
Tarnished from student status??

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Hmm, because you said:

> Even my intelligence is degraded every time I step foot on the DZ,
> simply because I'm "Wrong Way". The idea of all of this is because
> my name is Wrong Way, I can't do anything right, even when I am.

Sounds like the issue is that your name is "wrong way." Or is it that people think you can't do anything right and it has nothing to do with the name?

>Well, I for one am tired of being labeled as someone who can't
>fly simply because I made mistakes as a student.

The best way to overcome that is to get better than they are. Get on a state record. Learn to fly a wingsuit. Get a TM rating, or your AFF rating. That way they look pretty silly making fun of you, especially for doing things they themselves are unable to do.

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Quit worrying about what other people think. Is their opinion or unfair behavior limiting your experience? If they say something that offends you let em know and carry on. If they really piss you off, take em out back and give em a piece of your mind. If you don't want to change your name, don't...but don't complain about people judging you by it. I used to have holes all over my face with Steel hangin from em, people didn't look at me straight, they thought I was a dumbass, did I complain no. When I got tired of defending my position and tired of people looking at me as if I was a freak, I took out the "fish hooks" and started blending in. Don't let yourself be a victim...Take the situation in to your own hands and quit worrying about what people think of you.

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I understand your point, and I did kinda contradict myself there, but I'm trying to put it into words as best I can. People invite some one to do something, and then just say Wrong Way can't cuz he'll do it the wrong way, leave him out of it, knowing that whatever it was would prolly be simple for me, but just pushing me off like I'm stupid or something. It's not the name per se, but I think the shit that comes with it. I admit, I am guilty of going along with it, since it just kinda became who I was, but I just kinda wish people wouldn't talk shit behind my back like that, you know? It's not fair to do that to anyone, and I really don't appreciate people doing that to anyone, not just myself. It's not being a respectable human being to do so.

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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A nick-name is itself usually a term of endearment.
A reputation is generally referred as an affirmative.
A person tends to establish a sub-conscious memory to associate another person with an experience - --------primordial instinct of survival.

A 'spectacular' landing will always be remembered far longer than at least the next thousand as the previous thousand are forgotten...
I'm done with the personally meaningful and philosophical sigs!!

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You flew pretty much the right way on our load a couple weeks ago...

People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Like I said before...You want to lose the stigma that goes with that name....Lose the name.

Or like Billvon said do a bunch of cool shit....But warn you, if you walk up to me and tell me your name is "wrongway"....It does not instil confidence to me in your abilities.

Lose the name.

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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But warn you, if you walk up to me and tell me your name is "wrongway"....It does not instil confidence to me in your abilities.

I can see that point, but I think I would just assume the nickname came from something really funny you did back when you sucked. I would give you a chance. I know a guy whose nickname is "spinningJim." He earned that nickname as a student, but he's now a fine skydiver -- everyone on his DZ would agree.

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I can see that point, but I think I would just assume the nickname came from something really funny you did
back when you sucked. I would give you a chance. I know a guy whose nickname is "spinningJim." He
earned that nickname as a student, but he's now a fine skydiver -- everyone on his DZ would agree.

Well I agree....But like I said if he wants to be taken seriously...He should lose the name. It will haunt him until he proves he has the right stuff, and every time he introduces himself that way he is going to have to prove the nickname wrong.

If he went by Jason or JJ or Jones...He would not have to live the name down all the time.

By him liking it, and infact encouraging its use...He just increases the problem he is bitching about.

Makes no sense to me.

Ron (no cool nickname)
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Yeah, I don't think the problem is your name. There's another jumper on your dz with the nickname of Sparky. I doubt many people think she's going to continue to run into powerlines. We've all done stupid stuff, and I don't think a nickname based on it is too tragic.

My advice to you would be the same if this situation happened outside of skydiving as well. Be glad that you found out who was talking about you behind your back. You can either talk to them about it, or you can just completely remove yourself from them. They either made a mistake, or you can just assume that they're a jerk. If they're a jerk, then be glad you know it, and be glad that you now know better than to associate with them.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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"The best way to overcome that is to get better than they are."

Absofukkenlutely! Nothing pisses someone off more who speaks the speak when they can't walk the same walk as the person they are speaking about. I used to use this in College sports all the time, piss em off by beating them, period.

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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>But like I said if he wants to be taken seriously...He should lose the name.

Would you have trouble taking Mad John seriously?

I don't know who this is, is it the freefly guy?....But I bet he has proven himself many times over...So now his nickname is just flavor.

