
RW, freeflying, etc etc...AH!!!

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I'm new to skydiving, so my opinion may change within a few dozen jumps, but I hear all this talk about RW, CReW, 2 way, 3 way, etc etc, and I can't help but wonder where do I fit in all of this. All I want to do is fly through the air, I don't really have any interest in working together with a whole bunch of people in freefall. Don't get me wrong, im not saying I dislike anyone I've met at my DZ, they've all been decent people, but so far (at only 3 jumps) I consider my freefall time PRECIOUS, I want to bask in it and enjoy every second of it. I don't want to be worrying about tracking to this person, grabbing this person, etc etc. Is this common, or am I an antisocial freak :)?

let my inspiration flow,
in token rhyme suggesting rhythm...

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After you get off student status you are probably going to start some RW stuff. You will probably just exit the plane and get stable and become base. Since I have been of student status thats mainly been what I have been doing. On jump number 9 we attempted a 12 way bfr. It turned out just to be an 8 way. I think we would have made it if it wasn't for the fact we had to exit a couple thousand feet lower due to clouds.>:( It is really cool seeing that many people in the air, and see them flying up to you. I have done a few 4ways too. On one of them we attempted a couple of points. We only got one cause of me. I let my legs get lazy and I drifted out of the formation when we let go. I have done one solo jump. It was kind of lonely on the way down.[:/] All I can do at this point is fall stable and turn and track. I think like you said after you get some more jumps in you will start to see where you want to go. I want to freefly, but I want to get really proficient at belly first. Just enjoy yourself it will work itself out in the end.

Believe those who are seeking truth. Doubt those who find it. -Andre Gide

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I think it is uncommon, but I've heard similar things before. One guy that jumped at my old home dz rarely jumped with other people. We weren't sure if was too nervous to, or if we made him feel uncomfortable. After talking to him about it a few times, he basically explained that he enjoyed skydiving by himself. He said that he works 70 hours a week answering to so many people that he really just enjoys spending a minute completely by himself.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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In time you will figure out your niches (do you want to do RW, be a vRW, CReW, hop n' pops or all of the above) and it's ok right now for you to feel the way you do. I know when I first started, I said to myself that I was happy just doing solos. But some of the real joys we take from this sport is flying relative to others whether that be on your belly or on your head (I prefer the flying headdown part, but that's just me).

But don't ever be pressured into jumping with others when you want to go solo. There's a time and a place for solos (like when you're working on a new skill and don't want the distractions of others).

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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>>All I want to do is fly through the air, I don't really have any interest in working together with a whole bunch of people in freefall.<<

You're paying for the jump ticket, man. Do what makes you feel good.



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I too only have three jumps (but 15 jump tickets :)don't want to do just yet, instead concentrate on getting your A and then see where the wind takes you (metaphorically speaking).

If you don't change your mind, it's no big deal, but you won't be able to show off videos of your elegant freestly jumps if there's noone there to film you. :P

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>All I want to do is fly through the air

>Is this common, or am I an antisocial freak

You're OK, follow your heart.

One thing I would do is put some real effort into
the parachute jump part of the jump, packing and
gear maintenance, spotting and exit separation,
and lots of canopy control because there are
lots of ways to hurt yourself.

But the freefall is all yours.

I go out fairly often and just lay there in free plummet,
look at things, feel the wind, feel the amazing fact of
being in free fall.

As you come out weekend after weekend you will
find your place, meet kindred spirits, maybe jump
with them, maybe not, maybe make up a whole new
form that nobody has thought of yet.

This whole business of either / or and rates of progress
and stuff is just something we made up.

It doesn't mean anything, except to the people it
means something to.


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