
PLEZ suggest inspiring movies to rent for us (STILL!)students- THANX!

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Since last fall I've been trying to watch movies with skydiving stunts in them to keep me pysched about jumping, since I can't jump in the winter.

So far, I haven't jumped this year yet. I hope to get with it soon- figure out how to come up with the cash and get after it with a move to different DZ- and start working towards my "A" (again)!

Do you know of some good movies to inspire me on?

ALSO: I've only jumped out 182s so far. Tell me what it's like, PRO and CON jumping out other types of planes that are often available at training DZs.

THANX everybody for encouraging this lady, who's STILL on student-status!

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Ok, I'm probably going to get a lot of grief about this, but if you haven't seen it, try and get your hands on a copy of the movie "Cutaway".

It has some hokey stuff in it that isn't too accurate, like people looking up from the ground and being able to see what skydivers are doing in freefall or an AFF student doing headdown with a skyball on jump #8, but if you get passed that foolishness, there's also a lot of stuff in it that is very, very accurate. Most accurate of all is the heart and soul of the film -- it's characters. I guarantee that if you stick around in skydiving long enough, you'll meet up with every one of them -- they're at every competition and every boogie.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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It has some hokey stuff in it that isn't too accurate, like people looking up from the ground and being able to see what skydivers are doing in freefall or an AFF student doing headdown with a skyball on jump #8,

What?!?! Am I the only one that did the skyball thing that early?? Well it was actually level 5 but I don't like to brag....j/k :D

PMS #62
Zarza R[red

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A skyball is a weighted tennis ball that is used by advanced freeflyers as a tool to show how much control they have in various positions. The skyball falls straight down and at a predetermined speed, so the only real variable is the skydiver himself.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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A skyball is a weighted tennis ball that is used by advanced freeflyers as a tool to show how much control they have in various positions. The skyball falls straight down and at a predetermined speed, so the only real variable is the skydiver himself.

The keyword is Advanced Freeflyers. I joke but I know that this is something you need mucho experience to do.

PMS #62
Zarza R[red

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It has some hokey stuff in it that isn't too accurate, like people looking up from the ground and being able to see what skydivers are doing in freefall or an AFF student doing headdown with a skyball on jump #8 . . .

Don't forget the Berringer character riding the Skyvan to altitude with his legs hanging over the rear exit and no rig on . . . :o

. . =(_8^(1)

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While it's probably not the brightest idea (and the movie reflects that in the looks on the other team member's faces), it has been done by more than one person, on more than one occasion.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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