
canopy course

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didn't follow this particular course, but it's always good to have some coached canopy flight. Just remember, each skydive ends by a landing, so you better be good at it :)
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Yep I did it. Personally I thought it was very informative, but like most things it's the attitude you go into it with that will determine it's value. Go in with an open mind, wanting to learn....and you'll learn a lot.

He'll give a briefing, discuss the dive you're going to to. Then you'll go up and do the dive, along with the tasks for that dive. He'll video the landings, debrief those, and give you your next set of tasks.


Blue skies
Performance Designs Factory Team

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I just did his Basic course a couple weeks ago, my last 3 jumps in fact. Unfortunately it got too windy for me to do the remaining 2 jumps, but next time I get a chance (hopefully tomorrow!) I'll be trying out the tasks I would've done on those jumps.

The first jump in the course there are no tasks, it's just an evaluation of your current skills. He videos the landings, debriefs those and then lectures for 45 minutes to an hour on stuff to consider during the next jump. Jump, land, debrief videos, next lecture, until all 5 jumps are done.

I would recommend taking notes during the lectures to help things stick in your mind and in case you don't get all 5 jumps in. I learned a LOT from Scott and had a lot of fun doing it. Enjoy it!

"Perhaps she saw before her a lifetime of walking on the ruined earth and chose instead a single moment in the air." -Carolyn Parkhurst

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I took his class twice. First when I had landing issues as a new jumper (he fixed them in 3 jumps) and then again when I was going for my D license to help me with accuracy issues I had. If I ever decide to get more aggressive on my canopy flying, I'll take it again. His course is great and very informative, plus he's a cool cat.
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I took his course at 28 jumps. I was having some trouble with my landings. He pointed out several issues with landing mistakes in general. I didn't have circumstance to use a lot that day, and stood all my landings during the eval jumps --Figures!

But, I've stood every landing since. I do Russian Radar differently now... and I practice a variety of canopy situations at high altitude to better experience my canopy.

I plan to take it again... especially when I'm ready to downsize... (i.e. a loooong time from now:)
Dr. "Q" PMS#151Shugah,Shugah,How'd Ya Git So Fly?

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I did my first canopy course with scott @ around jump 30. I highly recommend it! Scott is a wonderful instructor and a great canopy pilot.

Have fun and soak it all up, you'll need it!B|


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I have the utmost respect for scott Miller!What he does is fill in the gaps,which are many.Right now I'm trying to gather some basic info to let some the students(relative newbies)read about square parachutes in general.How they are designed,fly and most important how they are supposed to be landed.

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My gf took the class when she had less jumps that you do now (probably) and learned some invaluable stuff, like the kind of stuff everyone should've learned as a student.

If you ever get a chance, try Brian Germain, he'll bestow fantastic knowledge upon you regardless of how good (you think) you are and how many jumps you have. :>



Hey All,
I just signed up for the Scott Miller canopy class. From the buzz it's a pretty good class for new jumpers. Has anyone done this (stupid question).
Just want know what to expect.

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