
First jump on another continent (Russia Rocks!):)

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Past weekend I made my first (2) jumps in Russia.
Went to the dropzone in St Petersburg, and also had a good friend of mine do her first tandemjump (she loved it).

The view in freefall is amazing (seeing St Petersburg bathing in sunlight, light reflecting on the water..one of those mental pictures that will stay with me for a long time)

This saterday/sunday I'll be heading of to Moscow, where I will (weather permitting) also go skydiving for a day (a full day hopefully, last weekend I only had 2 hours to jump:(

I love this country...jumpprices are insane (about 6 to 9 euro for 13000 ft, compared to the 25 euro's it costs in holland!!) the views are beautifull, and the airplanes ROCK (An-28, MI-8, Turbo-let)

And Slava, thanx for the info you sent me :)
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If you plan travel to the Moscow region, you should seriously consider Kolomna Aerograd. It's roughly 10 minutes driving from the beautiful town of Kolomna, which is a farm town S.E. of Moscow. The town and dz are near the intersection of 3 rivers, which are gorgeous from the air, and some Russian government officials keep their dachas near the town and dz because the area has such beautiful birch groves.

Last September I jumped there and loved that place, and I plan to revisit with a group asap. The Russian national teams train there and the dz has a fast Mi-8 with a superb pilot. They even serve free cocktails midflight! (though I declined and got razzed a bit, cowardly American that I am)

Hope this is helpful. Oh, and if you visit Kolomna Aerograd please ask for Crazy Doc and tell him that "James From Chicago" says he can take Olav anyday. Have fun.

D. James Nahikian

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Let me say you that this year we operate at least two crafts - Mi-8 and An-28 and plan to use another planes. Also we have in hot reserve another crafts if needed.
We are very open and truly international DZ - our instructors works worldwide and staff are very friendly.

For more information - please visit www.aerograd.ru or contact me by e-mail - [email protected].

At this moment I've got request for invitaions from at least 100 skydivers from other countries like Denmark, Poland, USA, Germany, New Zeland, Israel and others. Hope to see you in this list :)

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The web site has an english page (no link from front page as far as I could see):


Also, check out the pics on
http://www.aerograd.ru/foto.html (click russian text lines in the middle of page.

Hmmm, russian choppers.... nice. I had a few jumps from a Mi-17 in 1992 in Europe - quite an experience.
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eej , let me know if you re planning to go again this summer, i'm looking for some people(belgium.holland) who might want to go that way this summer...

i haven't found much enthousiasts yet but now i know there are people willing to go

grtz leon

(btw as far as i know st petersburg is on the european continent, holland too :) )


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First jump on another continent

mmm... last time I checked, the Western Russia is part of Europe too... but Beer anyways! lol

shhhh...you'll ruin the fun for me...!
And even dropzone.com shows russia as asia...sooo!!!
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