
Am I experienced enough for this?

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I'm sure someone must have done something like this before....but I wondered if you guys could find any problems with a little plan i'm working on.....

Next year I'm hoping to do something for charity...and one idea that's come to mind is making 5 jumps, in 5 days, on 5 separate continents (can't be bothered with the two cold ones). I currently only have 29 jumps, and haven't made any for quite a long time, but hope to get back into it this year, so by next year I will hopefully be current again and have a slightly higher number. If i were to do it, I'm not planning on anything special for the jumps...not into anywhere public or anything like that, just your normal DZ jumps. So I'm basically hoping you guys can let me know if there's something stupid I haven't thought of (apart from the whole logistics of it) that would cause problems with relation to making the jumps?


(You can also tell me if you think it's a crap idea...or any other suggestions you might have...)

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Honestly, if you are questioning if you are ready, you may not be ready. Just my humble opinion though, and I don't have many more jumps than you.

Instead of blowing through tons of money with the travelling, why don't you get involved with one of the already established skydiving charity events like Operation Freefall or Jump for the Cause?

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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I'm not really questioning whether I'm ready....I'm sure after getting current and bringing myself back up to speed with everything I wold be fine about it....I'm just worried I may have forgotten something that my low numbers may cause a problem with.

And the travel thing is my other main concern.....I'm hoping I would be able be able to get something out the airlines...apparently people have got free/very discounted flights before for charity stuff like this, but it's something else I would have to work on...

I've not heard of Operation Freefall before...I'll do a search for details about that....

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How about 5 continents in 5 weeks and take me with ya ;).

Also, do you think it would be possible time-wise with check in at airports, timing of flights, going to/and from dropzones, and if you arrive late at night you cant jump that day.

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That does sound more fun....and more like a holiday.....which would be nice......

I guess it could be more than 5 days...I haven't tried to work out timings yet....I just want there to be some sort of challenge side to it, but I guess a few more than 5 days would be OK...can't make it too easy though!

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Get current and retrained before you do anything. If you stick to just basic jumps, you should be OK.
Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
AA #2069 ASA#33 POPS#8808 Swooo 1717

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www.operationfreefall.com It is the info for this year, but probably works the same way every year. Raise $500 and you get a tandem. You could either get a bunch of friends that had that 'I always wanted to try that" attitude and help get them the chance to make that reality for a good cause, or raise money yourself and do a fun jump that day. I raised $2200 this year.


Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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I'm a little confused. Why are you only doing 5 continents? I know Antartica is cold, but what's the other cold one?

Australia- Not cold there
Europe- Never been there, but don't think it's that cold
Africa- Not cold there either
Asia- Some places are cold, but on the same general latitude as Europe
North America- Live here, get's kinda cold in the winter, otherwise pretty nice
South America- South of North America, on the Equator, not cold there either

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You know how you can post something.....and then realise you should have thought it through a little better first......

For some reason I just counted America as one, and the Arctic as another....I have no idea where I got that from! Didn't realise Greenland was part of North America...

OK then, so it's now 6 jumps and 6 continents....

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"For some reason I just counted America as one, and the Arctic as another....I have no idea where I got that from! Didn't realise Greenland was part of North America."

Ok, first, plan better than you post. Other than that, getting current and then maybe seeking the further advice of the DZs you jump at. You're only talking five conventional jumps like the ones you already have, just new scenery. Do what you would do at any visit to another DZ. Look at aerial photos. Familiarize yourself with the area. Maybe - if feasible for your project - make a couple of jumps at each DZ before doing the charity jumps.

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You might work it out like going to South America.. and then with the help of the Chileans..they have trips down to Antarctica.. then you gould get in all 7.


Thanks! All 7 would be good...I just thought it might be a little tricky. I might be able to get to Antarctica, but do they have any DZs? It doesn't really seem like the kind of place that would....?

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Nice idea, but i don't think it's possible to do 5/6/7/ continents in as many days AND get to a dz and make a jump is it?

You would need perfect weather and travelling conditions at every step of the journey i think.

"Skydiving is a door"

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Wow... newbie like me with some grand goal.

I have a goal too....I'm aiming for a deaf skydiving group event this October after I've got 100 jumps. (their posted minimum) If I pass their "training camp" (includes windtunnel training) I might be qualified to go ahead on becoming a part of at least one of the Deaf World Record attempt (Probably something like a 20-way RW out of a single Casa). It's no bigway like a 300-way where you need thousands of jumps of experience, so this is a low enough bar that I can realistically aim for. I have the funds to do so, just barely. I did 33 jumps in about 1.5 months, so I can reach the 100 required by then, maybe even 150 if budget allows, with a really heavy focus on being a safe RW flyer in increasingly bigger formations. Sometimes I'm almost refusing to jump unless someone is available to jump with me. ;)

As a result I'm focussing on RW jumps and not bothering to learn much, if any, freefly this year. (That's for next year.)

I don't know about you, but talk to the best people at your dropzone. And get your jump numbers up with the correct required disciplines. 5 continents is a stretch but if you buy your airplane tickets at the last minute and don't mind flight route changes to adapt to weather forecasts so that you fly to a sunny city instead of a rainy city, that might give some flexibility, assuming you fly to flexible countries with non-restrictive visa requirements. Some of the instructors would warn some high altitude countries will cause you to land harder than you're accustomed to (fly a bigger canopy?).... these little things can all build up. Definitely err on the safe side and talk to many people including those at the dropzone.... Rehearse by going to multiple dropzones in your country to familiarize yourself with unfamiliar dropzones so you adapt more quickly to future unfamiliar dropzones. Etc. Heck, don't even listen to me. Definitely check with the best instructors at your dropzone. They may even say it is unsafe for you to attempt this.

Longer term goals are a great incentive for a newbie as long as they are SAFE and EASY to achieve...and you're ready to cancel if you're not ready...

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If you can get the right publicity for the Dropzones involved you might be able to talk them into picking you up.

I mean, its not that much money to fly a 182 and if you pick your major airport of arival w/in say 1/2 hour flight time via 182 you might be able to talk them into coming over and getting you, taking you to the DZ droping you there and then bringing you back... Or you could pay for it all too if they won't donate the time for charity.

Other than that I say get current before you start trying to rush around making jumps and forget something, have complications, etc, and end up dead or hurt.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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i dont have enough jumps to be giving advice, but i DO have enough international travel experience to tell you that i wouldnt try it. you are going to be so jetlagged and generally just feeling shitty from all the air travel - and a jetlagged/tired/feels like shit skydiver is probably a danger to themselves and others :|
5 continents in 5 days....i feel like ass for 2 days just flying one way from the States to China....B|

As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD...

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If you really want to do this right, get your PRO rating. That way, when the plan is to jump very close to the international airport, and you can get someone to bring an aircraft, you will have the experience to do it safely - including choosing equipment, spotting, dealing with other air traffic, setting up the landing area, briefing the ground crew etc.

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