
Looking for an answer

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Just wondering if anyone has experienced a constant slight turn (in my case to the left) while under canopy. I thought the light wind was causing me to crab but that isn't it. There happened to be AFFI precorse jumps occuring while I was at the DZ so a number of experienced jumpers saw my landings (however from 250 yards, jumping in noob landing area) On approach I needed to imput 1/4 right brake to stay on headin and when I pulled full flare (both toggles equal I turned slightly to the left as I landed). At 4,000 feet I released all toggle pressure and it took me 15 seconds to make a 90 degree left turn without any toggle imput what so ever. The Chute is in trim (jumped by the safety officer at the DZ) so it's obviously me. Any ideas?

I have left a message with my instructor, but he is very busy with rigging and I hate to keep bothering him. I am sure he will get back to me, but I thought I would toss it out here and see if anyone else has had a similiar experience.

Thanks and Blue Skys,


Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked

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That tends to happen for a handful of reasons. I'm going to leave out the obvious answer of not holding the toggles in an even configuration.

Firstly, you may not have your legstraps even or you may be leaning in the harness, both of which will weight your harness unevenly thus resulting in a turn. However, if the harness has adjustable MLWs then they may not be adjusted evenly, it happens, have your instructor and/or the DZ rigger check it.

Secondly, the canopy may be out of trim, that's something for the DZ's rigger to check.

Thirdly, a brake line may have shrunk, once again something for the DZ's rigger to check.

If the rigger checks the canopy and its fine, then its how you're hanging in the harness.:P
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That tends to happen for a handful of reasons. I'm going to leave out the obvious answer of not holding the toggles in an even configuration.

Firstly, you may not have your legstraps even or you may be leaning in the harness, both of which will weight your harness unevenly thus resulting in a turn. However, if the harness has adjustable MLWs then they may not be adjusted evenly, it happens, have your instructor and/or the DZ rigger check it.

Secondly, the canopy may be out of trim, that's something for the DZ's rigger to check.

Thirdly, a brake line may have shrunk, once again something for the DZ's rigger to check.

If the rigger checks the canopy and its fine, then its how you're hanging in the harness.:P

Well before my last jump we checked the harness and the leg straps were even.

The canopy is in trim as I said before it has been jumped by the DZ safety officer who is also a rigger.

Maybe I am weighting or leaning to the left causing the turn.

I hope to get to jump tomorrow and hopefully someone can video the landing to see if we can figure it out.

Thanks for all the help.

Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked

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Do you cross your legs under canopy?

If a rigger checked out your gear then I'm going to bet you're leaning in the harness a bit.

obviously check with your S&TA and/or your instructors.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Hehe I don't jump with anything in my pockets, But one item does hang to the left....Maybe thats it

I was just about to suggest that, but you beat me to it. :)
Seriously, it could be that the canopy itself is out of trim - not the lines, when measured on the ground, but the cells of the canopy itself.
Last year I did some 'home rigging' on someones old Raven II that had the same problem. (Problem surfaced not only with the beginner who recently bought the canopy but also with someone with +1000 jumps who tried it after the new owner complained about the turn)
Shortened the outside A line on the opposite side with about 5 cm.

Lo and behold - the old thing flew straight from that moment on :)
(But if you measure it now the lines are out of trim...)

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First off I am neither an instructor nor a canopy expert. Just inserting my own experience here.

I cross my legs under canopy. I noticed as I started to downsize, a slight turn to the left. I always cross my left foot in front of my right. I quit doing this and just started putting my feet together and noticed that the turn went away. Now, I know it was the leg crossing. . .SOOOOOO, I just bend my knees when crossing and then the problem works itself out - though I did have to do it as a concious effort at first.

May not be your issue but just sharing my own experience.
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LoL, I'm board, I figure everyone needs a little increase in the old pulse rate:) Hate me!

Just consider me the voice of opposition!

We'll get Phil straightened out tommarrow. We'll do a high alti H&P and figure it out...I need to borrow a 190 or 210.
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Well we'll know tomorrow if it's me or the canopy, your gonna jump it on my dime and see what happens. I reviewed the video on my AFF landings on the 260 triathalon and had no such turn. We might have to add some weight to your thimble ass though so you can match my manly stature or fat ass depends on the angle your looking from.

See ya at the DZ around 1200 or so.

Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked

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Well Went to the DZ and was discussing this issue again with experienced jumpers. All the above possibilities were discussed. I brought up that I have had 4 knee operations on my left knee and my legs might be different sizes. Well off to the loft I went and low and behold my left thigh is 1 1/4" smaller than my right where the legs straps be. We didn't get a chance to test the theory cause mother nature is a bitch, not a skydiver >:(

Blue Skys and thanks for the help,


Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked

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