
Sponsored people, believe in the product?

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I've always wondered this....

To those here who are sponsored, how did that come about and why? I'm assuming they approached you with the opportunity of sponsorship, and you of course accepted. Now the question here is, do you really believe that your sponsor is the best product of that class out there today, or believe in the business practices of the company? On the flipside, has anyone here ever turned down a sponsorship opportunity because they did not believe in a product/company?

Just curious. B|

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. Now the question here is, do you really believe that your sponsor is the best product of that class out there today,



On the flipside, has anyone here ever turned down a sponsorship opportunity because they did not believe in a product/company?

You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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To those here who are sponsored, how did that come about and why?

I contacted the manufacturer and told them why I wanted their product, why having their gear on my back would be good for them, and I requested some level of sponsorship. They agreed that having their gear on my back might be of value and offered me a really good deal on my container.


Now the question here is, do you really believe that your sponsor is the best product of that class out there today, or believe in the business practices of the company?

The best product is a relative term - imho no one container brand is the "best" for every jumper. The Infinity is the "best" container for me though.

The level and quality of customer and dealer service provided by the company that built my container is a big part of why I approached them for sponsorship in the first place. They know how to take care of customers.


On the flipside, has anyone here ever turned down a sponsorship opportunity because they did not believe in a product/company?

I've not pursued a couple of sponsorship opportunities that were presented to me and I've returned a main canopy that was "loaned" to me, but not because I didn't believe in the company or the product. In the case of the canopy, it was too aggressive for me; in another case I was offered a container but was already sponsored by another manufacturer.

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To those here who are sponsored, how did that come about and why?

Depends....Some I have asked for, others were offored.


Now the question here is, do you really believe that your sponsor is the best product of that class out there today, or believe in the business practices of the company?

I don't wear/jump any product I would not buy.


On the flipside, has anyone here ever turned down a sponsorship opportunity because they did not believe in a product/company?

Yes. Twice. Once I didn't like the product, and once I liked the product but didn't like the way the company sold them.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I've always wondered this....

To those here who are sponsored, how did that come about and why?

From a number of things. Firstly, my 4 and 8 way team experience, followed by my stint as the chief organizer and general manager of one of the world's largest drop zones, and more recently, as a load organizer and world record event co-captain.


Now the question here is, do you really believe that your sponsor is the best product of that class out there today, or believe in the business practices of the company?

I do. I'm not going to shill for them here in the context of your question, but the sponsors that I have right now, provide the best equipment available, backed with te best customer service IMO.


On the flipside, has anyone here ever turned down a sponsorship opportunity because they did not believe in a product/company?

Yes again. I get offered other endorsement deals on a very regular basis. None of what I'm offered is better than what I have, so there is no reason to reccomend equipment that I feel doesn't measure up to what I have now.

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My gut feeling is that you'll have more "honest" sponsors who truly advocate the gear they use in skydiving than in most other venues. Tony Little can push that damn Gazelle at me and George Foreman can hawk his friggin grills all they want, but neither of them stands a chance of ending up DEAD if what they're selling doesn't work. Skydivers count on their gear to work, and I think you'll find that people will only back the manufacturers and equipment that makes them feel safest in what they do.

Elvisio "who wants to sponsor me" Rodriguez

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To add to your above point however, who I accept sponsorships from and the way they treat customers (especialy those not sponsored) is important to me.

There are some manufacturers out there who may treat a sponsored athlete well, but neglect basic customer service. That's not cool....
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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What are your thoughts on sponsored jumpers that flip flop between sponsors just because a better deal comes along and they do a "bidding war" to see just how much they can get out of it?
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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Depends. If they really believe in two companies equaly, and company A offers X for free while company B offers X for 1/2 then I guess they have a choice to make.

If they pick the free product over one the believe to be better then..... Well I couldn't live with that.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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...how did that come about and why?

A team member called and represented.


I'm assuming they approached you with the opportunity of sponsorship, and you of course accepted.

