
Old PC Mannuals

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Winsor, Not trying to bug ya but did you get my e-mal? Wayne

Sorry about the delay, I just put it in the mail.

It turns out I had about 30 copies squirreled away, which I laid in specifically for people who scared up ParaCommanders with no info.

Have fun with the canopies; they are quite a worthwhile change from your everyday ramair.

Blue skies,


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Wayne,I have over 4000 jumps on the PC and never owned a sleeve.Jumped a few times with barrowed rigs that had the sleeve.The bag always gave me softer openings and packed faster.Also,less bulk.Dan Poynter's (The Parachute Manual 1st.edition)has PC packing instructions w/sleeve.

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Hey Pop,Hope you have a good Christmas and New Year. Yea, I know what you mean about the bag. Merle Leadbetter and his wife made a sleeve for me that was much tighter than the one that came with my PC. I would just wind pack it, roll it tighter to fit the sleeve and it gave me very slow openings, plus very few line twists. Seemed to be a touch softer than the bag my friends used and I jumped a few times. Probably was just my youthfull exuberance for the sport that couldn't tell the differance? :S Good to hear from ya again. Jump lately? I have to tell ya I just got my Jan Parachutist mag and was pleased to see the articule on Marathon boogie. It brought back some good memories. I did the first air show they had there in 1970 (I think). Just me and the little island down there. Did a stand up on the runway near the crowd and they loved it. Didn't make much money though! Fun none the less! Ah, to have all those days to do again! Wayne
Here's to Old Farts in the Wind!

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Hey Pop, Seaking of packing faster, did you use a PC for your record # of jumps? You had to be one tired puppy after that day! I would love to have been there! Been thinking about you alot and I think the last time I saw you was at your DZ in Indiantown. Was on a weekday no one esle there to jump that day, just me. you told your pilot( can't remember his name) to fire up the 172,I think or was it a 182, and let me jump! I did and I have always had fond memories of that day! No one out there today would do that for one jumper I think. It wasn't long after that Uncle Sam grabed me for a while. But I'm back in the sport now as long as my health will let me! Keep in touch, Wayne
Here's to Old Farts in the Wind!

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It was tangled to start with so this introduced a lot of problems.


Question for discussion--Which was the better method for preventing the sleve and pilot chute from ending up in a turn window? Long retainer line or short retainer line?
Old farts were tough.

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I always make the sleeve retainer line the length of the flaked canopy to make certain it will slide off with no problems. I don't know if you would consider this long or short, but I never had a problem with fouled turn windows/slots. This applies to all my sleeve deployed rounds, not just the PC. Yes, I know, someone will have a different opinion; this is just my system and has always worked for me.

And yes, Old Farts ARE super-tough....that's how we got to be Old Farts.

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It will be interesting to see how many opinions my question generates! I've got over a 1m round jumps and always (on my own canopy) used a retainer line the length of the canopy or longer. Yes, that cut down on the forward drive slightly. But, it was better than having the sleeve and pilot chute wrapped around a turn line inside the canopy!
Sometimes old farts are smelly!
Blue Skies

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I always make the sleeve retainer line the length of the flaked canopy to make certain it will slide off with no problems. I don't know if you would consider this long or short, but I never had a problem with fouled turn windows/slots. This applies to all my sleeve deployed rounds, not just the PC. Yes, I know, someone will have a different opinion; this is just my system and has always worked for me.

And yes, Old Farts ARE super-tough....that's how we got to be Old Farts.

Oh, I agree totally...particularly the part about old farts.

Short retainer lines, on a P.C., can cause lot's of problems, also.

I've only had two cut-aways, both on para-commanders, and both because the retainer line was too short. My sleeve ended up tangled in my steering slots, which put me into a turn.

On the first one I cut away right away. I alway's wondered if I could have held one steering line down to get it to fly straight, without chopping it. So when the 2nd similiar malfunction occurred I pulled down on one of the steering lines and the canopy started to collapse and do wierd things, so I went ahead and cut it loose. I took me a while to figure out the retainer line, being too short, was causing these malfunctions.

Bill Booth had a really entertaining story, in "Scary Stories From the Old Days". Two jumpers were jumping Para-Commanders with retainer lines that were way too long. They got too close to each other, and their pilot chutes and sleeves tangled. They spiraled down when neither one of them would cut away, and then they straddled a set of power lines. Yes, you had to be tough to survive back in those days...Steve1

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