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Well.... that is a good question. I spose the reason is that since I used to be a full time rigger I am used to dealing direct with the factory to get stuff. Just feel better about it. Ya know... I know exactly what I need and don't want to deal with another layer of people... bla bla bla

What would Vic Mackey do?

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Piss off Bill Booth? Oh noooooooo!

Seriously, my boss probably wouldn't like to hear me on the phone talking about skydiving stuff, etc...

Email is a generally accepted form of business communication these days... just asking for a little love from RWS... I know it's only $80.00 to them, but what the heck...

What would Vic Mackey do?

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Shoot - I've been "emailing" the two major dropzones here in Colorado for like the past four weeks trying to figure out when the heck water training is coming up. After not hearing back from either in literally four emails a piece, I called one of them only to find out "Oh, so sorry, you've just missed the water training and there wont be another one for four more weeks." COME ON, DONT PUT AN EMAIL ON YOUR WEBSITE IF YOU AREN'T GOING TO CHECK THE ACCOUNT!!!!!!!!!!!

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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naw, I screwed mine up big time... just had to find out what would happen if I tried to tighten down some screwed up stainless 0 grommets with my standard punch....

let's just say I got very good with emory boards for awhile

What would Vic Mackey do?

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Hey person with less than what it takes to get what you want.......

Contact WWW.RelativeWorkshop.com
read through the options on any of the container orderforms regarding risers

Pick the ones you want........$105-$115.00

Clea>:(n up your act considerably before you contact Dorthy Webster by fax and ask what she will require you to do to purchase the risers you seek....

Follow her instructions.

One liners and stupid remarks will get you a terminal illness about your face and head.....I suggest you become humble very quick .........

Any one can make a mistake, some just press their luck until they recieve an attitude adjustment.........

Nes Pau?>:(

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Buddha, I think the original complaint is quite reasonable. After all, it was a response to something like a week of unresponsiveness. Don't forget that a business needs to be responsive to a customer. The customer shouldn't have to grovel. I'm not saying that a business should be nice to a customer that is being an ass, but not responding seems like they haven't even given him a chance to be an ass.

-- Jeff
My Skydiving History

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Email is a generally accepted form of business communication these days.

its not just "generally accepted" its damn near the standard for many industries..i get a great deal of my taskings via email and havent actually talked to my boss in more than a month..

any business thats serious about participating in todays world should have at least ONE employee who checks the company email once a day minimum..
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Once a day?

That's not enough, really. You should have it checked atleast 3 times during the business day.

Or if you'r elike me, last time I had an office job, the e-mail was checked every 2 minutes. (then again, I was working Tech Support, and doing Sys Admin work, so my life depended on timely responses to e-mails).
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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oh i completely agree, but i imagine a business whos primary activities are not online related could get by with only checking (and answering ;)) its email once each morning..

Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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could get by with only checking (and answering ) its email once each morning..

I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around that concept, but then again, I AM an Internet/computer junkie...
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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indeed, i tell everyone who sends me an email trying to get intouch with me to stay on at least 10 min after its sent because there is a good chance i'll have checked it by then..

even at a small company checking the email should be as basic as answering the phone or picking up the snail mail for whatever admin types they might have...
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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even at a small company checking the email should be as basic as answering the phone or picking up the snail mail for whatever admin types they might have...

At many skydiving related companies there's only one person responsible for handling the phones, faxes, snail mail and email. They will get back to you, but they don't spend their days hovering over their email inbox like most of us who post here do - they're too busy doing everything else that needs to get done.

Also, while email may be an accepted form of business communication, the email you sent may not have arrived at the address you sent it to yet, or it may not arrive at all. I've sent numerous emails that the recipients swear they never received (and yes, I did double check the addy I sent it to with them).

If I need a fast answer or gotta have something quickly I pick up the phone.

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At many skydiving related companies there's only one person responsible for handling the phones, faxes, snail mail and email.

Maby so, but thats exactly what the problem is here. I dont belive anyone here thinks their just hangin out and playing play-station all day long.

According to my logic, if a company is getting more orders they can handle, they hire more staff.

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