
100th jump

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Yesterday, just 7 months after my first jump course, I made my 100th jump. On that same jump I got my SCR. On the sunset load we made a 12 way BFR, I floated across the center of the ring to the other side and we made another BFR. I was supposed to stay in the center of the ring, but thanks to my back sliding we got another point. (always gotta find the positive in things) And if all that wasn't enough - on landing I was met with a big hug by packer Bill, who was completely naked. He claims it's a tradition somewhere, although I've never heard of it. Thank you to everyone at Lake Elsinore who made my 100th jump my most memorable jump yet. Especially Rich for organizing it, Jonathan for shooting the video, and Justin for giving us a little extra altitude just in case we needed it. Time to start working on number 200. :ph34r:

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Thanks to a long spot, we landed too far from the pond for me to get wet. Thanks to it being the end of a long weekend, there wasn't anyone around to pie me. And thanks to me making the dropzone Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, I got out of buying beer. No worries though Mark - I'll bring some cheap beer for Saturday night. But the 11 of you together won't be able to get me in the pond.
Life is tough, but it's tougher if you're stupid.

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Hey Robby,

That was a cool skydive.B| I hope you bring additional clothing to the DZ. The pond awaits...>:(

The pond? Did he buy 2 cases of beer for the SCR ceremony and 1 more for his 100th? Did he see pies?;)

SHE, will I presume. It's just that most of the participants had to bail, including the master of ceremony. You see, the MC is an Aggie and still recovering from the beating my UT. As for Ruby, she can run, but she can't hide.:o>:(

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