
TSR 150 Way's April 18th-22nd

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The TSR 150 Way Sequential Invitational is a short 10 weeks away. To be held at Skydive Spaceland in Rosharon Texas. April 18th-22nd, 2007.
The roster is 99% full. I say 99% only because the personel for an event like this is always in flux due to changes in work schedules, family issues, injuries, Etc.
We are still accepting applications/registrations for slots and Alpha Team Members.
If you are interested and think that you have the experience for this event you are welcome to register for a slot at http://www.texasstaterecord.com
All event related information can be found at this website.
Once you have registered the captains will review you resume and get back to you with a response.
Also, we will have 2 Casa's, 5 super Otters, and 1 Grand Caravan on hand for the big way jumps and these airplanes will all be available to jump during the course of the TSR Event. ( With No registration fee).
So, Come and join the TSR 150 Way Team for a 5 day gathering of some of the best Big Way Formation Skydivers Worldwide. We hope you can come!

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And those of you bigway guys or gals that fly wingsuits -- bring them, when you get cut you can come fly with us;)

We will be organizing wingsuit flocks inbetween the record attempts - we will have use of the Casa(s)
Jump tickets will be $23 I believe, and there is no boogie fee and no free t-shirts

If your not in the TSR come out and play with us anyways - Skydive Spaceland is a great DZ with well maintained facilites -- I am sure there will be lots of food for sale due to us wingsuit flyers being there -- and those bigway guys might have a little to do with it.

Come fly the Texas skies

We are planning on April 21st and 22nd ------- if the demand for Friday the 20th is there I know a few of us would take off work so let me know

The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid

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Kallend you would puke if you ever had to move up in the formation. I bet you don't have three jumps with a row of people BEHIND you, you skinny liberal :P

see you in Texas


When you guys in the middle slow it down to 103mph you'll be glad I'm still able to wait out there for my slot to open.:P

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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