But until he has established himself in other ways...As long as he encourages the name Wrongway...It will be negative responses he gets.

So he can ditch the name, or live with the BS till he has proven himself over and over till THAT sticks.

Is Sparky our own Sparky???

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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>So now his nickname is just flavor.

Most are, which is the point I was trying to make. When a guy named Haagen-Dazs or Mad John shows up to organize your 60-way, it would be a mistake to discount him because he has a funny name. If two kids named Rook and Missy showed up and wanted to get on your dive, and you shooed them away because you didn't want to deal with a swindler and a stuck up woman, you'd be making a mistake.

Of course, you are free to make those mistakes. But that means that you, rather than they, are missing out on some good skydiving.

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Most are, which is the point I was trying to make. When a guy named Haagen-Dazs or Mad John shows up
to organize your 60-way, it would be a mistake to discount him because he has a funny name. If two kids
named Rook and Missy showed up and wanted to get on your dive, and you shooed them away because you
didn't want to deal with a swindler and a stuck up woman, you'd be making a mistake.

Of course, you are free to make those mistakes. But that means that you, rather than they, are missing out
on some good skydiving.

This guy is complaining about how people treat him BECAUSE of his name....

Sounds like he has two options...

1. shut up and deal with it...He either proves them wrong enough times that it becomes flavor. And FWIW...Haagen-Daz (Who got his name because most could not say his real name...not by slamming into an ice cream truck) does not mean bad skydiver...Neither does Mad John, Missy or Rook.

2. stop going by the name.

Now since he is bitching about it...It seems like #2 is the best option.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Dude, I don't think you're getting the point. It seems by now it has become "flavor", at least with most people. I'm just wondering what the few with the problem with me's problem really is, because they seem to make it out like it is referenced to my being a "bad jumper", though time and time again they're told otherwise by people I normally jump with, and even by people I don't normally jump with but have done 1 or 2 with me. I'm just kinda wondering why, after I feel I've more than proved myself, I'm just always the guy that gets shit on at the end of the day. That's all I wanna know man. It has nothing to do with my name, my flying skills, or the way I like my eggs, it's just a matter of respect, and I think not only should everyone be treated with such respect just for being human, but as skydivers, it should be an even closer bond, and none of those vibes should be spread throughout people that have done nothing to anyone.

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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Dude, I don't think you're getting the point. It seems by now it has become "flavor", at least with most people. I'm just wondering what the few with the problem with me's problem really is, because they seem to make it out like it is referenced to my being a "bad jumper", though time and time again they're told otherwise by people I normally jump with, and even by people I don't normally jump with but have done 1 or 2 with me. I'm just kinda wondering why, after I feel I've more than proved myself, I'm just always the guy that gets shit on at the end of the day. That's all I wanna know man. It has nothing to do with my name, my flying skills, or the way I like my eggs, it's just a matter of respect, and I think not only should everyone be treated with such respect just for being human, but as skydivers, it should be an even closer bond, and none of those vibes should be spread throughout people that have done nothing to anyone.

Maybe they're just jerks?

You can't control the way others behave -- sometimes you can't even understand it. But you can control your own reaction to it. The problem is theirs, not yours. Stick with your groovy nickname, and fuck 'em if they can't take a joke. :)

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Demand respect. Welcome to life dood - there are assholes all over the place with small dicks that love to rip on you. I grew up with it cuz I was a genious and kids fucked with me left and right till one day I actually stood up for myself. IMHO - the biggest problem plaugin the human race is communcation or rather lack of it. Perhaps the people dogging you need to hear from you that it is pissing you off and making you very uncomfortable and then they will ease off of it. You need to confront this shit head on and make people aware of what and how they are making you feel or else all is for nothing. I'm all for great vibes - but shit, for example, I'm not the most outgoing guy in the world, and I have been jumping on and off at Mile Hi here in Denver, CO for like five years now. This was the first summer where I've actually met a good solid group of individuals that actually remember my name and look for me on the weekend. In those five years, I must have contemplated selling my shit at least a dozen times. All and all, I'm glad I didn't as I am now looking forward to the next dozen summers with my newfound friends.

Look at it this way my friend, it can only get better - but you need to be proactive to make it how you want it. No one else is going to help you out on this one.

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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Dude that's the best way anyone could have put it. Thanks bro. Thats just what I have to do. Prove myself over again, demand respect, and if I don't get it, then to hell with the people giving me none, I'll do my own thing with my jump buddies and they can mind they're own. Thanks dude, I appreciate that.

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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