
licenced jumpers who signed some of my jumps

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Hi Bill. Actually, I'd be pretty surprised if you remembered me, although I remember you. My name's Frank Preyde, and my sister started jumping at Baldwin in the spring of '66. Her name is Mary Preyde. While I never ended up making that many jumps when I got older for a number of reasons, I hung around quite a bit. As a 14 year old at the time my memories of all that are fairly vivid, but still, filtered through the eyes of a kid. You may or may not recall that Mary was finally grounded because even after corrective surgery, her shoulder kept dislocating during freefall. She even rigged up a system whereby she could reach both toggles with one arm, but the more safety concious people didn't go for it. (frankly, I can see their point)

When I saw this forum I picked the name Al-borak just because it's so totally obscure. I was wondering if anyone would pick up on it.

About Steve, I couldn't remember if it was the 100 or the 200, but after hitting that number, he went on to make 11 or 12 more.

I suppose you're aware that they're jumping at Baldwin again. I went up with my kid this summer to look around. God have things ever changed! I kept expecting old Doc Marshall to come out and start bitching about something or other, or to see Jan Felkowski buzzing the tents. I brought my log book which caused some interst among the younger set, and I even have some old jump tickets from 1977 that the guy said were still good.

I've been thinking maybe of getting back into it, esp. after lurking about here. Seems like people can jump in bunny slippers rather than french boots these days, so I'm a bit less worried about my crappy knee. Still need to get in shape though.

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With only 60 something jumps to my credit, I don't have much room to brag about who has signed my logbook....but I do have BMX guru Mat Hoffman's pen in my book.

I also have a couple of the Mullins kids signatures, not that it's bragging rights, but I like to point out that they put fake license #'s by their pen.

Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

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For anyone who has met Jay, it's easy to understand the reason for your ranking. He is an awesome individual, extremely accomplished in many disciplines and truly great human being. It was an honor being around him while he was conducting training at the dropzone, even though I was simply observing.
One of the surest signs that intelligent life exists in outer space is that none of it has tried to contact us.

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Frank: I remember your sister...but not you. As for throwing a firecracker and putting a hole in your air mattress, that doesnt surprise me. I had lots of things take place with my "firecrackers" which were known as M-80 or H-100 s. They were actually dynamite about the size of a small finger, but did they ever make a noise and do damage.
At the risk of having the moderators throw this posting out, I will tell you of two such dynamitecrackers.

The first was on my way back from several days of jumping for a television series. I was sailing along the northern Ontario highway, a bright sunny afternoon, thinking about the big invoice I was going to mail to the producer when I got home.
Down the road, I see a guy on the opposite shoulder, hitch-hiking towards me in the oncoming traffic with cars few and far between.

Down goes my window, in goes the cigarette lighter, and as I approach this hitch-hiker, the dynamite-cracker is lit and tossed out to land about ten feet behind him as he stands there with his arm and thumb out.

trouble is, the cracker took a couple of extra bounces, and when it exploded, it was directly between his feet .

I looked in my rear mirror, thinking I might have blown his feet off, but he just stood there. I think his pants must have been instantly filled with brown ballast.

I never threw another behind a hitch hiker again....that was just too close for comfort.

Another time, I was living on the 12th floor of an apartment building, and my balcony was facing into a grass area in the center of a ring of buildings like mine.

It was like a miniature Grand Canyon.

I had one M-80 left, so one darkened evening I imbedded it into some plasticine, lit its wick, and threw it well away from my building.
The resulting explosion reverberated off the canyon walls for awhile, and in what seemed like minutes, there were 7 fire trucks and 17 police cars parked around the buildings. Cops swarmed the place with flashlights, but couldnt find the "ground zero"

I always liked things that went bang or boom....I havent had an M-80 or H-100 since that day.

Bill Cole D-41

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i got to fly video of jay taking a parapaligic girl on a tandem wheil he was up at skydive utah, very profesional, very knowlagable, this girl happened to weigh maybe 80 lbs and me with my camera wings could barely stay up with her and jay....severalof my friends have gotten thier tandem rating s from him.... unfortunaly i didn't get his signature inmy log book, but the signatures don't really mean much to me anyways... i'll remeber the jumps much better than who signed my log book for them....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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I've gathered a few "Names" in my logbook in my travels, not alot of "oldtimers" but a few along with some of the more current "names" in our sport...
A couple of months ago I stopped by Archway and made some RW jumps with Lew Sanborn, I enjoyed the priviledge of jumping with this "oldtimer" immensely!
I eagerly asked for Lew to sign my logbook, to me this is a auotgraph from living history
just as Bill Ottley's (no jump, just sig) was. I cannot understate my respect,awe and admiration for these guys and others... They are skydiving...

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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Steve Sutton did 200 jumps in 24 hours, and it was recognized as a record, even recognized by CSPA who is known for NOT recognizing records, especially high altitude that was accepted by the FAI.

Bill Cole D-41

Anyone know if this is the same Steve Sutton that was cutting holes in the bottom of ram-air canopies to improve how they flew back in the mid 70s? He was down to Z-Hills from Canada and did his work in the loft there (I was the site rigger at the time). I'd love to get in touch with him...

Roger "Ramjet" Clark
FB# 271, SCR 3245, SCS 1519

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Bill I don't know you but sure would have liked to in the old days. Your stories cracked me up and reminded me of many of my own. One of the favorite things we did back in the early 60's was hide in the bushes beside the dirt road leading from our drop zone and as a friend drove by we would lob a military smoke grenade in his open front window. It's amazing the odd things a guy will put his car through with a smoke bomb breathing fire and smoke on the front seat.

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Yes....I did lots of those fun and games. You coukld get away with much more in those days than you could now. If anyone did those things now, the swat team would be all over them.

Most of mine involved guns, explosives, or pipe bombs iof all sizes.

We once had an old gun (w w I) and no ammo, so we took .303 bullets and cut them in half and pluggged them with wood dowel.

When they hit a tree target, they made a fantastic "SPLAT" noise that could be heard for a mile.

Someone called the cops, and a game warden came up from another direction. We hid the gun, and walked calmly down theroad. The cop asked us which one of us had the gun

"GUN??, what GUN" we asked him back

Oh its some guy over in the field, and with that the cop drove away.

He met the game warden, and both came back and they were not happy.

"INTO THE CRUISER" we were told. They searched all over, never found the gun, and had to let us go..

We walked away from the cop and warden laughing out loud.

They Knew it had been us..but no proof.

Bill Cole

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