
Does skydiving affect your view on mortality?

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Skydiving hadn't changed my view on mortality until I lost friends. :(

After that I had a think and it brings to focus the reality of what can and unfortunately does happen occasionaly. However, is it enough to give it up??? Hell know!

I rather die doing something I love.

A friend of a friend had a heart attack this weekend and was found dead on his bathroom floor . He was 39 working 15 hours a day, 7 days a week. We all die... its the only certainty in this world.

You takes your choice. Mine is skydiving.

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A friend of a friend had a heart attack this weekend and was found dead on his bathroom floor . He was 39 working 15 hours a day, 7 days a week. We all die... its the only certainty in this world.

I'm sorry to hear about your friend and this is my worst nightmare. To die of a heart attack because I was caught chasing the Jones's, something I was guilty of doing a few years back before I became an addicted skydiver (and I'm the same age of your friend so why couldn't a heart attack happen to me).

This is a dangerous sport we partake in. We risk death and injury everytime we get on the airplane. But for me, it allows me to live my life to it's fullest right now. If I live to 60-80 years, great (assuming I'm healthy). If not, well you knew I was going to die anyway.

Not that I've been around this sport very long (heck I'm still a newbie with only 12 months in the sport) but the more I'm around, the more close calls I see happen to myself as well as my friends. I try to minimize my risks to my tolerance levels, but shit still happens and I've come to realize that on any given jump, I could make no mistake yet still pay the ultimate price. But I want everyone to know (I've already told my family as well as friends) that if something bad was to happen to me, I was having fun. B|

Live life ... skydive ... ;)

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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No compared to EVERY OTHER sport I participate in, Skydiving is much much safer.

Even after losing friends, I know damn well that all three of them lost their lives living which is more than I can say for the majority of the population running around the good ol USofA...

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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Not really. I always knew i'd die one day, and always try to live life to the fullest. I have no $$ in savings cuz I spend it all on things I enjoy, whether they be food, my coral reef tanks, shopping for myself or for friends, etc...

I just did my 1st 2 jumps this wknd. Always wanted to do it, but I guess I just realized that I could just go out and do it. It was great, and I can't wait to complete the other 6 AFF classes and be on my way to licensing. ! Not afraid of dying, it is inevitible... but if I do die, I hope it is doing something I love. Next i'm gonna take up scuba.

Trying to get my friend to do a jump, even a tandem, she's scared she'll die. I told her never to drive again, and to not cross streets, and that she'd be better off living in a country that no one cares/knows about, cuz in the US we could be victims of terrorists at any moment. Don't move, you could die:P.

Ok, a bit overboard, but that is my take on it.

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Here's a question: Do you guys ever get sick of hearing people say "you have to be crazy to jump out of a perfectly good airplane".

I hear that ALL the time, and I've only made one damn jump. I can tell that non-jumpers are really going to get on my nerves as I continue with this hobby.


If you're in the sport long enough... most of your friends will be skydivers. And all you co-workers will either be sick of asking you or they'll start jumping as well.

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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