
Safety advice?

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ok as you all know I am coming home soon(to the skies)

its been basically a year since I have jumped, and I always ask for safety advice when I return "home" after a long stay somewhere. I will be doing some solo's on Long Island and opening HIGH(5k-3.5k)
just to get used to the rig again and add seconds on case of a mal!

any body want to give me some advice about personal woes you ward off when you jump?

thanks! as jerry springer says...look out for yourselves, and each other. :D
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I know your situation is a bit different, Joe, but this is what I did when I got back nine months after shattering my femur:

I talked with the S&TA and reviewed the currency requirements as layed out in the SIM, reviewed emergency procedures, including a stint in the hanging harness.

For my first jump I did a clear and pull from 5000, and followed that with two simple 2-ways with my wife. I then felt current and competent and went on.

Be safe, enjoy yourself and keep us informed (as if he won't!).B|

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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To add to what Chuck said, hire a Coach and have a training plan for the dive. This will give you focus, and you'll plan, dirtdive, then skydive your actual plan. You will also, almost by default, be focused on safety as well, which replaces anxiety (at least for me). The big attaboy I send your way is not treating it like any other skydive and being complacent or overconfident. Those are both killers.
Have a safe one . . .B|
Arrive Safely


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Remaining current is a very important safety factor. Given your case, i would treat my first jump back after such a long time as a student jump. (not trying to suggest that you aren't good or anything) If you look at it like a first timer, you'll be focused on the basics. Talk to an instructor and ask them to review procedures with you. Make sure you get some time in a training harness to review your malfunction procedures. Seems to me that this is sort of like riding a bicycle...you'll be a little rusty at first, but it ought to come back to you fast. Good Luck and be safe! Welcome back!

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hey Jack,
Thanks for the advice. Im glad I brought My rig here, I do wear it every so often and I repack it (main) when ever I can.
the only l thing I need is to borrow your wife:S.
is she available..J/K.

Be safe, enjoy yourself and keep us informed (as if he won't!).

Hehehe. are you saying I wont shut up?:)SOON, friends, Soon I will be home and able to share some actually jump stories.:):D:ph34r:
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i would treat my first jump back after such a long time as a student jump

In my miniscule experience with doing jumps where the risk factors are high. IE New deployment system, New container, main, camera, etc. It's usually not the first jump that gets ya. Like my second jump on a throw out. I pulled the PC out and watched it flap in the wind shortly. I remember yelling at myself. "Let go of it stupid!!!" It's the second, third, fourth, or whenever you think you can be complacent again. I'd try to remain extra vigilant for AT LEAST the first 10 jumps or so back. Then you should be able to relax. B|

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i dont know how many ppl will be there when Im there

you should have no trouble finding people to jump with you. i was out there in april when their season had barely begun and we were doing four-ways.
spiral out...keep going...

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unfortunately I have had to treat alot of jumps as student jumps. (evrytime I come BACK to the sport)but I like it better when I have lots of time under canopy after not being there for awhile. gives me time to remember how the thing woprks. haha!(and If i need to cut it I wont miscalculate my seconds!
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one but its five hours away and all i can take is public trans. AND I need to find a buddy to go (buddy system here)
AND its over 100 per jump...then add the membership and lisences fees....
basically I dont think ill be able to go!
although I would love to have a korean helicopter jump in my book(thats all they jump is from heli's)
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I recently came back to jumping after TEN years away. I had around 200 jumps. I called a couple of DZs to see what they'd recommend for me to get current again. One DZ said without even meeting me that I'd have to do the entire AFF course again from level #1 through level #7.

Another DZ said, "Let's do an AFF level 3 style jump together and see where it goes from there." I chose to go to there since they seemed more interested in actually observing me before making major decisions about my training.

After a couple hours of talking over my logbook, reviewing emergency procedures, discussing canopy skills, landings, airspace requirements, etc, we went up for a jump. The instructor liked how I handled myself and gave me a handshake on the ground. "Welcome back to the sport."

I spent the next 5 jumps or so doing basic solo manuevers and opening high.

That's all it took for me.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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cool, I luck out in australia.
when I contacted them Via email, I told them I t would be 8 months from my last jump. thay said the same thing. instructor jump. I was glad that was all.
Being uncurrent and USpa. I was glad they didnt require more high $$ jumps.

I get to the dz. speak the the S&TA and we talk for a few and I load up. no intrsuctor jump. Sweet. plus I got three free Jumps there! I love that country.

after I told the S&TA my situation and plan ( for the jump) he said I was good.(obviously he looked at my gear and logbook.)
my second jump in OZ was with Rodd Millner. cool guy.(enter his name in your search engine)
his name sounded familiar to me but i coulnt place it til he told me!
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