
SkyFest Training Tour for newbies, Press Release

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Press release April 2006

Parachutist & Skydiving Magazine
SkyFest, the largest boogie in Texas that “Pays It Skyward” by raising money to support the Jerry Schrimsher Skydiving Scholarship Fund (JSF), is proud to announce the STT (SkyFest Training Tour) established for up coming jumpers. SkyFest and STT are both Trade Marked with Service Marks Pending.

SkyFest and The JSF were established after Jerry’s passing (due to a heart attack during main deployment) to continue his efforts in keeping upcoming jumpers in the sport. Jerry believed that coaching programs provide the bridge between student status and becoming an experienced skydiver. He also knew that we needed more skydivers to get involved in coaching. This fund perpetuates the continued training of skydivers, something that Jerry deeply believed in during his forty one years in the sport.

The growing attendance during our event has created a demand to assist the newer jumpers in progressing safely to be ready for SkyFest in July from the 12th thru the 17th at Skydive Spaceland. The "B" license requirement to jump our numerous specialty aircraft is causing many upcoming jumpers to miss the opportunity to participate in not only SkyFest events, but those of other boogies as well. We are now offering to those jumpers with a minimum of an "A" license the training they need to advance to the next level and learn much more along the way. There will be stops at different drop zones located in Texas and Georgia. The STT will include canopy control, water training, freefly coaching, and basic RW coaching. Featured names include Scott Miller, TJ Landgren (In-Air Communication) and Team Bling with more to be announced. Slots are limited and will fill quickly.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved for the past five years who dedicated their time, money and products to assist us with these events. For more info please go to www.skyfestboogie.com***

I apologize but the web site doesn't have the info yet.:S Darn publishers were earlyB|

Our new site will be ready in just a day or two, in the mean time you can go to the events calendar on dropzone.com. Look in April and June for details.

Thank you

Mod's I hope I did this right.:)

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Well..no. I tried both with and without my glasses. What I see is a bunch of text boxes with broken links.

Let me go get my goggles and try again.....

My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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LOL...there were a couple of posts that I wanted to remove. I hit the wrong button. That's what I get for doing Mod stuff before finishing my coffee. :$
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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LOL...there were a couple of posts that I wanted to remove. I hit the wrong button. That's what I get for doing Mod stuff before finishing my coffee. :$

:D I had just woken up when I looked for it and was very confused. :S :D Then when J got up and I told him, it was back. He thought I was nuts. :D

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..I knew that J. bird was one smart feller:)

Yeah...I figured that out when he let himself get snagged by the red-head. Slick move, J.

My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Okay, there is a distinct possibility that I am retarded, but I still can't find anything about the training tour on the website. I might be interested in signing up, if I could find out what the cost is, how many jumps it entails, and how to actually sign up. I'd be interested in the dates you're doing it at the Farm...

Thank for any additional info. :)

Enemiga Rodriguez, PMS #369, OrFun #25, Team Dirty Sanchez #116, Pelt Head #29, Muff #4091

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