
Skyfest Peeps...

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Ok, I got off work, I am going to Skyfest! I'm either going the 14-18 (I'm going to stay an extra day and fun jump or see the sights) or I'm going the 13-18....

So... how exactly does this work? Will I be ok with an A license? Should I get my B before going? I'm not old enough to rent a car.... does anyone know if they pick jumpers up at the airport??

Details please!!!

This will be my first Boogie!! Yes, I know, Beer.

Also, where do I find out how much registration/jump tickets...ect are?

PMS #449 TPM #80 Muff Brother #3860
SCR #14705 Dirty Sanchez #233

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You will be ok with an A license. However, some of the specialty loads (helicopter, balloon, biplane) require a B license, so if you can get it done that's even better. You'll still have plenty of opportunities with an A license though.

There are several people flying in and I'm sure it won't be that big of a deal to get a ride from the airport. As it gets a little closer I'm sure we'll figure out who's picking up who. I will come pick you up personally if nobody else is going to be around at that time, so don't sweat that.

Glad you're coming. You'll have a great time!

If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.

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A licenses are encouraged. The boogies mission is to help newer jumpers move up, gain awards, etc. The spirit of SkyFest is the memorial tribute of Jerry Schrimsher whose passion was to help all those with less than a 100 jumps. It was not unusual to see Jerry taking a bunch of folks with 50 jumps on a raft dive, making fun jumps, that kind of thing.

You will be welcome with open arms.
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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While we are on the topic of Skyfest, I would like to let those who have wanted to try/learn to fly a wingsuit that Phoenix-Fly has teamed up with Skyfest to allow at least 2 jumpers free ground training, free suit rental, and free slot w/instructor.

If you are interested please PM me with a reason why it should be YOU and not someone else.
It is possible there will be more then 2 to be given away but as for right now that is what we have arranged.

Special thanks to Skyfest for donating the slots to allow for this oppurtunity

******currency requirements will be followed*********
must have at least 200 jumps
BOC throwout container
canopy you're comfortable with

The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid

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Don't worry, there are probably lots of us in the same boat.

I have a really basic question about Skyfest, since it's all about encouraging the low-timers and new 'A's out there (like me). Of course, I realize that lots of very experienced peeps will be there too--- to meet up with old friends and have fun. It just seems a little bit intimidating, being such a newbie (and a bit shy), and not knowing very many people that are at my experience level or people who'd be willing to jump with me and teach me a thing or two. So what I'm wondering is, How much guidance will the new jumpers get? I mean, are we responsible for organizing and implementing our own jumps, or will there be load organizers and instructors to show us the ropes and get jumpers together?
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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There will be organizers there...not to worry.

Plus, don't be bashful!!!!!
Yell it out!

Or you could simply find me and I will get you on a load with others, no problem.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Thanks, Pops. Being in the sport for 99 years, you oughta' know just about everybody.

Also, I just noticed that this page http://www.skyfestboogie.com/jumpschedulesignup.htm has been updated with a bit more information.

For Wednesday, it says:


Open Forum.

Today is for the up and coming jumpers. We will be doing SCRs, basic RW/FF and small ways. Our goal is to help get you better prepared for the weekend. There will be plenty of organizers and up jumpers on hand for all disciplines. There will be some big ways planned as well.

Up jumpers - we invite you to come on out and share some of that great knowledge you have been saving and share some stories of the old days.

SCR/VSCR Get your first 8 way dive!
Pink Mafia Initiations- Become a Pink Mafia Sister
Toy Jumps
See the Beer Light Page for evening events

for Thursday:


Open Forum

Another day for the up and coming jumpers.

7:30 am High Altitude jumps

All Day: SCR/VSCR Get your first 8 way dive!
Pink Mafia Initiations - Become a Pink Mafia Sister
Toy Jumps
See the Beer Light Page for evening events

I also noticed that there are 3 seminars planned:


7:00 pm HiPer USA Beezy Shaw – Psycho Packing
8:00 pm Relative Workshop – SkyHook
9:00 pm Performance Designs – Packing Class

More to be announced
Times subject to change

Looks pretty cool! But what's the "Open Forum"?
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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and lets NOT forget the picture contest

best air picture
best ground picture

pictures should capture what SKYFEST is all about

think digital and I will print you pic for you at no charge,

1 prize ...free super otter:)2 place ...casa:S
3 ???:o

I have no idea what the prizes are as that is up to someone else>:(


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The "Open Forum" means, nothing is specifically planned for that time. It's open for whatever, basically.

Don't worry another second about your experience level or comfort. We will make sure you jump and there will be organizers and coaches available. You'll have a great time!! :)
Come find me. I'll be at the SkyFest booth (when possible) and running around like a mad woman, I'm sure. :)
See ya soon!!!!

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Come find me.

Yeah, Jamie is great for the out of control, flail and wail dives. Fun to watch but a bitch to be on.;)

:o How did you get video of my last jump from this past weekend so fast?!?! >:(


Just kidding... a little. :P

Seriously, I can't wait to meet all of these new people. I'm really excited about it!! That's what makes this job so great.

It's just around the corner folks... are you ready????????????????????? B|

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