
Star Crest Boogie with Bill Newell at West Tennessee Skydiving, Sept 9-10

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Bill Newell,the originator and administrator of the Bob Buqour Memorial Star Crest Award, will join us at West Tennessee Skydiving Sept 9 & 10 for a weekend to award as many SCRs and SCSs as possible (to earn an SCR, you must be in a formation of at least 8, to earn an SCS you must close 8 or later on at least an 8 way).

All experience levels welcome. If you need help with your skills, our coaches and organizers will jump with you at no charge to get you capable of a dive to earn your award.

This is a unique opportunity to actually earn your award on a dive with Bill. If you already have your SCR-SCS this is a great opportunity to help others earn their award. SCR-SCS HOLDERS WHO PARTICIPATE IN A JUMP WHERE A NEW SCR OR SCS IS AWARDED GET THEIR NEXT JUMP FOR $10!

Jumps will be from Mike Mullins Super King Air, 14,500' in 7 minutes. West Tennessee Skydiving is completely air-conditioned, pool, RV Slots, modern bathrooms, hot showers. Free camping and bunking available.

For info on the DZ see http://www.SkydiveKingAir.com

For info on the SCR and SCS award and its history, please see http://www.scr-awards.com

Mike Mullins
SCR 420

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This is awesome! Wish we could be there but we will be up north.

Do you have anyone for the ceremony..Texas style!

Hope it goes well.


Wish I could be there as well. I earned both SCR and SCS numbers out of Mullin's King Air on my 500th jump, at WFFC '97. Mike did a close-up fly-by of the building star on his way down. :o B|
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(to earn an SCR, you must be in a formation of at least 8, to earn an SCS you must close 8 or later on at least an 8 way).

No grips on exit..
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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I keep telling Bill if he organizes one of these things close enough, I'll be there. This one is a little out of range (of South Florida), but I'm still thinking about it....

We need one of these to happen in Z-Hills or Deland. I think Bill hasn't been to either in a few decades, maybe someday soon.

Great to see this tradition continuing!

Roger "Ramjet" Clark
FB# 271, SCR 3245, SCS 1519

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This is awesome! Wish we could be there but we will be up north.

Do you have anyone for the ceremony..Texas style!

Hope it goes well.


Oh come on J - you want to be here, you need to be here. Mike is a Texican but I don't know if he knows the ceremony.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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