Nope. Unless you are the team kicking ass at Nationals or World Cup, organizing major events and boogies, or part of an incoming producing entity in skydiving...sponsorships are something that you'll have to initiate on your own.


do you really believe that your sponsor is the best product of that class out there today, or believe in the business practices of the company?

The sponsoring company's record-prestige (potential)should match the record (or record-potential) of the the skydiver. A top producing manufacturer (volume and revenue) in the sport deserves to dress the best with containers, mains, suits, alti's, etc.

There are plenty of companies out there with unbelievable potential who are willing to believe in your potential as well. Find one and invest in them by telling them your story.


Has anyone here ever turned down a sponsorship opportunity because they did not believe in a product/company?

I'd say that most skydivers who are sponsored receive few offerings. Pickins are going to be thin unless you're kicking out tons of jumps every year. Financially speaking, skydiving is a vacuum. And with gas prices going up, it's just about to get worse.

However, I have spoken with members of local teams who have turned down sponsorships because of sponsorship-loyalty. Customer service and good business relationships, often times, are much more important than quality (or prestige) of product. ;)

ps. it is a good time to get a Kurupee suit... a company consistently improving line and service; plus they're still affordable so, right now, you'll get the most for your money.

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What are your thoughts on sponsored jumpers that flip flop between sponsors just because a better deal comes along and they do a "bidding war" to see just how much they can get out of it?

Most manufacturers wont deal with a bidding war. Skygods dont sell rigs, Sponsoring high profile skydivers isn't the most profitable, but big names do attract sales. Flip flopping doesn't impress most companies. And it makes for bad ad's.
I trust people that believe in their gear and I know the background more. Example: Jumper A, he is sponsored by company A, for years, for a financial reason the team goes to company b, jumper A still jumps rig A, That shows that either 1, he beleives in the product, or 2, he is very loyal and appreciates what company A has done for him. There has been a lot of that, look at Jack Jeffries as an example, or David V. G. They could get free rigs wherever but they still buy rigs from company A.

As far as sponsorship, you can offer me as many free whatevers, if I dont want to jump them I wont.
Anyone worth sponsoring, i.e with experience knows what they want to jump. I dont think you could offer Majik Triathalons and Dolphin containers and they would take it no matter how sweet the pot. Not saying that Dolphins and Triathalons have anything wrong with them, but just not what I think they would want to jump.

Being sponsored actually is a fulltime job, nothing is free, for sponsorship you take on the job of always being a representative of the company. First off you dont become a member of the PD factory team by being the one shitfaced drunk at all the boogies. Your a representative of the company. So how you act reflects on the company, winning competitions helps, but after the competition how you act also helps. Companies look at that also.

Anyway long ending to a short question, most sponsored people believe in the product, the ones that jump back and forth, do it for business reasons: money to buy practice jumps. But I dont see anyone jumping anything they think might endanger themselves.

All of the major containor manufacturers make quality rigs, the canopy manufacturers make safe canopies. Of course there is better performing canopies than the other it is up to you to decide, I wouldnt buy any canopy based on who jumped it, as much as I wouldnt buy pepsi just because Jeff Gordon supposedly drinks it.

Look into what you buy, you should be able to Demo a canopy before you buy it, as well as a rig, if it insn't available. then maybe the next company can offer you a demo to see if you like that.

I personally wouldn't spend that much money without trying it on first, and jumping it, would you go buy a pair of shoes, without trying them on, just because Tracy Mcgrady uses them?

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What are your thoughts on sponsored jumpers that flip flop between sponsors just because a better deal comes along and they do a "bidding war" to see just how much they can get out of it?

One thing that a lot of people don't seem to realize is that the gear manufacturers talk to each other. They are friends with each other and know what is going on.

There was a team (probably many more than one) that was talking to company A for sponsorship. Company A offered the team a certain deal. The team when went to company B and said "Company A is offering us this deal, what can you do." Company B said "nothing, go back to Company A" and then spoke to Company A and told them what the team was doing. The team ended up getting nothing.
Wind Tunnel and Skydiving Coach http://www.ariperelman.com

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