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I merely come to you as a messenger, not a profit.

Freudian slip, perhaps?

From dictionary.com

1. An advantageous gain or return; benefit.
2. The return received on a business undertaking after all operating expenses have been met.
1. The return received on an investment after all charges have been paid. Often used in the plural.
2. The rate of increase in the net worth of a business enterprise in a given accounting period.
3. Income received from investments or property.
4. The amount received for a commodity or service in excess of the original cost.

1. A person who speaks by divine inspiration or as the interpreter through whom the will of a god is expressed.
2. A person gifted with profound moral insight and exceptional powers of expression.
3. A predictor; a soothsayer.
4. The chief spokesperson of a movement or cause.

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so you can make the case that non-USPA DZs are better for jumpers. <<<<<

There are already plenty of thoes, just probably don't know about it cause, they will never be mentioned in Parachutist. Never be able to hold a rating course because of the heavy fees the USPA places on course directors for holding courses at these DZ. And ofcourse never have a picture published from that DZ. But the thing that is most amazing about these Non-group member DZ's.....they require instructors and jumper to show proof of license and membership.;)

Someone dies, someone says how stupid, someone says it was avoidable, someone says how to avoid it, someone calls them an idiot, someone proposes rule chan

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There are already plenty of thoes, just probably don't know about it

I'm well aware of non-USPA DZs. I've jumped at Lodi. It is a great example of a successful (at least from my outsider's perspective, it seems to be doing well as a business) non-USPA DZ and it exists not all that far from large, successful USPA DZs. UntamedDOG seems convinced that's the way to go and that USPA DZs don't have jumpers' interests in mind. That's why I made the suggestion to him that he get out there and do it better. But I suspect he'd rather rant.

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I would like to officially denounce the United States Parachute Association.

Skydivers and dropzones should not belong to the same governing organization. It is a conflict of interest.

The USPA makes absolutely no sense. Skydivers interests and needs are totally different than that of a dropzone. How can one organization effectively represent two contrariant sides? Why on earth would skydivers want to belong to the same organization that collaborates and supports DZO’s?

You may not have thought through what would fill the vacuum left by a dismantled USPA. Like, say, the FAA.

The USPA, while not perfect, is a great example of an organization that enables us to have a largely unregulated sport. Sure, the FAA sets some basic, sensible rules about reserves, who can pack them, flight operations and airspace, but they're largely uninvolved in the day-to-day operations of most DZs.

Now, if the USPA weren't there, could you imagine a bunch of FAA folks at the DZ every weekend ? Issuing tickets for "unsafe activities" when they saw a swoop ? Taking jumpers and pilots to court because they thought they saw someone punch some industrial haze ?

Now, my suggestion is that if you're convinced the USPA is badly organized and run, then run for office in the organization. Go for it. Effect change!

Read the posts about Don Yahrling if you'd like to see what an involved, no-nonsense guy said about this kind of stuff.

If you've got real solutions then, heaven help us, most of us'll listen.

But just crying "Tear it all down" is, ummm, not productive.

Yer pal,


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But the thing that is most amazing about these Non-group member DZ's.....they require instructors and jumper to show proof of license and membership.

Yes, I have seen this before. Perhaps a passive aggressive tendency to belong?

Please! The DZ gets a commission for every member they sign up.

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Skydivers interests and needs are totally different than that of a dropzone.

In what way? They have intertwined interests.

DZs want to fly skydivers. Skydivers need a ride.

After 9/11, all the planes were grounded. The USPA was contacting people in Washington.

Individual skydivers don't know who to contact.
How many tried? They waited for the USPA to.


collaborates and supports DZO’s?

"Collaborates" as such a negative connotation.
What negative activity is this secret DZO society accomplishing? Are they stopping us from skydiving? I don't see that as in their interest.

I see a post with a lot of innuendo, but no actual points to be addressed. Could you list some of the issues that the DZO/USPA relationship is creating?

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Safety issues, ticket price issues, student programs, gear rental prices, facilities on the dropzone, aircraft maintenance issues….the list goes on and on. Jumpers don’t always agree with DZO’s on these topics yet they are forced to belong to the same governing body.

Ah yes, DZO want to make skydiving unsafe. They charge experienced jumper an extra buck above thier costs (those bastards) They spend thousand on gear and maintenance and give the use away for free. And finally, they try to keep the plane flying without going bankrupt.

