
Another question....

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I kind of touched on this a couple weeks ago, but need some more advice.

My allergies this spring have been pretty bad. I have been taking Advil Sinus starting on Thursday evenings so the congestion would lessen by the weekends. Well the last time I jumped was this past Saturday and my ears are still very clogged. There is actually some discomfort. No decongestant seems to work. I know it is congestion and not a pierced eardrum as I don't show any of those symptoms. My concern is I am flying commercially this Friday. I am assuming the congestion will lessen by then, but I am not sure. Is this normal? Any recommendations?

Thanks, I appreciate it,


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Your congestion might get better by friday, but mine has been with me for 2 months now (since i didn't take my allergy meds for 3 weeks). I've been told that I got an ear/sinus infection from the allergies getting so bad. I'm now taking one of 3 different allergy meds( allegra and two other) which i am rotating them 2 weeks for each. I'm also taking a nasal spray, flonase . I'm also on a decongestant, duratuss. I was on an antibiotic for the sinus/ear infection from the allergies. This post is getting longer and longer all the time!!:P:P I'm finally starting to get better, well, a little bit better now. I went skydiving last weekend a few jumps only. My doctor said it woudn't do damage to me. Well, it didn't really hurt, although i of course couldn't clear my ears (which have been plugged for over a month). But i did get to jump, finally!!:)
So, since you did ask a question, i guess its past time for me to answer it!!!B|B|

Don't ASS-U-ME that the congestion will lesson by then (based on my experience)>:(>:(

Is it normal?? Well, it seems to be for me, but I hope it isn't for anybody else (except evidently you), since it really sucks!!!:S:S

Reccomendations!!! well, other than going to the doctor (read all the crap i typed up there) and maybe a specialist if it happens often (i did just to find out for sure what was causing the problem), I don't know what to reccomend.

I'm sure glad that I have great prescription insurance, or otherwise i would be broke from buying all those meds!!!
Do you find that Advil Sinus helps??

Hope this helps, how i don't know!!!:ph34r::ph34r:

Good luck on your allergies, and have fun at the tunnel!!

Gosh, this is the longest reply i have ever posted!!

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Ayre <--- saline mist, very nice
Affrin <--- we've all done affrin.
FYI - I blew my sinuses last year while jumping... I was very uncomfortable for many months trying to jump, and eventually, I couldn't even go to altitude because of the pain in my forehead, and ears. This winter I had to have surgery on my sinuses because one whole side wouldn't drain. Since the surgery everything has been fine, but thank god I have insurance because it cost over 10,000 bucks.
If you ears and head are hurting, be careful... it sucks to miss out on an entire season because of a sinus problem...
good luck

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allegra is the bomb diggity, but dont worry, make a few more jumps, equalizing the pressure under canopy. And pretty soon your body will "get used to it", and it will stop buggng you. Thats what happened to me.

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in token rhyme suggesting rhythm...

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Have you tried Claritin? is over the counter, and it really works.

Unfortunately I can't take anything with an antihistamine. So far I have only been using Pseudoephedrine and Flonase.



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if you gonna get prescription stuff, you may want to think about getting either Claritin-D, or Allegra-D.... both of them are for allergies with a decongestent in them.
I have taken both of them, and they really do clear out your sinuses.

MB 3528, RB 1182

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I very much can empathize with your situation. Here's my concoction:

1) I get Afrin "mosturizing" and Saline soultion. I mix 1 part Afrin to two parts Saline and use it in the saline bottle.

2) I use Motrin Sinus IB because it not only is a drier outter, but is also an anti-inflammatory. They are 200mg per ill so I take four in the morning, 3 in the early afternoon and 2 before bed.

4) Concurrently, I use ear drops (usually the kid kind)

3) I only do this regimen for three days (IB is hard on the liver and Afrin is hard on the vessels in the sinus canal)

4. Finally, you have to drink LOTSA LOTSA water for that three days. I'm talking a gallon a day. This really helps your body transfer the water and chemicals around to the affected area.

One word of caution. Motrin Sinus IB has pseudophedrine in it. For some folks, it wires them up, others it makes sleepy. Stay on the ground for those three days.

This works for me, I usually start three days before skydiving and quit it the night before. Good luck. It can be a painful experience.

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My allergies this spring have been pretty bad. I have been taking Advil Sinus starting on Thursday evenings so the congestion would lessen by the weekends. Well the last time I jumped was this past Saturday and my ears are still very clogged. There is actually some discomfort. No decongestant seems to work.

My allergies are pretty bad too (I get shots and stuff), and I have a reaction to pseudoephedrine (oral decongestant). I jump with sinus discomfort, I stop when its really painful. When it starts to get bad I take maybe one tablet of something w/decongestant, since any decongestant makes it hurt less. You'd probably feel a lot worse if you weren't taking anything. Afrin rocks too.

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Unfortunately I can't take anything with an antihistamine. So far I have only been using Pseudoephedrine and Flonase.

And as you've probably noticed, those don't exactly cut it when you're really stuffed.

My last jump was a week and a half ago, in a similar condition with similar medication, and I was mostly deaf for two days afterwards. The DZOs probably think I've bailed on them, but I've just been cloggy and not wanting to risk it again since then, 'cause that really bloody hurt.

I'd probably risk it on a commercial flight though. Cabin (de)pressurizing ain't so bad, especially if you've already jumped and not totally screwed up your head.

But. When in doubt, discretion is the better part of valour. (I hear that) ruptured eardrums and such are a bitch.

EDIT (NightJumps reply):


One word of caution. Motrin Sinus IB has pseudophedrine in it. For some folks, it wires them up, others it makes sleepy. Stay on the ground for those three days.

What he said. Easily the worst jump of my life that was, and that's without the pain and deafness. Sudafed argh.

"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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OK, so I've now tried all the drugs you all recommended. I'm currently in the ER getting my stomach pumped due to an overdose. Just kidding ofcourse.

I'm not at all concerned about my flight tomorrow, I know I will be fine. I just won't be able to hear whatever the captain has to say over the PA...but then again who ever does hear him?:P

Seriously, I've been continuing with the sudafed and flonase and a little advil. It's somewhat helping, but not much. If I was planning to jump this weekend, it would concern me. I'm hoping it will just run its course and clear on its own like it has in the past. Maybe being in Florida for 4 days will help because I will be away from the allergens I have been exposed to in Massachusetts. If all else fails, I'll get fitted for hearing aids.:P

Anyway, thanks for all the advice. It's comforting to know I am not the only one who has experienced this.

You people are great. Have a great holiday weekend and be safe.

Thanks again,


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allegra is the bomb diggity, but dont worry, make a few more jumps, equalizing the pressure under canopy. And pretty soon your body will "get used to it", and it will stop buggng you. Thats what happened to me.

I had the same ear problem and I tried to pressurize under canopy. BUT WATCH OUT how you are going to presurize. If you over do it you will create a small internal bleeding in the ear (small vains pop). It happened to me and I stayed grounded for at least 20 days. Valsava (method of equalizing pressure) must be done really smoothly otherwise you may damage small ear vains. In general avoid jumping with clogged ears even if you use spays. Thats my suggestion.
During flight if you feel some pain try swallowing or chewing.



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