs were not TSO'ed so he only made them for friends in the USA and a few people overseas when the TSO wasn't a concern at the time.

This rig looks familiar. What's the story on it besides "found in a Swedish forest"?

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There were a number of Racer clones, without TSO AFAIK, made in the 70s and early 80s. IIRC, this might be a Sod Farm rig, maybe made by Steve Anderson or Ric Haglund I think? Similar rig called the PPD was made up in Minnesota in the mid-70s.

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Hey Jack,

Was Steve from Montana or just north of there into
Canada? I seem to remember him traveling with the Montana bunch but have him as a Canuck. Anyway... Real nice guy, quiet, jumped a Cloud Lite and landed it all the time with his hands at his sides without even unstowing brakes. Always wondered what happened to him.


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Just wondered if the owner's name and address was on the PDC? Interesting how it ended up in the forest! That would be a cool find...

Edited to add: You sure there weren't a skeleton nearby? ;)

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There were a few of these left over in Scotland in the late 1980s ; we called them Sodfarms too, though there was no datapanel on them. All in extreme late 1970s earth colour combos - orange, green, beige, brown etc.
A similar rig albeit with R3's was on ebay at the end of last year with what looked like a Stratoflyer main.

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I e-mailed a friend who used to team jump with Steve Anderson back in the day. I asked him if this was Steve's personal rig. This is his reply and he gave me permission to post it here.

It looks like one of Steve's creations. Note the padded leg straps. Stitching is the same on the harness.
As for being his personal rig, Steve didn't stay with the same rig for jumping for long, but built himself new ones right along. He sold quite a few to Scandinavian jumpers. I don't know how many he built and sold.
I just noticed the exposed pop top. That would have to be an earlier model, prior to complaints from Jump Shack, over the pilotchute copy right. Steve there after covered the pilot chute with an additional flap to avoid copy right infringements.
It has been a long time, but this is what I remember. Hopefully it is accurate enough.
Steve was killed 2-3 years ago, while working under his race car, which fell on him. He grew up in Minneapolis and after leaving Florida, bought and lived on wooded land near a large lake, several hours north of Minneapolis. He enjoyed hunting, racing stock cars, living a quiet life, glad to be alive after having survived cancer from Vietnam's Agent Orange.
He made numerous trips to my farm to hunt whitetail deer, and was amazed at their numbers and size. He commented on the wonderful flavor of the grain fed meat.
Realizing that he'd survived the cancer, he was determined to enjoy each and every day.

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