Your points are specicious at best and weak at worst. Did some DZ policy piss you off and now you hate DZOs? Did you get bumped from a load so that a tandem could go up? Did a DZO tell you your canopy was too small?

Dzs and jumpers have to work together not be in an adversarial situation. (a few specific dzs aside) Most DZOs sacrifice alot to provide a place to jump becuase they love the sport and are often met with resentment from the jumpers they are providing jumps at near cost.

Look, we are not living in a Dickensian London. Its a DZ, not a sweatshop. We are all in it together, why shouldn't everyone fall under the same body?
I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.

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like any governing body the uspa is going to piss some people off. You cant make everybody happy.

Why get rid of the uspa? If you dont want to be affiliated with them.. then dont be. Do your thing.. Just like the DZ that is affiliated with the USPA will be doing his thing when he tells you that you cant jump there without a USPA membership.

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Now, if the USPA weren't there, could you imagine a bunch of FAA folks at the DZ every weekend ?

The FAA already governs us. When farmer McNasty complains about a dropzone, who do they call? The USPA or the FAA.

Heh. You have no idea how bad it can get with small-minded bureaucrats.

I'd suggest that you look up what happened to Bob Hoover, an unmatched aerobatic pilot and authentic hero when a couple of FAA bureaucrats decided to flex some muscle. I'm sure there's an account you can read on Google somewhere.

Again, I'm not saying you may not have a legitimate gripe -- I'm just saying you may not like the alternative.

I like your passion. So, run for regional director ( or whatever it's called ). Give 'em hell !


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Although your posts seem to be inteligent. Why is it you have this thing so bad against skydivers?
Seriously dude, either give up the sport or identify yourself. Why do you hide behind this screen name?
does anyone know who this guy is?

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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I win?
Sounds like something a child might say after a game of battleship... Not a personal attack, just an obversation...

From the grave, Don is inviting you to voice your opinion at the next BOD - Copy Pasted from the following post.

(Concerning your complaints about the leadership in skydiving)
Re: USPA- perhaps there’s an echo in here. Now that you’ve vented, I’ll send along a bill for ‘Misc. Consultation”- we all have our figurative crosses to bear. I’ll deal with mine, you deal with yours.
There was a BOD Meeting last week- didn’t see your name on the agenda. Perhaps next time, assuming that you’re RD can’t convey your concerns directly to USPA.
I’m still here, as always, willing to listen, intolerant of error.
S’long for now,

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does anyone know who this guy is?

There used to be a guy on Wreck-Dot who griped about the USPA constantly. He was one of the primary reasons that it died.

He didn't actually care about skydivers at all. He just liked to troll and piss people off. The choice of topics and lack of specifics are similar.

Fortunately, people here are a little too wise for all that.

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I remember this kid I grew up with. When he got mad and started to cry he'd say "***sniff....You guys suck....*sniff* ....I'm going home" Then he'd take his toys and leave.

By the way .... What facts????????
Do you need a tissue?
I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.

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True,,,What baffles me its like every post he/she does is sooo negative..If you hate the sport so much then get out of it. Just like bitching about mcdonalds yet every week-end you go and buy a big mac...lol
What always cracks me up about these people is no-one really knows them!!
Why hide behind a screen..If i have a gripe i would rather people know me wouldnt you:S

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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Why are you indigenous earth mammals still posting?

Did you not understand when the big boss proclaimed "This thread is done"?

Because "We don’t want to be ruled but we subconsciously want to be dominated." Now that he's gone, there is no one here to dominate us. Therefore we run aimless... :D

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Well lets keep it goiing then!

Anyone got positive things to say about the USPA?

I'm pretty new to the sport, so I guess I haven't had time to build up the grudges that others seem to have against the organization. Yeah, Parachutist can be a little stale, even having read just over a dozen issues, I can tell that.

But I'm usually one to try to effect change from within an organization; I always feel like I can't whine about it if I haven't tried to do something about it. I suppose if the time comes that I *do* have serious problems with the USPA, I'll act. My regional director's at a DZ right down the road; I don't have any reason to believe she wouldn't be accessible and helpful if I did have a concern.

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At present, the USPA has a monopoly with memberships etc etc etc They do do a shit load for us.. Only thing i don't like about the USPA is their coach rating..I think its full of shit.. I know of a few jumpers that have that rating yet cannot fly worth of shit...But that is just a small issue.
Apart from that i think they do a great job. oh yes another problem...If you leave a message they normally take about a month to get back with ya fter leaving 8-10 messages...lol

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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